Biden had no authority at all to hold classified documents at his home or his other places

From the EO, biden had no authority to have that classified info. That doesn't even account for the classified stuff he stole and took to his garage.
It's been proven.
There is no question that Biden broke the law by stealing classified documents while Senator and arguably while VP but of course he is such a nice elderly old man with mental issues that he will not be prosecuted.

Trump, on the other hand, may be elderly but he is a really nasty, rich man who is a combination rebirth of Hitler, Stalin and Genghis Khan. He absolutely MUST be prosecuted and convicted as soon as possible to make damn sure he doesn’t do serious damage to the D.C. Swamp and the creatures that live in it.

Therefore we need multiple rules of law. One for high level Democratic politicians like Joe Biden and a much stricter one for outsiders like Trump and his supporters.

All hail our wonderful banana republic and the Democrats who rule it.

Is it my poor avatar, or do others also perceive that earnest poster Laugh@Lft is trying too hard?

Is he just making up stuff in his strident desire to participate in these discussions?

I, for one, have not heard nor read any such report as striving poster Laugh@ has apparently imagined about what Hur wrote in his report.
Why do you shield Biden?
Larry Kudlow is an ECONOMICS talking head.

He has no more authority or gravitas on this than you or I.

And oh yea, he just last week admitted that he has been WRONG on the economy for years now.

That the economy is doing really well.

So taking his OPINION on a subject he knows little about is stupid

And apparently taking his opinion on the subject he is supposedly an expert on isn’t real smart either
Biden has no positive bearing on the economy. Perhaps you think all the CEOS and executives at firms simply wait on Biden. But they do not wait on the feeble minded Biden.
I know about Kudlow. But compared to you, he is a fountain of good information.
It granted him original classification authority. Do you have trouble reading?

Read something on the subject.

Does it logically even make sense that the Sec of Transportation could unilaterally just declassify something the NSA or CIA classified? Of course not.
The EO granted Biden the same authority as that of Obama. You know that.

Also you know that Hur said no charges.

This is over but the yelling.

Is it my poor avatar, or do others also perceive that earnest poster Laugh@Lft is trying too hard?

Is he just making up stuff in his strident desire to participate in these discussions?

I, for one, have not heard nor read any such report as striving poster Laugh@ has apparently imagined about what Hur wrote in his report.
Laugh@left is discussing Biden. You have changed the topic to other posters. And did a fair share of complaining. At least the poster you cite was discussing the topic.
Trump took ALL of his presidential records instead of turning them over to the National Archives, which brought attention to Trump.

the National Archives for a year after Trump left office requested their return.

in the end of January 2022, Trump finally returned 15 cases of his presidential records.

in February when traffickers began sorting through them to organize for any research or FOIA records requests, found top secret documents mixed in with the Trump presidential records.

NARA protocol was to let the FBI know when classified information is found....

From that point on the FBI was involved in trying to retrieve any other top secret documents Trump may have brought with him.
You must therefore truly be angry with Biden since he held onto Classified documents for far longer than did Trump. Presidents do not move themselves when they leave office. A staff of workers collects things and boxes them up. Even Biden had staff box up documents that for years and years, he held onto in his garage of all places. Trump and he have secret service protecting them and their property. But the question for Biden is why did he wait so many years to learn he did this and turn over documents as was requested by Trump only in Trumps case it was a lot shorter time.
Biden has no positive bearing on the economy. Perhaps you think all the CEOS and executives at firms simply wait on Biden. But they do not wait on the feeble minded Biden.
I know about Kudlow. But compared to you, he is a fountain of good information.
And yet you’d blame Biden for the economy were it bad

Hypocrite much?
Ask General Pretaeus what happens when he took classified documents home.

Of course Potatohead's corrupt Justice Department ain't gonna do jackshit about Potatohead's crimes, are they?

Thus is life as usual in the Leftest Banana Republic of America.
No one does, not even our presidents.

But fyi, under Obama, through executive order, the vp (Biden) was given the same classifying and declassifying power as the president....
But, Biden had classified documents from when he was a senator.
The Brennan Center discloses how they favor Democrats on the classified documents cases of Hillary and later Trump.

Here is how they defended Hillary and you can bet it is how they defend Biden. Clearly they have the two tiered justice system.

The Sec of State cant declassify a document or information which was classified by the DOE. But they can petition for it to be and if the DOE says no the President can override that decision the VP cant.
From what I read in the president's executive order, there is a Board of experts, who settles those disputes between departments on declassification.... Not the president
The Brennan Center discloses how they favor Democrats on the classified documents cases of Hillary and later Trump.

Here is how they defended Hillary and you can bet it is how they defend Biden. Clearly they have the two tiered justice system.

Excellent article! Ty!
From what I read in the president's executive order, there is a Board of experts, who settles those disputes between departments on declassification.... Not the president
They make recommendations not decisions. The President makes final decisions. He would be wise to follow those recommendations most of the time but he’s under no requirement to do so.

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