Biden / Harris running blacks off the Dem plantation?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
How could that be? Why would black folks finally break out of their Dem shackles while on the watch of the most ’diverse’ administration in our nations history…one that cries “white supremacy” and “systemic racism” every chance they get?
Are blacks finally pissed off over being run out of their jobs and neighborhoods by the Dems shiny new toy….ILLEGAL MEXICANS?
Are they growing tired of the lies and deceit?
How could that be? Why would black folks finally break out of their Dem shackles while on the watch of the most ’diverse’ administration in our nations history…one that cries “white supremacy” and “systemic racism” every chance they get?
Are blacks finally pissed off over being run out of their jobs and neighborhoods by the Dems shiny new toy….ILLEGAL MEXICANS?
Are they growing tired of the lies and deceit?
The Dims simply use bribes to buy votes.
They offer reparations, paying off student loans, welfare, and other free handouts to folks with no principles just to get their votes.
The great Iron Mike Tyson is a Trumpster, so that certainly is true.

Real men get behind one of their own, Hulk Hogan is a supporter of The Donald as well- to repay Trump's support when Hogan was battling Andre the Giant.
How could that be? Why would black folks finally break out of their Dem shackles while on the watch of the most ’diverse’ administration in our nations history…one that cries “white supremacy” and “systemic racism” every chance they get?
Are blacks finally pissed off over being run out of their jobs and neighborhoods by the Dems shiny new toy….ILLEGAL MEXICANS?
Are they growing tired of the lies and deceit?

The root problem is you're dealing with systemic ignorance and an eternal embracement of victim mentality by most Democrat voters.
So their emotions will always lead them by the nose, even to their own demise.
For those fools I see no change on the horizon.

Additionally, the Left "leadership" has indoctrinated an entire generation of white fools who willingly hate their own race.
Overall, I stand firm in my belief that real change will only come about after everyone has lost everything and has nothing....not even food.
Only after Americans suffer true hunger, true despair and doing without will this spoiled rotten society wise up.
How could that be? Why would black folks finally break out of their Dem shackles while on the watch of the most ’diverse’ administration in our nations history…one that cries “white supremacy” and “systemic racism” every chance they get?
Are blacks finally pissed off over being run out of their jobs and neighborhoods by the Dems shiny new toy….ILLEGAL MEXICANS?
Are they growing tired of the lies and deceit?
Here we go again. :heehee:
The Dims simply use bribes to buy votes.
They offer reparations, paying off student loans, welfare, and other free handouts to folks with no principles just to get their votes.
Black voters love the GOP for calling them stupid.
The only black voters the GOP calls stupid.....Are the STUPID ONES.

Even Chris Rock (A BLACK MAN) knows that there is an entire class of really stupid, savage blacks.
Oh...statistics show it too.

So your mentality is a bit.....stupid. Maybe that's why you and your friends get called stupid. (Cause you are)
Embrace your racism and victim's all you'll ever have.
The more educated blacks are rejecting the Democrat party.
I think even the dead enders in the ghettos are beginning to twig to the fact that "their" welfare benefits are being given to illegals. They seem a little pissed...
Back in the day plantations were run by white dem males for profit.

Today the dem plantation is run by (mostly) white leftist Ivy League elitists, useful idiot women/ sexual deviant nut-jobs (who all think they are better than anyone else, just ask them) for votes and profit.

Tater might have been on to something about white supremacy being the greatest danger to our country. He should look inward for the enemies of the Republic....He has surrounded himself with them.
Murderous Fraud Vax mandates
The Border
Trans Surgery
Men swimming against women in actual women swimming events

You think blacks support that?

More and more blacks also have figured out homO and Michael Robinson are sick perverted liars who do not represent their views at all...
The more educated blacks are rejecting the Democrat party.
Unfortunately, I have to disagree.
I live in educated, mostly black PG County, MD. The median income is 30% higher than the national average, it is 88% non-white and 90% vote democrat, including most of the whites.
How could that be? Why would black folks finally break out of their Dem shackles while on the watch of the most ’diverse’ administration in our nations history…one that cries “white supremacy” and “systemic racism” every chance they get?
Are blacks finally pissed off over being run out of their jobs and neighborhoods by the Dems shiny new toy….ILLEGAL MEXICANS?
Are they growing tired of the lies and deceit?
unlike what the dems say about whites afraid of being replaced its blacks that are being replaced ... blacks are no longer the largest minority in the country .
How could that be? Why would black folks finally break out of their Dem shackles while on the watch of the most ’diverse’ administration in our nations history…one that cries “white supremacy” and “systemic racism” every chance they get?
Are blacks finally pissed off over being run out of their jobs and neighborhoods by the Dems shiny new toy….ILLEGAL MEXICANS?
Are they growing tired of the lies and deceit?
There is no such thing as an illegal person.
Do you stoke your FEELZ when you say such ignorant shit?
You do know a lot about ignorance! Let me guess, you're a MAGA mother-fucker? A group more stupid than the Tea Party. I would think twice before saying nonsense like that, ya big dummy!

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