Biden-Harris Ticket Has Allowed China To Destroy America


Diamond Member
Jan 30, 2024
The Biden-Harris ticket has been so horrible for America that China is now taking over America. In crisis, America is now sending one delegate after another to China because America is in trouble and weak. Janet Yellen runs to China in April 2024, and again July 2024. Anthony Blinken running to China in April 2024, and again in June 2024.

In China, Blinken Tries to Fix the Unfixable​

APRIL 25, 2024 1:30 AM EDT

Yellen Faces a Diplomatic Test in Her High-Stakes Visit to China​

The Treasury secretary will need to defend export controls and tariffs while explaining that the United States does not aim to harm China’s economy

Blinken travels to China amid low expectations and global worries of a new cold war​

JUNE 16, 202312:55 PM ET

whatever China is up to in their takeover... several diplomats from several countries have bee running over to China in 2023. Now in 2024, American dignitaries keep running over to China as if America is big trouble.

Since late March, the list of international dignitaries visiting China has included the national leaders of Singapore, Malaysia, Spain, France, Brazil and Gabon, plus leaders of international organizations, including the IMF managing director, European Commission president and ASEAN secretary-general. Other high-level government officials came, too — the foreign ministers of Saudi Arabia, Iran, Japan, New Zealand, Honduras and Equatorial Guinea. In fact, the Saudi and Iranian FMs visited Beijing twice in one month.

It may simply be a natural rebound after three years of the COVID-19 pandemic. But from the perspective of international politics and Chinese diplomacy, the following four factors may explain the phenomenon better:

• changes in the international order;

• countries’ emphasis on diplomatic autonomy;

• different countries’ needs for pragmatic cooperation with China;

• growing Chinese diplomatic influence against the backdrop of “dual circulation.”
The Biden-Harris ticket has been so horrible for America that China is now taking over America. In crisis, America is now sending one delegate after another to China because America is in trouble and weak. Janet Yellen runs to China in April 2024, and again July 2024. Anthony Blinken running to China in April 2024, and again in June 2024.

In China, Blinken Tries to Fix the Unfixable​

APRIL 25, 2024 1:30 AM EDT

Yellen Faces a Diplomatic Test in Her High-Stakes Visit to China​

The Treasury secretary will need to defend export controls and tariffs while explaining that the United States does not aim to harm China’s economy

Blinken travels to China amid low expectations and global worries of a new cold war​

JUNE 16, 202312:55 PM ET

The post, makes you sound like a MAGA nutter. A casual glance around at the country, the economy (compared to any other heavily industrialized economy) shows a great nation, doing better than virtually all, including China.
America is like the dumb nation. Under Biden no foreign leaders come to America. Biden-Harris are weak-too weak.

America better be glad Benjamin Netenyahu still comes to America to give it some street credit, no one else will come.
The post, makes you sound like a MAGA nutter. A casual glance around at the country, the economy (compared to any other heavily industrialized economy) shows a great nation, doing better than virtually all, including China.
ok so I'm glad you went there. America is really bankrupt and the citizens of America might do well to take their eyes off the market, economy, etc... and focus on what's going on overseas.

Some times what we see is not what we know. We see the market and we know nothing about the international workings of the economy. Peep this...

Will US become bankrupt and dollar's value fall? Why has Elon Musk said, “America is going bankrupt?” Details here
Last Updated: 24 July, 2024 01:06 AM -5 GMT

Billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk has once again dropped a bombshell. Now he has claimed on social media that “America is going bankrupt.” Though the SpaceX CEO has made this comment sarcastically, he may not mean it in a real sense. He took to social media platform X to reply to Dogecoin co-founder Billy Markus, who had sarcastically commented about his tax dollars funding government
Elon Musk is not looking at the market nor is he looking this bank account he is speaking what he knows about the international workings of the economy.

Musk is saying the ship is sinking. I'm nothing going to do down with you all, but I want you all to know it's sinking. I'm actually "Billionaire Enough (bold)" to warn the little people.
ok so I'm glad you went there. America is really bankrupt and the citizens of America might do well to take their eyes off the market, economy, etc... and focus on what's going on overseas.

Some times what we see is not what we know. We see the market and we know nothing about the international workings of the economy. Peep this...

Will US become bankrupt and dollar's value fall? Why has Elon Musk said, “America is going bankrupt?” Details here
Last Updated: 24 July, 2024 01:06 AM -5 GMT

Billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk has once again dropped a bombshell. Now he has claimed on social media that “America is going bankrupt.” Though the SpaceX CEO has made this comment sarcastically, he may not mean it in a real sense. He took to social media platform X to reply to Dogecoin co-founder Billy Markus, who had sarcastically commented about his tax dollars funding government
Wrong. Try reading on other countries, other economies. The United States is obviously a great nation of the world, has been since WWII, has only gotten greater and will continue. This is the problem with the whole Trump anti-American message. He does not think we are a great nation, and preaches it, and MAGA nutters pick it up and believe it. Yet, we keep surpassing any other major nation on earth. Good luck with your GED studies.
They dress Harris up in a suit and people think all is well. :nono:

If the democrat White House is running back and forth to Chine like crazy (media won't speak about it) one would have to be dumb and dumber not to know something bad is on the horizon, or already taking place.

Elon Musk is like don't show me that stupid market tell me what's really going on. That market can crash in one day. Elon Musk has enough money to buy the truth of the matter.
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Wrong. Try reading on other countries, other economies. The United States is obviously a great nation of the world, has been since WWII, has only gotten greater and will continue. This is the problem with the whole Trump anti-American message. He does not think we are a great nation, and preaches it, and MAGA nutters pick it up and believe it. Yet, we keep surpassing any other major nation on earth. Good luck with your GED studies.
Trump always speaks about America being great. He wouldn't say make it great again if it was not great at some point.
Prior to Biden, Defeatists predicted Chinas economy would soon overtake the US

Under Bidenomics, The US has the strongest economy in the world while China is struggling


Because America is focused on higher education and ensuring American higher learning institutions focus on producing the very best engineers and scientists on the planet.....while in China Diversity Equity and Inclusion (DEI) is all that matters

F'n propaganda queens.
Wrong. Try reading on other countries, other economies. The United States is obviously a great nation of the world, has been since WWII, has only gotten greater and will continue. This is the problem with the whole Trump anti-American message. He does not think we are a great nation, and preaches it, and MAGA nutters pick it up and believe it. Yet, we keep surpassing any other major nation on earth. Good luck with your GED studies.

African American citizens are actually getting VERY fed up with this kind of Leftist propaganda. The Democrat infrastructure has been dangling carrots in front of them for 100 years now and all democrats have delivered to them is Welfare and fatherless homes. Fortunately, many African Americans saw through it and made something of themselves and their lives despite the BS CNN hammers you people with day in and day out. Maybe get out of your bubble and go to some of the areas where average Americans are struggling and see reality for a change.

Besides, if what you said is true, you just made the case for MAGA policies since we are coasting off of 200 years of those solidly in place and the decline today is due to Leftist, Anti-Maga polices.
Choosing surgeons or scientists to lead simply because they are the right color and sexual orientation with little if any regard to their actual qualifications is why Boeing is in trouble and why ALL of America in in deep shit.

What are you anyway? Some kind of Chinese propaganda specialist sitting in Bejing?
Because it's hard to believe anyone can actually be THAT ignorant.
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They dress Harris up in a suit and people think all is well. :nono:

If the democrat White House is running back and forth to Chine like crazy (media won't speak about it) one would have to be dumb and dumber not to know something bad is on the horizon, or already taking place.

Elon Musk is like don't show me that stupid market tell me what's really going on. That market can crash in one day. Elon Musk has enough money to buy the truth of the matter.
Yes, we increased tariffs on China under Biden and called for an economic boycott of intellectual materials.
African American citizens are actually getting VERY fed up with this kind of Leftist propaganda. Despite the BS CNN hammers you people with day in and day out. Maybe get out of your bubble and go to some of the areas where average Americans are struggling and see reality for a change.

Besides, if what you said is true, you just made the case for MAGA policies since we are coasting off of 200 years of those solidly in place and the decline today is due to Leftist, Anti-Maga polices.
Choosing surgeons or scientists to lead simply because they are the right color and sexual orientation with little if any regard to their actual qualifications is why Boeing is in trouble and why ALL of America in in deep shit.

When have Americans never struggled?
Trump always speaks about America being great. He wouldn't say make it great again if it was not great at some point.
No. He speaks of making it great again, as if it were not. His message to MAGA is the sold on this basis, in his runs for president, and always has been. There is no basis for validity of his message in fact. He repeatedly sells it to manipulate the emotions of the weak and insecure, that do not analyze for themselves. Using it, he creates "FAKE NEWS" and then accuses other of fake news. It is laughable.
African American citizens are actually getting VERY fed up with this kind of Leftist propaganda. The Democrat infrastructure has been dangling carrots in front of them for 100 years now and all democrats have delivered to them is Welfare and fatherless homes. Fortunately, many African Americans saw through it and made something of themselves and their lives despite the BS CNN hammers you people with day in and day out. Maybe get out of your bubble and go to some of the areas where average Americans are struggling and see reality for a change.

Besides, if what you said is true, you just made the case for MAGA policies since we are coasting off of 200 years of those solidly in place and the decline today is due to Leftist, Anti-Maga polices.
Choosing surgeons or scientists to lead simply because they are the right color and sexual orientation with little if any regard to their actual qualifications is why Boeing is in trouble and why ALL of America in in deep shit.

What are you anyway? Some kind of Chinese propaganda specialist sitting in Bejing?
Because it's hard to believe anyone can actually be THAT ignorant.
You are right

Detroit pastor slams 'identity politics' as Kamala Harris becomes presumptive Democratic nominee​

'I understand there are allegiances there, but sometimes that can be misguided,' Pastor Lorenzo Sewell told a local news outlet​

Published July 25, 2024 7:40am EDT

Pastor Lorenzo Sewell: Democrats have 'hijacked us' and we're 'coming back home'

Pastor Lorenzo Sewell reveals why he chose to speak at the Republican National Convention on 'The Ingraham Angle.'

MILWAUKEE, Wis. (CBS DETROIT) - Detroit senior pastor Lorenzo Sewell spoke at the Republican National Convention Thursday a month after former President Donald Trump visited Sewell's 180 Church.

Sewell was one of several speakers on the last day of the convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. He spoke about Trump visiting the church and the assassination attempt over the weekend in Pennsylvania. He admitted that many did not agree with his stance to rally for Trump and were even upset with him hosting the former president last month.

Days before the convention, Sewell spoke with CBS News Detroit, saying there is no room for an attack like the incident in Pennsylvania Saturday night.

"So often in our communities, tragedy has become normal," Sewell said.

He added, "I had a connection with the president. I was shot when I was 11 years old. We had 20 people shot in the city of Detroit just last weekend. Most of my parishioners are Democrats; I completely understand that. But I'm grateful that our church is a church where you can lay down your cultural identifiers, and we all come into unity when it comes to one nation under God."
If you want a single number to capture America’s economic stature, here it is: This year, the U.S. will account for 26.3% of the global gross domestic product, the highest in almost two decades.

Wall street urinal. Wall Street.....Yeah, that's a place where Mainstreet America gets a fair shot. <sarc>
Unless you have insider information like Nancy Pelosi and gang, good luck. You'll need it.

Oh sure...they'll let you in the game and let you "win" a little to reel you in.
But the vast majority of any profits goes into selected deep pockets.

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