Biden has more S&P records than Trump. Trump also had 3 million fewer jobs than when he started

**** Trump also had 3 million fewer jobs than when he started​

I seem to recall something about a “pandemic?”
Also, somehow the VA knew to be proactive enough in mid-Feb to start a 6 week project to turn a unit into a negative pressure area for treating COVID patients.
Again if you are telling the truth you have my respect and you should have been potus. What more would you like me to say?
So you would have shut down the economy and the super bowl with zero US deaths? Yes or no? You keep dodging my question.
South by Southwest Is Canceled as Coronavirus Fears Scuttle

Mar 10, 2020 — The 34th annual edition of South by Southwest, the sprawling festival of music, technology and film in Austin, Texas,

Others took it seriously, instead of listening to Trumps lies that it wasn't a problem.
South by Southwest Is Canceled as Coronavirus Fears Scuttle

Mar 10, 2020 — The 34th annual edition of South by Southwest, the sprawling festival of music, technology and film in Austin, Texas,

Others took it seriously, instead of listening to Trumps lies that it wasn't a problem.
March 10th. And? You wanted the shut down in January. By March 14th we were shut down in Boston. Not following your illogic.
Again if you are telling the truth you have my respect and you should have been potus. What more would you like me to say?

It was not my idea for the VA to make that negative pressure area, it was the idea of the people that knew how bad things were going to be but lied to us about them for another know those people you will defend till your dying breath.
Same lie that I have already debunked.
Nope, Trump continued to lie that the virus wasn't a problem. in February.

On February 26, President Trump boasted “You have 15 people, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero.
It is not bad overall just for me as I want them as low as possible. Why do you want them to be high? Are you cashing out soon? Explain yourself.

Trump gains were bad for me but good for my parents. The stock market is borderline irrelevant to me until I am ready to retire. What I did like was that my expenses were lower under Trump and my compensation was higher.
And I'm sure you were saying all the time how bad the stock market going up was bad under Trump. Totally sure. Right. Definitely.

You claimed you didn't say "bad". That was hilariously a lie.

I guess you don't understand the concept of compound interest. It's a financial term they probably taught you. Maybe you forgot that.
It was not my idea for the VA to make that negative pressure area, it was the idea of the people that knew how bad things were going to be but lied to us about them for another know those people you will defend till your dying breath.
What people? I was One of those who said we should not have shut down at all. I stand by that statement. Sweden model.
They were ready cause of the Bird Flu so they had it set up. If you're that smart and proactive you have my respect and you should have been POTUS.
We used to be ready because of H1N1. But Trump shut down the white house office that Obama put in place to handle the next global pandemic. Trump transferred it out of the white house, and merged it with a group concerned with nukes and not germs.
And I'm sure you were saying all the time how bad the stock market going up was bad under Trump. Totally sure. Right. Definitely.

You claimed you didn't say "bad". That was hilariously a lie.

I guess you don't understand the concept of compound interest. It's a financial term they probably taught you. Maybe you forgot that.
Find the posts then to back up your claims. Compound interest doesn’t pertain to stocks lol. What are you talking about?
We used to be ready because of H1N1. But Trump shut down the white house office that Obama put in place to handle the next global pandemic. Trump transferred it out of the white house, and merged it with a group concerned with nukes and not germs.
We actually weren’t. Obama got lucky it wasn’t as contagious or deadly as COVID19. Again you keep making dumb statements without links. You have zero cred. Go stalk someone else
We actually weren’t. Obama got lucky it wasn’t as contagious or deadly as COVID19. Again you keep making dumb statements without links. You have zero cred. Go stalk someone else
Meager gene has never seen a fact he gives a rat’s ass about. He is here merely to beat a drum not honestly debate. Honesty is simply not something he cares at all about.

I guess you don't really understand how to save for retirement.
You just doubled down on your stupidity. Equities don’t work same as dollars. They don’t compound unless you cash out. What are you talking about? Why would you cash out unless you have a liquidity event? And you can’t cash out your retirement funds without a penalty.

Nothing like sending billions after billions to enrich business owners.
You are against PPP now? That was a bipartisan approved initiative. It’s fine if you’re against it but explain why. Without it 90% of all gyms and non franchise restaurants would have shut down for good.
You just doubled down on your stupidity. Equities don’t work same as dollars. They don’t compound unless you cash out. What are you talking about? Why would you cash out unless you have a liquidity event? And you can’t cash out your retirement funds without a penalty.
No, you're playing idiotic games. You're bending reality to make an argument that the stock market going up is bad when everyone with two brain cells to rub together know you're an idiot.

For starters, people do cash out equities and buy other equities. Mutual funds do it all the time. Active managers do it.

Two, the whole point of investing in the market is so that you can have those investments grow with the market.
You are against PPP now? That was a bipartisan approved initiative. It’s fine if you’re against it but explain why. Without it 90% of all gyms and non franchise restaurants would have shut down for good.
I'm against the fact that a LOT of the PPP was a total waste.

It shoveled money into many businesses that didn't need it.

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