Biden has more S&P records than Trump. Trump also had 3 million fewer jobs than when he started

It's all in the public record.

NSC Directorate for Global Health Security and Biodefense

Established in 2014, the Directorate was responsible for monitoring global health risks, including disease outbreaks, and coordinating the federal government's ...
Link please. Thank you.
We used to be ready because of H1N1. But Trump shut down the white house office that Obama put in place to handle the next global pandemic. Trump transferred it out of the white house, and merged it with a group concerned with nukes and not germs.
But Trump shut down the white house office that Obama put in place to handle the next global pandemic.

Once again with the same bullshit lies. I already proved you to be a lying sack of dogshit on this lie in this thread. Can you try a post that isn't 100% lies?
Trump downsized and moved the operation that Obama put in place to handle global pandemics from the west wing, to the pentagon. Merging it with an office more concerned with nukes than with pandemics.
So you admit you are a lying sack by claiming he did away with them.

I said downsized, moved and merged.

You're acting like a complete a-hole, claiming I said eliminated. Read what I posted again and learn to read english.
Read a history book. Everything I said is a matter of public record. Stop living on the de-nile river.
It is not sufficient to read history books, meager. One must understand what one reads. And then speak honestly. You don’t grasp much and you lie like a rug.

Also, it doesn’t help than you’re as dumb as a brick. Your words are often unintelligible: like President Brandon speaking off-prompter.
I said downsized, moved and merged.

You're acting like a complete a-hole, claiming I said eliminated. Read what I posted again and learn to read english.
Your story is changing. You said he did away with it.

Your are a liar.
So you cannot dispute what I say so you lash out. Too funny
I've disputed it.

If the market doesn't grow, you'll never retire. The entire point of investing in the market is to have it grow.

And now here it is growing and you pretend like it's bad because your reality is so distorted.
I've disputed it.

If the market doesn't grow, you'll never retire. The entire point of investing in the market is to have it grow.

And now here it is growing and you pretend like it's bad because your reality is so distorted.
Huh? I never Said I do not want it to never grow I said if it is low now it benefits me as I am 30 yrs from retirement. My parents benefit now. What part of that confuses you? I dollar cost average so for me where the market is well it’s not a huge deal but underlying factors are.
That's a lie. It was written by Senate Republicans who excluded Democrats.

You really should read your own links................

The bill still needs to be negotiated with Senate Democrats, which McConnell said would happen Friday.
It's all in the public record.

NSC Directorate for Global Health Security and Biodefense

Established in 2014, the Directorate was responsible for monitoring global health risks, including disease outbreaks, and coordinating the federal government's ...
Link please. Thank you.
Put what I posted into google, you know that search engine thingy, and you'll get all the links you could ever ask for. And you can then pick which one you trust and want to click on. Since you're constantly complaining the links posted aren't credible.

So I told you how to get a credible link, just cut, paste, click.
Put what I posted into google, you know that search engine thingy, and you'll get all the links you could ever ask for. And you can then pick which one you trust and want to click on. Since you're constantly complaining the links posted aren't credible.

So I told you how to get a credible link, just cut, paste, click.
Not how the site works. Please follow the rules.
You just doubled down on your stupidity. Equities don’t work same as dollars. They don’t compound unless you cash out. What are you talking about? Why would you cash out unless you have a liquidity event? And you can’t cash out your retirement funds without a penalty.

have you never heard of reinvesting dividends
Your story is changing. You said he did away with it.

Your are a liar.
Trump downsized and moved the operation that Obama put in place to handle global pandemics from the west wing, to the pentagon. Merging it with an office more concerned with nukes than with pandemics.

I said downsized, moved and merged.

You're acting like a complete a-hole, claiming I said eliminated. Read what I posted again and learn to read english.
Huh? I never Said I do not want it to never grow I said if it is low now it benefits me as I am 30 yrs from retirement. My parents benefit now. What part of that confuses you? I dollar cost average so for me where the market is well it’s not a huge deal but underlying factors are.

No doubt, if the market were down, you’d be attacking Biden for it. So would everyone else on the right.

Instead you have to invent an idiotic excuse to say it’s bad that the market is up despite it being the only way you’ll ever retire.
As usual democrats have better economies and we are reminded just how useless and pathetic Trump was as a president. He marked the worst presidential job record since the Great Depression

/----/So Trump should have overruled the governors who ordered the shutdown, and forced the companies to stay open? Is that what you are saying?

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