Biden has no choice....


Platinum Member
Gold Supporting Member
Aug 30, 2011
other than use Hillary Clinton’s run out the clock strategy and try to avoid the media. He’s not the best debater (I’m being kind) and off the cuff he’s a gaffe machine. The more he speaks, the more self inflicted wounds he’ll produce. The question is is the run out the clock strategy going to get him the nomination?
My gut instinct is that he is laying low while his machine is feeding all its opposition research on Harris to the media to knock her down since her gains just about equal his losses in polls....and suddenly there are a lot of "right wing" media sites spreading negative stories like her family owning slaves, etc etc etc.
He's not the best candidate nor is Bernie.

I can't understand why the Dems can't field someone with a few brains.
My gut instinct is that he is laying low while his machine is feeding all its opposition research on Harris to the media to knock her down since her gains just about equal his losses in polls....and suddenly there are a lot of "right wing" media sites spreading negative stories like her family owning slaves, etc etc etc.

Yep.... He's got it.... He just needs to stay home and wait.

If the Democratic Party leadership had any brains they would have run either Biden or Clinton in 2008 with Obama as VP. If they had, Obama would be President today.

I expect that the Dems will choose the worst candidate possible and lose the 2020 election to Trump. Just look at all the front runners - not one of them is a good candidate:

The Dems will not rally around Biden - he will lose
Warren and Sanders are too radical for the political middle - they will lose
Buttiege is gay...need I say more? Not a chance in hell he'll get elected.
O'Rouke has no substance, he's an empty shirt. He will lose.
My gut instinct is that he is laying low while his machine is feeding all its opposition research on Harris to the media to knock her down since her gains just about equal his losses in polls....and suddenly there are a lot of "right wing" media sites spreading negative stories like her family owning slaves, etc etc etc.

Harris is a back stabbing whore ...
Her history will sink her.

He's not the best candidate nor is Bernie.

I can't understand why the Dems can't field someone with a few brains.

Generally the people who are more interested in the illegal vote than the American vote are not the brightest.
If the Democratic Party leadership had any brains they would have run either Biden or Clinton in 2008 with Obama as VP. If they had, Obama would be President today.

I expect that the Dems will choose the worst candidate possible and lose the 2020 election to Trump. Just look at all the front runners - not one of them is a good candidate:

The Dems will not rally around Biden - he will lose
Warren and Sanders are too radical for the political middle - they will lose
Buttiege is gay...need I say more? Not a chance in hell he'll get elected.
O'Rouke has no substance, he's an empty shirt. He will lose.

They'll put someone up like Harris, who seems radical now, but the candidate will moderate by the time the general comes.

By that time, the corporate media will take everything from RussiaGate, every last terrible thing Trump has supposedly done, every terrible dictator like thing, and exaggerate it out of all proportion until Americans who aren't his faithful will do anything to make it stop.

"The Global Capitalist Ruling Classes are About to Teach the World a Lesson""
"The Global Capitalist Ruling Classes are About to Teach the World a Lesson""
So far I think a Ryan/Gabbard ticket would be the best bet for the Dems.

Ryan struck me as a moderate pro-labor, pro-industrialist candidate. He'll win the mid-west along with the left coast.

Gabbard is an impressive woman with a very respectable military record. She'll win the feminist vote and bring in a whole lot of moderate/Conservatives.

Neither one of them seems to have any baggage nor are they too radical.
My gut instinct is that he is laying low while his machine is feeding all its opposition research on Harris to the media to knock her down since her gains just about equal his losses in polls....and suddenly there are a lot of "right wing" media sites spreading negative stories like her family owning slaves, etc etc etc.

Harris is a back stabbing whore ...
Her history will sink her.


I doubt that.

Hillary's history was 1000x's as worse, and she got an unbelievably huge portion of America's vote.
If the Democratic Party leadership had any brains they would have run either Biden or Clinton in 2008 with Obama as VP. If they had, Obama would be President today.

I expect that the Dems will choose the worst candidate possible and lose the 2020 election to Trump. Just look at all the front runners - not one of them is a good candidate:

The Dems will not rally around Biden - he will lose
Warren and Sanders are too radical for the political middle - they will lose
Buttiege is gay...need I say more? Not a chance in hell he'll get elected.
O'Rouke has no substance, he's an empty shirt. He will lose.

They'll put someone up like Harris, who seems radical now, but the candidate will moderate by the time the general comes.

By that time, the corporate media will take everything from RussiaGate, every last terrible thing Trump has supposedly done, every terrible dictator like thing, and exaggerate it out of all proportion until Americans who aren't his faithful will do anything to make it stop.

"The Global Capitalist Ruling Classes are About to Teach the World a Lesson""
"The Global Capitalist Ruling Classes are About to Teach the World a Lesson""

You do understand that Trump is a billionaire that has major investments all over the world, right?

That would mean that he is a major global capitalist. (Did ya figure that one out?)

You also know, I'm sure, that the Mueller report cites many instances of obstruction of Justice committed by Donald Trump. Whether he was Obstructing Justice to protect himself or his associates doesn't matter.

You need to wake up and smell the reality.
My gut instinct is that he is laying low while his machine is feeding all its opposition research on Harris to the media to knock her down since her gains just about equal his losses in polls....and suddenly there are a lot of "right wing" media sites spreading negative stories like her family owning slaves, etc etc etc.

Harris is a back stabbing whore ...
Her history will sink her.


I doubt that.

Hillary's history was 1000x's as worse, and she got an unbelievably huge portion of America's vote.

Wow! You're apparently very easily dup'd by right wing propaganda!

For your sake I hope that you're a Russian troll or something similar. I'd hate to think that there are really people that are that stupid!
other than use Hillary Clinton’s run out the clock strategy and try to avoid the media. He’s not the best debater (I’m being kind) and off the cuff he’s a gaffe machine. The more he speaks, the more self inflicted wounds he’ll produce. The question is is the run out the clock strategy going to get him the nomination?
Like with Hillary, the only way he wins the DNC Nomination is if he has complete 'buy-in' from the DNC (and whoever is really running it these days) and he is eventually GIVEN the nomination.

The deal for Hillary to be the 2016 'Heir Apparent' was cut in 2008 when it was apparent Hillary was going to lose to Obama. She bowed out, she became Secretary of State, and when she ran in 2016 she was given full-protection by the Obama administration, she was given help in debates by the DNC, and in the end she was given the DNC nomination.

Barry is gone...and in hiding. Many of his administration officials / members are busy sweating US IG and US AG investigations, and the others refuse to endorse Biden. There is no one to come to his rescue as there was for Hillary.

He has absolutely NOTHING in regards to his own policies or plans, except blowing the dust off of Obama's failed old ones that have been shelved - his campaign strategy has become reminding people at least 45 times every speech that he was Obama's VP.

If he could get someone to help him create an 'independent' (his own man) image, practice self-discipline (behavior and sticking to a script rather than an off-the cuff gaffe machine), and to focus on appearing within the realm of 'bold yet sensible' rather than 'Far Left Extremist', I think over the long run he would outlast / beat out the current contenders....but that is an almost impossible list of things to ask of Joe...IMO.
My gut instinct is that he is laying low while his machine is feeding all its opposition research on Harris to the media to knock her down since her gains just about equal his losses in polls....and suddenly there are a lot of "right wing" media sites spreading negative stories like her family owning slaves, etc etc etc.

Harris is a back stabbing whore ...
Her history will sink her.


I doubt that.

Hillary's history was 1000x's as worse, and she got an unbelievably huge portion of America's vote.

Big difference between the two. Hillary took care of her own no matter what.
Harris has a long history of abandoning her own and throwing them under the bus for personal advantage. I don't necessarily like Hillary Clinton but I'll take her word a hundred times over Harris's word let me tell you.


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