Biden has no choice....

other than use Hillary Clinton’s run out the clock strategy and try to avoid the media. He’s not the best debater (I’m being kind) and off the cuff he’s a gaffe machine. The more he speaks, the more self inflicted wounds he’ll produce. The question is is the run out the clock strategy going to get him the nomination?

It might get him the nomination, but it won't help him beat Trump. Avoiding the media is one of the reasons Hillary lost.
My gut instinct is that he is laying low while his machine is feeding all its opposition research on Harris to the media to knock her down since her gains just about equal his losses in polls....and suddenly there are a lot of "right wing" media sites spreading negative stories like her family owning slaves, etc etc etc.

Harris is a back stabbing whore ...
Her history will sink her.


I doubt that.

Hillary's history was 1000x's as worse, and she got an unbelievably huge portion of America's vote.

Wow! You're apparently very easily dup'd by right wing propaganda!

For your sake I hope that you're a Russian troll or something similar. I'd hate to think that there are really people that are that stupid!
It was actually progressive propaganda. . . ;)

SAM SMITH'S ESSAYS: Arkansas Connections

The Mena Coverup
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Just my 2 cents worth, but Joe Biden, in spite of his tendency to hug warm bodies and tease the young ladies, he's still the only Democrat who is half-way likable to people on both sides of the aisle.

He's the only candidate who has a likable credit to his name imho. He has a wife who's a professor and writes books for children. They're just nice people.

In fact, his only real fault is that he's a Democrat and goes along with the nuttiness of his peers. Unfortunately, that is a sinking trait.

And that's what I think.

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