Biden has told Obama he’s running again

Idiot Biden, loathed by Republicans and barely 20% support from independents threatens to run again in 2024 and finish destroying the Dem party. I'll just be thinking that over. :eusa_think:
Dems will primary him and he'll be lucky to get 3% in the Dem primary.

Already happened in 2020 in NH and Iowa.

Then once again the Dem elites showed total contempt for Dem voters and cheated Joe to the nomination.
Brandon may have told Obumbler that he’s running for President again in 2024, but nobody told Brandon that he said it. So, shhh. It’s a secret.
Already happened in 2020 in NH and Iowa.

Then once again the Dem elites showed total contempt for Dem voters and cheated Joe to the nomination.
When it looked like Bernie Sanders would win the nomination Dem leaders RIGGED it in a back room for Biden. Nobody was surprised, cheating and rigging is what Dems do.
Meanwhile on planet earth, he can run again if he wants and if he's up against trump he will win.
Potatohead didn't "win" in 2020. The Democrats stole the election with the scam of unverified mail in and harvested ballots in Democrat controlled swing districts. That is a fact.

If the next election is honest Potatohead will lose by a significant amount. The sonofabitch has been a disaster for this country.

Anybody that voted for the dipshit and then ignored the fact he stole the election is a moron. I think we all know that.
Potatohead didn't "win" in 2020. The Democrats stole the election with the scam of unverified mail in and harvested ballots in Democrat controlled swing districts. That is a fact.

If the next election is honest Potatohead will lose by a significant amount. The sonofabitch has been a disaster for this country.

Anybody that voted for the dipshit and then ignored the fact he stole the election is a moron. I think we all know that.
LOL, BFM...Absolute conspiracy bs, anti-American Trumputinist crap. You morons are scary...change the channel, check reality.
At the end of the day doesn't matter what Biden says matters what Ovomit says.

Exactly like 2020.:mad:

Biden also told some children that he is the Easter Bunny and was an astronaut.

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