Biden Has US In Middle of African Civil War W/No Expressed Goals, No Timeline, No Exit Strategy


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Remember 'Blackhawk Down', the HoA warlord-run African nation in the midst of a Civil War from decades ago....still going on, and the US finally being pulled out?

Yeah, well. Biden sent tbe US back in, right in the middle of the same African Civil War with no explanation, justification, strategy, or gameplan.

He did?

How many Divisions did he send to Somalia?
He did?

How many Divisions did he send to Somalia?
Maybe if you bothered to read the article you'd see he redeployed hundreds of Spec-Ops forces & they are conducting raids.

Or does that not count as participating in an African civil war?
Does it hurt your head when you hear facts that clash with your well used cognitive dissonance?
Maybe if you bothered to read the article you'd see he redeployed hundreds of Spec-Ops forces & they are conducting raids.

Or does that not count as participating in an African civil war?
Does it hurt your head when you hear facts that clash with your well used cognitive dissonance?
Can you send me $1 to get through your firewall?
Maybe if you bothered to read the article you'd see he redeployed hundreds of Spec-Ops forces & they are conducting raids.

Or does that not count as participating in an African civil war?
Does it hurt your head when you hear facts that clash with your well used cognitive dissonance?
Sorry but the articel said 300 raids since 2003...

That is 15 a year on average....

So Biden has done 6 so far this year and that is a registrable escalation...

Even this article says they are redeployed, not newly deployed and we are talking just a few hundred. They are fighting a terrorist group in Somalia instead of letting them get bigger and bringing the fight to US, 911 style..
The al-Shabaab terrorist group has tried to recruit in Europe and US for operations...

This is just smart money... Let these guys know that we hit them anytime we want, we just don't possess the will to do it... But if you start messing in west then this force will grow exponentially...

This is a Left v Right thing, this is smart protection of US or dumb one..
The article states we are NOT fighting terrorists. In fact, weapons meant for Ukraine have found their way into the hands of the very terrorists we are supposed 'fighting'.

And we still do not have a clear reason / justification for being there, no concise goals, no clear measurements for / of 'success', no timelime, and no exit strategy.

None of that is 'left versus right'.
Practicing on Skinnies.


I mean it's almost like self-hanging targets. ;)
The article states we are NOT fighting terrorists. In fact, weapons meant for Ukraine have found their way into the hands of the very terrorists we are supposed 'fighting'.

And we still do not have a clear reason / justification for being there, no concise goals, no clear measurements for / of 'success', no timelime, and no exit strategy.

None of that is 'left versus right'.
This is a fight between the gullible idiots who believe and Russian Propaganda and common sense who see Russia for what they are...

easy you wrap yourself up in your media bubble and don't let the bad words in...

You are clearly wrong but in all fairness your media bubble probably has let that information back to you... Fox News and other media organisations know they were lying to you... They have admitted in court papers or testimony, you don't know because you have been kept in the dark... Did you ever sit back and figure how Trump with a $250m legal war chest couldn't win one of the 60+ law cases(he might have won a very small one)... If your team is loosing 0-60, do you think you are just waiting for the right combination...
The MAGA movement has been exposed a bunch of grifters.. At CPAC, Don Jr was selling a mobile network (as being non woke, it is on the same T-Mobile network), Kim was selling rare metal trading,... It is one big infomercial...
Maybe if you bothered to read the article you'd see he redeployed hundreds of Spec-Ops forces & they are conducting raids.

Or does that not count as participating in an African civil war?
Does it hurt your head when you hear facts that clash with your well used cognitive dissonance?
To be fair, I clicked on the link and Im not going to read it either due to the BS I need to get through to read the article. I'm not sure why visceral response either, it was a simple question being asked.
Remember 'Blackhawk Down', the HoA warlord-run African nation in the midst of a Civil War from decades ago....still going on, and the US finally being pulled out?

Yeah, well. Biden sent tbe US back in, right in the middle of the same African Civil War with no explanation, justification, strategy, or gameplan.

The advertising has gotten so bad I dont even want to click on the links anymore
Remember 'Blackhawk Down', the HoA warlord-run African nation in the midst of a Civil War from decades ago....still going on, and the US finally being pulled out?

Yeah, well. Biden sent tbe US back in, right in the middle of the same African Civil War with no explanation, justification, strategy, or gameplan.

That link took me to their front page, but not the story. Second attempt took me to the "You Are Out of Free Articles.
Can you post a little of what they said?
Remember 'Blackhawk Down', the HoA warlord-run African nation in the midst of a Civil War from decades ago....still going on, and the US finally being pulled out?

Yeah, well. Biden sent tbe US back in, right in the middle of the same African Civil War with no explanation, justification, strategy, or gameplan.

Why were you not whining about this when Trump was launching over 200 strikes into the country?

Trump escalated this war 3 fold over what Obama had been doing. Where are all your post whining about that happening?

al-Shabab has periodically killed Americans in the region, including three U.S. personnel during a 2020 attack on a base in Kenya used by U.S. counterterrorism forces.

Biden’s move to send troops back to Somalia is intended to increase the safety and effectiveness of the U.S. special operators who have been moving in and out of the country episodically. One senior administration official briefing reporters said the shorter deployments had created efficiency challenges, including time wasted packing and unpacking equipment.

The rotational deployments are less risky and better position the U.S. military to succeed there, the official explained, saying that the reversal of Trump’s withdrawal “rationalizes an irrational decision” that the Biden administration inherited. Keeping troops there will also increase the security and freedom of movement for other personnel like State Department and USAID colleagues operating in the challenging and dangerous environment, the official said.

The decision also signals that the Biden administration views Somalia as a key area of focus for counterterrorism, the official said, describing al-Shabab as Al Qaeda’s largest and wealthiest global affiliate.
So, while the OP did not mean to do so, he did highlight the problem with the never ending AUMF that was signed back in 2002.

Every president since then has used it to attack other countries.

And congress still refuses to take back their power to declare war.
This is a fight between the gullible idiots who believe and Russian Propaganda and common sense who see Russia for what they are...

easy you wrap yourself up in your media bubble and don't let the bad words in...

You are clearly wrong but in all fairness your media bubble probably has let that information back to you...

Sorry, you could not be more wrong


35 years of military service working with every branch of the military, NATO allies, Middle East, and Horn of Africa ... my sources of Info have been 1st-hand experience and TS/SCI info, not any of the MSM disinformation rubes, sheep, and snowflakes suckle on and off which they base their 'expertise', opinions, and loyalties.

Do you think US forces are fighting Russians in Africa? If not, why did you even bring up Russia or Russian propaganda? Because sheep have been conditioned to have the knee-jerk response of

What is our specific military mission in the HoA?

What is the specific goal the US wishes to achieve?

How does the US measure 'success' in a civil war fought for decades in a country consumed by corruption, terrorism, run by Warlords, and leaders pop up like mushrooms after you take one down?
- Do we intend to do that everywhere in the world?

What is the US' timeline for doing whatever it is we are there to do?

What is different now than when we finally pulled out after accomishing next to nothing except getting US military members killed?

What is the exit strategy?

You smoothly ramble off a lot of talking points and accusations but do not prove you know anything. The breeze from you flapping your lips feels nice, though - keep it up.
What is our specific military mission in the HoA?

What is the specific goal the US wishes to achieve?

How does the US measure 'success' in a civil war fought for decades in a country consumed by corruption, terrorism, run by Warlords, and leaders pop up like mushrooms after you take one down?
- Do we intend to do that everywhere in the world?

What is the US' timeline for doing whatever it is we are there to do?

What is different now than when we finally pulled out after accomishing next to nothing except getting US military members killed?

What is the exit strategy?

Why were you not asking any of these questions when our operations there tripled under the last Admin?

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