Biden illegally supports illegal immigrants working in the US - Impeach 46

It's illegal for them to be in the United States while seeking asylum. Trump regulations, upheld by the Supreme Court, require that they stay in Mexico while waiting for their outcomes. International law requires that asylum seekers apply in the first country they come to so there's no reason at all for any other than Cubans to seek asylum in the US. No one else comes to our shore as their first stop.
Also wrong.

“To obtain asylum through the affirmative asylum process you must be physically present in the United States. You may apply for asylum regardless of how you arrived in the United States or your current immigration status.”

Biden has begun sneaking adult male criminal aliens into the country, as we've heard in other threads. But it's worse than you imagined. Now he's putting them in home confinement with ankle bracelets. But get this: They're allowed to leave home from 8:00 to 8:00 PM for work. And here you thought it was illegal for criminal aliens to work in the United States.

The link is an article about the house arrest and reducing costs but the hidden breaking news is that it allows them to leave their confinement to work illegally. We know, of course that it happens but that the Biden administration is so openly enabling this illegal behavior is flat out criminal on the part of the government.

This is clearly breaking the law by President Biden and conspiring with others to help the criminal aliens break the law.

On January 4, 2023, the Republican-led House of Representatives needs to start the impeachment process of this traitor to the United States people.
Calling to ‘impeach’ President Biden is as ignorant as it is wrong and ridiculous.
The linked article is a lie – so is the thread premise.

That an immigrant is undocumented doesn’t mean he’s ‘illegal.’
That an alien is undocumented means that he's a criminal. Immigrants are those who follow the immigration policies and immigrate. One might call an alien that comes into the country illegally an illegal alien or a criminal alien, or both. But one thing they most assuredly are not, is an immigrant.

They are also, for the most part, NOT undocumented; they are, in fact, very well documented. To call them undocumented is an absolute and intentional lie. There are over 2 million documented, illegal, criminal aliens who entered the United States illegally in the past year - and they're very well documented. They even have the arrest warrants to prove that they're documented and to use as ID to fly under conditions that an American citizen would never be allowed to fly.

Only an immigration court can determine if a refugee’s asylum claim is valid; prior to such an adjudication the immigrant is entitled to remain in the country.

What’s sickening is this sort of bigotry, hate, and willful ignorance from the right.
What’s sickening is the bigotry,hate,willful ignorance and stupidity from the Left. Anyone seeking Asylum has to do it LEGALLY. Why don’t you comment about the drugs especially fentanyl, the Cartels, et. Etc? Why do we demand “ Legal Immigration “ for everyone else?
What a bunch of idiots they are, applying for a visa to immigrate. Fools. All they have to do is cross the border with a purchased, rented, or stolen kid from Central America and they get every service the US government and state governments can offer along with a free plane ticket to the state of their choice. Only a fool would apply to immigrate in the US today.
you can thank the great cornholio dementia joe for that
The Republicans and Democrats behave like elementary students fighting in the playground.
The Constitution's contents are worth listening to airheads calling its defenders playground bullies. Doh.
It is not illegal for those seeking asylum to work here. It is not illegal to seek asylum here.

So you are mad that those seeking asylum get ankle bracelets so they just can't apply and then walk off to who knows where?
Wrong, they have to win their case and be granted asylum in order to work.
There is ZERO proof that any of these people have done anything illegitimate. I don't think you even have a clue how the system works. You get here however you can and apply.
BS they travel through 5, 8, 10 etc countries to get here. Legit asylum seekers go to the next country and apply there.
Wrong, they have to win their case and be granted asylum in order to work.

After so many days have passed, they can work. We don't get in any hurry approving or disallowing these things.
BS they travel through 5, 8, 10 etc countries to get here. Legit asylum seekers go to the next country and apply there.

International law. I get a kick out of how many default to international law over US law.
After so many days have passed, they can work. We don't get in any hurry approving or disallowing these things.
After 365 days they can apply for a permit. We all know what you are doing, flood the country with so many then Biden can just ignore cases and poof after 365 days they can legally work. You just want to flood the country and try to legalize them so they can vote. You are commie scum.
After 365 days they can apply for a permit. We all know what you are doing, flood the country with so many then Biden can just ignore cases and poof after 365 days they can legally work. You just want to flood the country and try to legalize them so they can vote. You are commie scum.

Absolutely. If we refuse to hold businesses accountable, I've long said, I support holding no one accountable.
He wasn`t too demented to kick the ass of "find me 11,000 votes" so bad in 2 debates he ran from the third. Yo Semite! :)
dementia joe can't answer any questions without the notes his handlers give him and without his teleprompter.
The Constitution's contents are worth listening to airheads calling its defenders playground bullies. Doh.
At one time the two major Parties had different views but got along with each other and often compromised in order to pass important legislation.

Today they just bicker and squabble and play stupid political games.
It is not illegal for those seeking asylum to work here. It is not illegal to seek asylum here.

So you are mad that those seeking asylum get ankle bracelets so they just can't apply and then walk off to who knows where?
It's illegal to lie about needing asylum. These men have not been investigated they are basically let go in the U.S. with ankle bracelets that they just cut off.

ICE: 3 in 10 illegal immigrant family units cut off ankle bracelets after being released from custody​

Albence said the Homeland Security Department's inability to get all illegal immigrants released from custody and told to appear for court hearings was in part due to people ditching their ankle bracelets and disappearing into the interior of the country.

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