Biden invokes Production act for Solar Panels....ends tarrifs.....the solar panels from communist China...he gets his 10%...

What a guy! Joe creates an energy and economic crisis just in time to bail us out with billions of business for Red China? :uhh:

When will I start seeing any republicans other than the much-maligned MTG, Gaetz or Bobert tearing up phone books enraged by this stuff?

Sorry, but according to the OP's link, China isn't a country that is going to benefit from having the tariffs suspended. Cambodia, Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam (countries that aren't China) are getting the tariffs suspended. And, that is probably only because they provide 80 percent of the imports on solar panels to this country already.
Sorry, but according to the OP's link, China isn't a country that is going to benefit from having the tariffs suspended. Cambodia, Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam (countries that aren't China) are getting the tariffs suspended. And, that is probably only because they provide 80 percent of the imports on solar panels to this country already.

The raw materials come from China mostly, regardless of where they're made.
The raw materials come from China mostly, regardless of where they're made.

Doesn't matter, the finished product is what gets the tariff suspension, not the raw materials, and no, China isn't going to benefit from this. But, keep on with the fear mongering if it helps you sleep at night.
Glad you asked.

"now on track to triple domestic solar manufacturing capacity by 2024” to a total of 22.5 gigawatts.

to expeditiously find places to put those grids and bring them online by fast-tracking clean energy projects on public land

using tools like SolarAPP+ for local communities. That includes helping Puerto Rico achieve its goal of hitting 100% renewable power generation.

building insulation, resources critical to the production and deployment of renewables like metals and fuel cells, and electric heat pumps, which provide heating and cooling to homes at a rate of power far lower than more traditional counterparts and with much lower emissions.

This will hurt the fossil fuel industry permanently, cutting hundreds of billions in profits over the next few decades.

My heart really bleeds for them.

Installed solar is meaningless, the nameplate capacity is useless for PV. The reality is it produces far less than the nameplate capacity.

In fact, China has 9% of its total electric generation from solar aka nameplate capacity, but they only get 3% of their generated power from solar.
FUCK THE CORRUPT, COMPROMISED PIECE OF SHIT, biden....and the sack of shit--barrag-o
Doesn't matter, the finished product is what gets the tariff suspension, not the raw materials, and no, China isn't going to benefit from this. But, keep on with the fear mongering if it helps you sleep at night.
i've noticed that you think you have all the answers.....NOT
Solar panels have been used for hot water for years in Hawaii and Israel. Very common. They work and cut your power bill by 30-40%.

Oh good so solar panels will cut our water heater bill.... that's basically a nothing in our energy bill at a cost of what?

You should probably study up on the true environmental costs of solar panels
Doesn't matter, the finished product is what gets the tariff suspension, not the raw materials, and no, China isn't going to benefit from this. But, keep on with the fear mongering if it helps you sleep at night.

Loop, China benefits from the raw materials

Good grief
Hunter Biden's fat cat investment deal with the Chicoms included solar investments.

The Biden family is going to make a killing.

Instead of importing those worthless solar panels Potatohead should be undoing all the crazy shit he did to screw up oil production and we can return to independence like it was under Trump.

Anybody that voted for this Biden clown is an idiot.

The smart move would be to undo everything he reversed that trump had in place. Then the country is a lot better off.

Then he starts pushing for solar panel production within the United States and creates our own solar industry so we supply to ourselves and to other countries.

Then pushes for new nuclear facilities starting with major cities. Then pushes to setup in major cities electric required in newer and more efficient grids and finally then start easing in electric vehicles.

We can make a transition off of so much gasoline, but it's going to take a lot of money, planning and time. We could do it but it will take 25 years or so of preparation and setting up the infrastructure needed to begin the transition.
The smart move would be to undo everything he reversed that trump had in place. Then the country is a lot better off.

Then he starts pushing for solar panel production within the United States and creates our own solar industry so we supply to ourselves and to other countries.

Then pushes for new nuclear facilities starting with major cities. Then pushes to setup in major cities electric required in newer and more efficient grids and finally then start easing in electric vehicles.

We can make a transition off of so much gasoline, but it's going to take a lot of money, planning and time. We could do it but it will take 25 years or so of preparation and setting up the infrastructure needed to begin the transition.
Solar is shitty technology and is only a placebo for stupid uneducated Moon Bats that don't know their ass from a hole in the ground about energy engineering.

Of course we could hire Hunter Biden to figure it out. After all he is such a world class energy expert that he earned a $80K a month salary for his expertise.

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