Biden is 100% guilty of stealing the election

The evidence is overwhelming. Using the scam of unverified mail in ballots in Democrat controlled swing districts, stopping the counting when Trump was ahead and resuming it with enough magical votes to put China Joe ahead, changing the rules for voting and stopping Republican poll watchers from observing the fraudulent ballots.

Trump was right in challeging the filthy Democrats and the Patriots were right in demanding justice. No justice, no peace.

I "get" that you don't even believe this but just in posting it you do yourself injury.

It instantly identifies you as a piece of garbage.

Now, is that what your mama wanted for you?
The evidence is overwhelming.

They should have brought the evidence to court then.

If only we had time to properly investigate and gather the evidence when the fraud was on this massive of a scale.
Lol, "if only"?


Are you a retard or something? Go ahead tell us how we were supposed to do that in only a few weeks while Dems were wiping the evidence and throwing up roadblocks. What did Dems have to hide hmmm? We can see from the data that you f'tards cheated. Hell there's an election fraud expert in government who's job it is to monitor election fraud in foreign elections. He said of the 7 strong indicators of election fraud he found all 7 in this presidential election.

Biden/Harris is 100% illegitimate. We'll impeach his stupid ass in 2022 don't worry.
How many recounts? How many audits?

Again, I lmao.

View attachment 455792

^^^ embarrassing retards with each post.
Are you a retard or something? Go ahead tell us how we were supposed to do that in only a few weeks while Dems were wiping the evidence and throwing up roadblocks. What did Dems have to hide hmmm? We can see from the data that you f'tards cheated. Hell there's an election fraud expert in government who's job it is to monitor election fraud in foreign elections. He said of the 7 strong indicators of election fraud he found all 7 in this presidential election.

Biden/Harris is 100% illegitimate. We'll impeach his stupid ass in 2022 don't worry.

How will we win an election when they've had two years to further put in place their schemes?
View attachment 455793

If you're actually even American (doubtful)'re certainly not a very smart one.

If you are, you celebrate everything that destroys America. Speaking of missing brain.

And for all of you "brilliant" foreigners celebrating Americas demise.........when China comes to enslave you all, good luck fending off china with your muskets
The evidence is overwhelming.

They should have brought the evidence to court then.

If only we had time to properly investigate and gather the evidence when the fraud was on this massive of a scale.
Lol, "if only"?


Are you a retard or something? Go ahead tell us how we were supposed to do that in only a few weeks while Dems were wiping the evidence and throwing up roadblocks. What did Dems have to hide hmmm? We can see from the data that you f'tards cheated. Hell there's an election fraud expert in government who's job it is to monitor election fraud in foreign elections. He said of the 7 strong indicators of election fraud he found all 7 in this presidential election.

Biden/Harris is 100% illegitimate. We'll impeach his stupid ass in 2022 don't worry.
How many recounts? How many audits?

Again, I lmao.

View attachment 455792

^^^ embarrassing retards with each post.
I didn't mean to embarrass you.

Are you a retard or something? Go ahead tell us how we were supposed to do that in only a few weeks while Dems were wiping the evidence and throwing up roadblocks. What did Dems have to hide hmmm? We can see from the data that you f'tards cheated. Hell there's an election fraud expert in government who's job it is to monitor election fraud in foreign elections. He said of the 7 strong indicators of election fraud he found all 7 in this presidential election.

Biden/Harris is 100% illegitimate. We'll impeach his stupid ass in 2022 don't worry.

How will we win an election when they've had two years to further put in place their schemes?

We only had a few weeks to investigate after the election and THAT was central to the Dems election fraud scheme. Fraud on that scale, intentionally hidden, they knew there wouldn't be time for Trump to investigate and gather evidence before Biden was anointed. So we have 2 years to investigate the Dem fraud and take measures to ensure they can't get away with it again.

That and Biden will be working hard to destroy the Dem party with stupid shit policies.

The only problem with that hypothesis is that it's not actually the Democrats per se orchestrating all this. Certainly not Biden of ALL people.
It's Globalists and the Elites who are pulling the strings and manipulating the media propaganda to fool the dumbest in America to work for them.

Grunts like Crepitus are clueless as to what the stakes really are. They are emotional useful idiot blobs dependent on the media to feed their ignorance.

It's the Bill Gates and the Stankeys and foreign wealth. People FAR smarter than Biden could ever be....and they are using him too.
These globalists and elites control the flow of information so they control the results.
Are you a retard or something? Go ahead tell us how we were supposed to do that in only a few weeks while Dems were wiping the evidence and throwing up roadblocks. What did Dems have to hide hmmm? We can see from the data that you f'tards cheated. Hell there's an election fraud expert in government who's job it is to monitor election fraud in foreign elections. He said of the 7 strong indicators of election fraud he found all 7 in this presidential election.

Biden/Harris is 100% illegitimate. We'll impeach his stupid ass in 2022 don't worry.

How will we win an election when they've had two years to further put in place their schemes?
View attachment 455793

If you're actually even American (doubtful)'re certainly not a very smart one.

If you are, you celebrate everything that destroys America. Speaking of missing brain.

And for all of you "brilliant" foreigners celebrating Americas demise.........when China comes to enslave you all, good luck fending off china with your muskets
Lol, can we get a welfare check on this guy^? I think I broke him.
The evidence is overwhelming. Using the scam of unverified mail in ballots in Democrat controlled swing districts, stopping the counting when Trump was ahead and resuming it with enough magical votes to put China Joe ahead, changing the rules for voting and stopping Republican poll watchers from observing the fraudulent ballots.

Trump was right in challeging the filthy Democrats and the Patriots were right in demanding justice. No justice, no peace.
The thread premise is a lie.

No vote counting was stopped.

Yes it was stopped.
No, it wasn't.

The posts start with the claim that these five states took a three-hour shutdown in which they “found enough votes for Biden to catch Trump.” There is no evidence to show that any of these states took a three-hour break from counting votes.​
Wisconsin did not stop counting on election night. In an elections update video posted on YouTube by PBS NewsHour ( here ), Meagan Wolfe, administrator of the Wisconsin Elections Commission, can be heard saying at the 1:18 minute mark: “Our municipal and county clerks have worked tirelessly throughout the night to make sure that every valid ballot has been counted and reported accurately.”​
Michigan did not stop counting ballots. Politifact reported that Tracy Wimmer, director of media relations for the Michigan Secretary of State, said: "At no point has the counting process stopped since it began at 7 a.m. yesterday morning (Nov. 3), which was when, per Michigan election law, it could begin.” ( here )​
Misunderstandings over tally updates stopping temporarily on election night in Philadelphia are explained in a Reuters Fact Check ( here ) .​
North Carolina did stop counting votes on election night, but it was not due to voter fraud. Local television station WSOC-TV reported that Karen Brinson Bell, executive director of the state elections board, said: “North Carolina stopped counting votes on election night because there were no more votes to count that night” and added: “With very few exceptions, North Carolina’s election results will not change until November 12 or 13, when all mail-in ballots are received and counted by each county.” ( here )​
The Nevada Secretary of State released a statement explaining that the state did not stop counting ballots and that the “counting of ballots is ongoing and will continue until every cast ballot is counted.” ( here )​

Yes, they did. PBS, seriously? Lol. More conspiracy loonbat propaganda. One of their reporters was fired for suggesting deprogramming. These people are lying fascists.

Hmmmm, let’s see...


Gateway pundit:


Want to try that one again?

While we discuss.......
Notice 95% of what useful idiots post is either insults or BS

It's their level. It's all they have. Perfect "Useful idiots" more than willing to oversee their own demise.
The evidence is overwhelming. Using the scam of unverified mail in ballots in Democrat controlled swing districts, stopping the counting when Trump was ahead and resuming it with enough magical votes to put China Joe ahead, changing the rules for voting and stopping Republican poll watchers from observing the fraudulent ballots.

Trump was right in challeging the filthy Democrats and the Patriots were right in demanding justice. No justice, no peace.
You have some imagination. With all the power of the presidency Trump came up with 0 evidence. Even his appointed judges knew it was BS.

Trump has been claiming that they system is rigged against him and that he's treated unfairly since the 1980s.

He's basically a whiny little shit when he doesn't "win"
I think it's pretty dangerous to trust either side fully 100% on this - however - what always got me thinking something fishy was going on was (and USA election nights I sit up all day/night here in the UK essentially doing a 24h shift) is that Trump looked comfortably ahead in 3-states that he ended up losing by a few hundred thousand when the counting was magically finished after breaks that lasted a few days
Nothing fishy about it. State laws prevented some states from counting absentee ballot votes until election day, even some...not until the in person polls were closed.

Trump told his followers to vote in person on election day...with no covid precautions...

Democrats wanted constituents to vote safely, with no covid virus risks so they promoted voting via absentee ballot.

When the polls close, the first votes counted and released to the press, are election day results, then the early voting results done via voting machines, then the absentee ballot votes, then the military absentee ballot votes from overseas.... it goes on for days, to count all the votes in every presidential election...

The process to count absentee ballot voting is a much longer process than through the electronic voting machines.

The counters have to verify each absentee ballot envelope for various things...

Is the voter a registered voter, did the voter request an absentee ballot, does their signature match their voter registration signature on file etc... many states have put in electronic scanners that do signature matching now so it can go quicker in big population areas...

Anyway, only after the outer envelopes are verified, and counted for a total number of absentee ballots are returned, are the envelopes then opened and their ballots removed from the developed, and unfolded, can these ballots be run through an optical scanner to count these votes....

Trump leading early in the electronic voting counts from election day was anticipated by everyone because democrats discouraged voting in person Due to potential virus spread.

The news and everyone said it would be a few days before we could announce a winner, knowing that 50% or more of the votes were going to be early voting, and absentee ballot voting and not section day voting.

Trump played with his follower's heads and began seeding that the election day votes should be the only votes that should count and the winner should be announced on election day, bull crap.....

The rest is history....

I get all that - but I'm not quite convinced by the sheer volume of absentee votes that were all for Biden (even accounting for the fact that was what was requested).

Don't get me wrong I'm open minded on it. I'm not saying anything is for sure one way or another - because I don't know - and don't trust either Trump or Biden and that's in isolation before fake news, media with agendas etc get their bits in too.
Biden wouldn't hurt a soul, he's not cunning or devious enough to pull it off... I guess I'm saying, he's too slow! :)

About 75% of the absentee ballots were Biden votes, and about 25% were Trump votes...

With electronic in day voting, it was the opposite...about 75% Trump votes, about 25% To Biden.

Absentee ballots can be hand counted if the count by the machines are in any doubt....which there were plenty of hand counted recounts requested...

It is electronic voting that is more iffy with no real paper trail, imho...

The amount of absentee voters is very high compared to normal but in the contentious states all had that you had to be a registered voter, request an absentee ballot...ballots were not massed mailed to a neighborhood...

And people were scared of the virus.... the trial run with absentee ballots took place in state primaries a couple of months earlier and many of the kinks were worked out, before the Nov election.

No doubt it could be strengthened even more, but there are a bunch of checks and balances also in the system already....

-can't have an absentee envelope for anyone not registered to vote
- can't have more absentee ballots counted than absentee envelope s counted
Preventing ballot printing and stuffing, or running ballots through the optical vote counters twice etc.


I have voted by mail the past 20 years, and I love it!!! I like requesting the ballot and getting it in the mail, and being able to take the time and research the candidates down to the dog catcher, sheriff level, and researching any referendum questions on the ballot, and with it in hand, weeks before the election, makes it easier, imo.
Well democrats now have the legal onus on them to prove that cheating DIDN'T occur. Under U.S. law Trump is considered innocent until proven guilty. They've accused him of lying to people in order to create an insurrection. Their first responsibility is to prove that anything Donald Trump said was a lie. I'm anxiously waiting to see their proof.
My God, you're stupid.
Nope, time magazine.
I read the complete Time article the first time someone posted it here. All I got from it was that there were a lot of people working to ensure a safe and accurate election during a pandemic. Then, a RWNJ site put a really heavy spin on it to make it look nefarious. Should I believe Time magazine, or the gatewaypundit?
The evidence is overwhelming. Using the scam of unverified mail in ballots in Democrat controlled swing districts, stopping the counting when Trump was ahead and resuming it with enough magical votes to put China Joe ahead, changing the rules for voting and stopping Republican poll watchers from observing the fraudulent ballots.

Trump was right in challeging the filthy Democrats and the Patriots were right in demanding justice. No justice, no peace.
You have some imagination. With all the power of the presidency Trump came up with 0 evidence. Even his appointed judges knew it was BS.

Trump has been claiming that they system is rigged against him and that he's treated unfairly since the 1980s.

He's basically a whiny little shit when he doesn't "win"

OH! The Irony!
Speaking of Whiny little've got a lot of practice

Last edited:
I think it's pretty dangerous to trust either side fully 100% on this - however - what always got me thinking something fishy was going on was (and USA election nights I sit up all day/night here in the UK essentially doing a 24h shift) is that Trump looked comfortably ahead in 3-states that he ended up losing by a few hundred thousand when the counting was magically finished after breaks that lasted a few days
Nothing fishy about it. State laws prevented some states from counting absentee ballot votes until election day, even some...not until the in person polls were closed.

Trump told his followers to vote in person on election day...with no covid precautions...

Democrats wanted constituents to vote safely, with no covid virus risks so they promoted voting via absentee ballot.

When the polls close, the first votes counted and released to the press, are election day results, then the early voting results done via voting machines, then the absentee ballot votes, then the military absentee ballot votes from overseas.... it goes on for days, to count all the votes in every presidential election...

The process to count absentee ballot voting is a much longer process than through the electronic voting machines.

The counters have to verify each absentee ballot envelope for various things...

Is the voter a registered voter, did the voter request an absentee ballot, does their signature match their voter registration signature on file etc... many states have put in electronic scanners that do signature matching now so it can go quicker in big population areas...

Anyway, only after the outer envelopes are verified, and counted for a total number of absentee ballots are returned, are the envelopes then opened and their ballots removed from the developed, and unfolded, can these ballots be run through an optical scanner to count these votes....

Trump leading early in the electronic voting counts from election day was anticipated by everyone because democrats discouraged voting in person Due to potential virus spread.

The news and everyone said it would be a few days before we could announce a winner, knowing that 50% or more of the votes were going to be early voting, and absentee ballot voting and not section day voting.

Trump played with his follower's heads and began seeding that the election day votes should be the only votes that should count and the winner should be announced on election day, bull crap.....

The rest is history....

I get all that - but I'm not quite convinced by the sheer volume of absentee votes that were all for Biden (even accounting for the fact that was what was requested).

Don't get me wrong I'm open minded on it. I'm not saying anything is for sure one way or another - because I don't know - and don't trust either Trump or Biden and that's in isolation before fake news, media with agendas etc get their bits in too.
Biden wouldn't hurt a soul, he's not cunning or devious enough to pull it off... I guess I'm saying, he's too slow! :)

About 75% of the absentee ballots were Biden votes, and about 25% were Trump votes...

With electronic in day voting, it was the opposite...about 75% Trump votes, about 25% To Biden.

Absentee ballots can be hand counted if the count by the machines are in any doubt....which there were plenty of hand counted recounts requested...

It is electronic voting that is more iffy with no real paper trail, imho...

The amount of absentee voters is very high compared to normal but in the contentious states all had that you had to be a registered voter, request an absentee ballot...ballots were not massed mailed to a neighborhood...

And people were scared of the virus.... the trial run with absentee ballots took place in state primaries a couple of months earlier and many of the kinks were worked out, before the Nov election.

No doubt it could be strengthened even more, but there are a bunch of checks and balances also in the system already....

-can't have an absentee envelope for anyone not registered to vote
- can't have more absentee ballots counted than absentee envelope s counted
Preventing ballot printing and stuffing, or running ballots through the optical vote counters twice etc.


I have voted by mail the past 20 years, and I love it!!! I like requesting the ballot and getting it in the mail, and being able to take the time and research the candidates down to the dog catcher, sheriff level, and researching any referendum questions on the ballot, and with it in hand, weeks before the election, makes it easier, imo.

I have voted by mail for years as well.

These days you don't have to risk exposure to covid just to make Donnie Dumbass happy.
The evidence is overwhelming. Using the scam of unverified mail in ballots in Democrat controlled swing districts, stopping the counting when Trump was ahead and resuming it with enough magical votes to put China Joe ahead, changing the rules for voting and stopping Republican poll watchers from observing the fraudulent ballots.

Trump was right in challeging the filthy Democrats and the Patriots were right in demanding justice. No justice, no peace.
You have some imagination. With all the power of the presidency Trump came up with 0 evidence. Even his appointed judges knew it was BS.

Trump has been claiming that they system is rigged against him and that he's treated unfairly since the 1980s.

He's basically a whiny little shit when he doesn't "win"

Speaking of Whiny little've got a lot of practice

View attachment 455818

Insulting me is the best you can do?
Why was this thread moved to "Conspiracy Theories" when the dumbass thread on "Trump is 100% guilty of inciting an insurrection" is left in Politics??????
I think it's pretty dangerous to trust either side fully 100% on this - however - what always got me thinking something fishy was going on was (and USA election nights I sit up all day/night here in the UK essentially doing a 24h shift) is that Trump looked comfortably ahead in 3-states that he ended up losing by a few hundred thousand when the counting was magically finished after breaks that lasted a few days
Nothing fishy about it. State laws prevented some states from counting absentee ballot votes until election day, even some...not until the in person polls were closed.

Trump told his followers to vote in person on election day...with no covid precautions...

Democrats wanted constituents to vote safely, with no covid virus risks so they promoted voting via absentee ballot.

When the polls close, the first votes counted and released to the press, are election day results, then the early voting results done via voting machines, then the absentee ballot votes, then the military absentee ballot votes from overseas.... it goes on for days, to count all the votes in every presidential election...

The process to count absentee ballot voting is a much longer process than through the electronic voting machines.

The counters have to verify each absentee ballot envelope for various things...

Is the voter a registered voter, did the voter request an absentee ballot, does their signature match their voter registration signature on file etc... many states have put in electronic scanners that do signature matching now so it can go quicker in big population areas...

Anyway, only after the outer envelopes are verified, and counted for a total number of absentee ballots are returned, are the envelopes then opened and their ballots removed from the developed, and unfolded, can these ballots be run through an optical scanner to count these votes....

Trump leading early in the electronic voting counts from election day was anticipated by everyone because democrats discouraged voting in person Due to potential virus spread.

The news and everyone said it would be a few days before we could announce a winner, knowing that 50% or more of the votes were going to be early voting, and absentee ballot voting and not section day voting.

Trump played with his follower's heads and began seeding that the election day votes should be the only votes that should count and the winner should be announced on election day, bull crap.....

The rest is history....

I get all that - but I'm not quite convinced by the sheer volume of absentee votes that were all for Biden (even accounting for the fact that was what was requested).

Don't get me wrong I'm open minded on it. I'm not saying anything is for sure one way or another - because I don't know - and don't trust either Trump or Biden and that's in isolation before fake news, media with agendas etc get their bits in too.
Biden wouldn't hurt a soul, he's not cunning or devious enough to pull it off... I guess I'm saying, he's too slow! :)

About 75% of the absentee ballots were Biden votes, and about 25% were Trump votes...

With electronic in day voting, it was the opposite...about 75% Trump votes, about 25% To Biden.

Absentee ballots can be hand counted if the count by the machines are in any doubt....which there were plenty of hand counted recounts requested...

It is electronic voting that is more iffy with no real paper trail, imho...

The amount of absentee voters is very high compared to normal but in the contentious states all had that you had to be a registered voter, request an absentee ballot...ballots were not massed mailed to a neighborhood...

And people were scared of the virus.... the trial run with absentee ballots took place in state primaries a couple of months earlier and many of the kinks were worked out, before the Nov election.

No doubt it could be strengthened even more, but there are a bunch of checks and balances also in the system already....

-can't have an absentee envelope for anyone not registered to vote
- can't have more absentee ballots counted than absentee envelope s counted
Preventing ballot printing and stuffing, or running ballots through the optical vote counters twice etc.


I have voted by mail the past 20 years, and I love it!!! I like requesting the ballot and getting it in the mail, and being able to take the time and research the candidates down to the dog catcher, sheriff level, and researching any referendum questions on the ballot, and with it in hand, weeks before the election, makes it easier, imo.

I have voted by mail for years as well.

These days you don't have to risk exposure to covid just to make Donnie Dumbass happy.
The evidence is overwhelming. Using the scam of unverified mail in ballots in Democrat controlled swing districts, stopping the counting when Trump was ahead and resuming it with enough magical votes to put China Joe ahead, changing the rules for voting and stopping Republican poll watchers from observing the fraudulent ballots.

Trump was right in challeging the filthy Democrats and the Patriots were right in demanding justice. No justice, no peace.
You have some imagination. With all the power of the presidency Trump came up with 0 evidence. Even his appointed judges knew it was BS.

Trump has been claiming that they system is rigged against him and that he's treated unfairly since the 1980s.

He's basically a whiny little shit when he doesn't "win"

Speaking of Whiny little've got a lot of practice

View attachment 455818

Insulting me is the best you can do?

Just posting evidence.......your moral narcissim is preventing you from realizing you were first to cast the whiny stone.

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