Biden is looking to restore faith in government


Diamond Member
Mar 13, 2012
That ship has sailed, there is no way in hell this government can ever be trusted again!

That ship has sailed, there is no way in hell this government can ever be trusted again!

If he really wants to restore "faith in government," he should do two things:

1. Create an impartial commission to investigate the 2020 presidential election.

2. Immediately resign. A person with his cognitive limitations should not be in the Oval Office.
That ship has sailed, there is no way in hell this government can ever be trusted again!

If he wants to restore faith, resign, have Kamaltoe name Trump as her VP, then she resigns.
Its a sad truth, no one from any political party trusts government any more, Always been people from all party's with out trust. Never anything like now, what happened?
That's how it SHOULD be. Our founding was based on distrust of the Crown. President Reagan was correct in his views on big government.
A Democrat telling the American people that he will "restore faith in government" is like the scorpion telling the frog that he won't sting him if the frog gives him a ride across the lake.

Democrats are the scum of this country and lie every time they open their filthy mouths. It is the nature of Democrats to be dishonest and anyone that believes the shitheads is a fool.
Restore faith in government= Commission to clean out corruption from top to bottom. Define and remove subversives and parasites. When individuals in government do some good make sure it gets promoted in the media instead of just the negative stuff.
2. Immediately resign. A person with his cognitive limitations should not be in the Oval Office.

You realize, don't you, that if Biden resigns, then The Whore will be President? Would that really be an improvement?


No. 1. I think that all politicians have had "interesting" romantic lives. (Remember President Harding who supposedly did it in a White House closet?)

No. 2. Actually, Vice President Harris & the Gang are already running the show. We all know that the gentleman from Delaware is simply doing their bidding. Wasn't there something a while back about Nancy seeming to order the old dude around?

Have a nice day!
Biden is looking to restore faith in government
The day I begin to trust the government:

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