Biden is not running a campaign. He will lose

Of this I am certain. 100 percent guaranteed. No rallies, no crowds, no momentum, no movement, no positions on anything, there is literally no Joe Biden 2020 campaign. He is a phantom, he is vapid air. Nothingness. All you have is "muh polls". That's literally all you have. Biden is the most invisible candidate we've ever seen and for this reason, he will get steamrolled on Nov. 3rd. Leave it to SJW academics to skew their polls in favor of "racial justice" because these days that's what matters to them more than objectivity!

Can't wait to come back to thread on November 3, 2020. The question is will you show up given that Trump is going to be voted out of office that day.

Oh, and BIDEN became President when he won his party's nomination. Its just a waiting game now. BIDEN does not have to do anything given that Trump is the worst President in American history.

Trump's only saving factor that might have gotten him re-elected in a close race is gone. That was the economy. The economy is in its worst recession since the 1930s with unemployment levels higher than at any time since the 1930s.

So if the reverse happens and Trump is re-elected, will you be here admitting you were wrong? Won't happen, will it?

I was here in when Hillary lost in 2016.

Saying wow, you were wrong?

Saying what a sad FLUKE of bad luck that was for the United States.

So you half admitted it in a condescending way.

Now that's finally an honest answer. Not this stupid shit that you voted Republican until 2016 when you suddenly believed every DNC talking point and bigoted portrayal of Republicans

The only one that is bigoted is you. You don't get to tell anyone here who they voted for in any election, myself or them will gladly tell you who we voted for.

I voted Straight Republican down the ticket in the following elections:
2016 - Except for voting for Hillary Clinton for President.

In 2018, I voted straight Democrat down the ticket.

I'll be voting straight Democrat down the ticket for 2020. But I'm still registered as a Republican in the state of Pennsylvania.
Of this I am certain. 100 percent guaranteed. No rallies, no crowds, no momentum, no movement, no positions on anything, there is literally no Joe Biden 2020 campaign. He is a phantom, he is vapid air. Nothingness. All you have is "muh polls". That's literally all you have. Biden is the most invisible candidate we've ever seen and for this reason, he will get steamrolled on Nov. 3rd. Leave it to SJW academics to skew their polls in favor of "racial justice" because these days that's what matters to them more than objectivity!

Can't wait to come back to thread on November 3, 2020. The question is will you show up given that Trump is going to be voted out of office that day.

Oh, and BIDEN became President when he won his party's nomination. Its just a waiting game now. BIDEN does not have to do anything given that Trump is the worst President in American history.

Trump's only saving factor that might have gotten him re-elected in a close race is gone. That was the economy. The economy is in its worst recession since the 1930s with unemployment levels higher than at any time since the 1930s.

It is so fitting that you're a fan of U2 and a shitty guitar player like Edge. U2 is the most mainstream, vanilla lite rock, overrated band there is, and of course someone like you reads mainstream media like Washington Post and then spews what he reads onto here like a mindless liberal parrot. You think U2 is a great band. You probably agree that the Star-Spangled Banner should be replaced by the pop tune "Lean on Me" . It makes perfect sense -- like clockwork.

U2Edge is the perfect representative of the mainstream, TDS-afflicted lemmings with no original, independent thoughts, who spends their time circlejerking on reddit over fake poll numbers, who repeats mainstream media talking points and has no insight into anything other than "Orange Man Bad". Its great that you have your hopes up.

U2Edge: U are an NPC
View attachment 365246

1. I'm sorry you don't like U2 or the Edge, but I'm not sure what that has to do with the thread or discussion.

2. I'm a registered Republican, a George Bush/John McCain Republican.

3. I voted straight Republican down the ticket each election until 2016 when Trump won the Republican nomination for President.

4. I don't read the Washington Post, and prefer to get raw data and make up my own mind about how the President is doing rather than reading an editorial. I use my own knowledge of U.S. history, U.S. foreign policy, U.S. Defense policy to decide whether the President is doing the right thing or the wrong thing.

5. I love the Star-Spangled Banner and don't think it should ever be replaced.

6. I love the Washington Redskins and I am saddened that a combination of events and the pressure from a tiny liberal minority has force them to change their name which celebrated Native Americans and their culture.

7. I use polling data from Real Clear Politics, which takes the AVERAGE of the most recent polls to get the most accurate picture of where an electoral contest is currently at.

8. Who is your favorite music artist?

U2 just keeps recording the same song with different lyrics.

And yeah, you tried that lie that you're a Republican and you used to vote Republican and went down in complete flames. You never could explain why you woke up one morning and said oh your God, the Democrats are right on every issue! What an epiphany!

A Bush/McCain Republican is largely the opposite of a Donald Trump Republican on lots of issues, especially Foreign Policy, Defense Policy, trade, and immigration. I'm a Bush/McCain Republican.

In other words, a Democrat.
Of this I am certain. 100 percent guaranteed. No rallies, no crowds, no momentum, no movement, no positions on anything, there is literally no Joe Biden 2020 campaign. He is a phantom, he is vapid air. Nothingness. All you have is "muh polls". That's literally all you have. Biden is the most invisible candidate we've ever seen and for this reason, he will get steamrolled on Nov. 3rd. Leave it to SJW academics to skew their polls in favor of "racial justice" because these days that's what matters to them more than objectivity!
Biden is doing the only thing he needs to do.

Handing tRump as much rope as he wants.
Trump's current hope is to "brand" Biden as a tool of the … anarchist communist (those not friends of Trump) blacks who want to destroy the country. Assuming such people exist in some appreciable number, I sort of doubt most people buy this current Trumpian bs.
All Trump really needs to do is expose how mentally unfit Joe Biden is to be President. I'm thinking at this point the Biden team is thinking very long and hard about some way to duck the debates and continue a "campaign" that is unlike any ever carried out by a legitimate candidate for President!
Biden is not mentally unfit. But after yesterdays interview with Chris Wallace it is apparent that trump is.
How do you know? One man is mentally fit enough to DO interviews...the other man is being hidden away from any interviews! So which do you think is mentally fit?
Of this I am certain. 100 percent guaranteed. No rallies, no crowds, no momentum, no movement, no positions on anything, there is literally no Joe Biden 2020 campaign. He is a phantom, he is vapid air. Nothingness. All you have is "muh polls". That's literally all you have. Biden is the most invisible candidate we've ever seen and for this reason, he will get steamrolled on Nov. 3rd. Leave it to SJW academics to skew their polls in favor of "racial justice" because these days that's what matters to them more than objectivity!

Can't wait to come back to thread on November 3, 2020. The question is will you show up given that Trump is going to be voted out of office that day.

Oh, and BIDEN became President when he won his party's nomination. Its just a waiting game now. BIDEN does not have to do anything given that Trump is the worst President in American history.

Trump's only saving factor that might have gotten him re-elected in a close race is gone. That was the economy. The economy is in its worst recession since the 1930s with unemployment levels higher than at any time since the 1930s.

It is so fitting that you're a fan of U2 and a shitty guitar player like Edge. U2 is the most mainstream, vanilla lite rock, overrated band there is, and of course someone like you reads mainstream media like Washington Post and then spews what he reads onto here like a mindless liberal parrot. You think U2 is a great band. You probably agree that the Star-Spangled Banner should be replaced by the pop tune "Lean on Me" . It makes perfect sense -- like clockwork.

U2Edge is the perfect representative of the mainstream, TDS-afflicted lemmings with no original, independent thoughts, who spends their time circlejerking on reddit over fake poll numbers, who repeats mainstream media talking points and has no insight into anything other than "Orange Man Bad". Its great that you have your hopes up.

U2Edge: U are an NPC
View attachment 365246

1. I'm sorry you don't like U2 or the Edge, but I'm not sure what that has to do with the thread or discussion.

2. I'm a registered Republican, a George Bush/John McCain Republican.

3. I voted straight Republican down the ticket each election until 2016 when Trump won the Republican nomination for President.

4. I don't read the Washington Post, and prefer to get raw data and make up my own mind about how the President is doing rather than reading an editorial. I use my own knowledge of U.S. history, U.S. foreign policy, U.S. Defense policy to decide whether the President is doing the right thing or the wrong thing.

5. I love the Star-Spangled Banner and don't think it should ever be replaced.

6. I love the Washington Redskins and I am saddened that a combination of events and the pressure from a tiny liberal minority has force them to change their name which celebrated Native Americans and their culture.

7. I use polling data from Real Clear Politics, which takes the AVERAGE of the most recent polls to get the most accurate picture of where an electoral contest is currently at.

8. Who is your favorite music artist?

U2 just keeps recording the same song with different lyrics.

And yeah, you tried that lie that you're a Republican and you used to vote Republican and went down in complete flames. You never could explain why you woke up one morning and said oh your God, the Democrats are right on every issue! What an epiphany!

A Bush/McCain Republican is largely the opposite of a Donald Trump Republican on lots of issues, especially Foreign Policy, Defense Policy, trade, and immigration. I'm a Bush/McCain Republican.

A Bush/McCain Republican is largely the opposite of a Donald Trump Republican on lots of issues, especially

- Foreign Policy, Defense Policy: OK, so you love the military and using it as much as possible
- Trade: And you're no free trader
- immigration: But you do like you some illegal immigration

"I'm a Bush/McCain Republican"

Yes, a Democrat, just like I said

OF course I'm a free trader. I supported NAFTA and still do, unlike Donald Trump.
Most of what gets tagged as illegal immigration today would have been perfectly legal for most of United States history. Its good for the United States and offsets the declining birth rate and the aging/retiring baby boomer population. You need a set increase in new workers coming of age, in order to maintain GDP growth above 3%. You don't make it there without our new friends from Latin America.

Bush/McCain Republican's led the party in 2000, 2004, 2008. That's when the party was still an inclusive centrist party like what was started with Reagan. In 2009, the Tea Party arose and started to grow in influence turning large sections of the party back to its racist, isolationist past. Mitt Romney still won the nomination in 2012, but the party was moving in the direction of Trump thanks to the tea party before Trump even started to run. Many Bush/McCain Republicans started to leave the party at this time. Trump won the nomination in 2016, and the Republicans that were left who were not Trumpers, or tea party, simply closed ranks and voted for Trump because he was the nominee.
Actually that Bush/McCain Republican's led the party was just as racist as this one and Reagan was a lighter version of trump. Reagan was less up front with his racism. For example he kicked off his 1980 campaign in Mississippi promising a return of states rights. Trump started by coming down on an escalator talking crap about Mexicans. Reagans move sent the same racist signals trumps did, but Reagan was far more subtle. But I understand your position, I think. You don't like the racism in the party and the over the top despotism of trump.

Well, tell that to Colin Powell. Colin Powell served, Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush. Strong Republican who believed in that centrist party and did not think it was racist at all.

I know who Colin Powell is. And I know what I saw in both Reagans campaigns and his presidencies. Same with Bush and McCain opposed the MLK holiday for years. Again whites need to stop trying to argue using on person from a race. Especially when I always here how I nor other blacks here speak for all blacks. Because Colin Powell kept his mouth shut doesn't mean anything. Some blacks tend to do that when they get checks.

Just because YOU think the party under Reagan, Bush or McCain was racist does not make it so. It was a centrist party which is why the victories under Reagan and Bush Sr. were so massive. Reagan won every state in the Union in 1984 with the exception of Minnesota which he only lost by 3,704 votes. The country was never more united in an election than it was in 1984. Bush W. saw the country much more divided, but inclusiveness was still vital W's victories. McCain would have won in 2008 had the economy not tanked in the last half of 2008. Its after Obama's election and the rise of the Tea Party that the Party of Reagan started to disintegrate.

While were at it lets not forget the Democrats and their racist past. West Virginia was a Blue state in the 90s, its become more red now that the Republicans left in the party have moved into extremist positions.
Of this I am certain. 100 percent guaranteed. No rallies, no crowds, no momentum, no movement, no positions on anything, there is literally no Joe Biden 2020 campaign. He is a phantom, he is vapid air. Nothingness. All you have is "muh polls". That's literally all you have. Biden is the most invisible candidate we've ever seen and for this reason, he will get steamrolled on Nov. 3rd. Leave it to SJW academics to skew their polls in favor of "racial justice" because these days that's what matters to them more than objectivity!

Can't wait to come back to thread on November 3, 2020. The question is will you show up given that Trump is going to be voted out of office that day.

Oh, and BIDEN became President when he won his party's nomination. Its just a waiting game now. BIDEN does not have to do anything given that Trump is the worst President in American history.

Trump's only saving factor that might have gotten him re-elected in a close race is gone. That was the economy. The economy is in its worst recession since the 1930s with unemployment levels higher than at any time since the 1930s.

It is so fitting that you're a fan of U2 and a shitty guitar player like Edge. U2 is the most mainstream, vanilla lite rock, overrated band there is, and of course someone like you reads mainstream media like Washington Post and then spews what he reads onto here like a mindless liberal parrot. You think U2 is a great band. You probably agree that the Star-Spangled Banner should be replaced by the pop tune "Lean on Me" . It makes perfect sense -- like clockwork.

U2Edge is the perfect representative of the mainstream, TDS-afflicted lemmings with no original, independent thoughts, who spends their time circlejerking on reddit over fake poll numbers, who repeats mainstream media talking points and has no insight into anything other than "Orange Man Bad". Its great that you have your hopes up.

U2Edge: U are an NPC
View attachment 365246

1. I'm sorry you don't like U2 or the Edge, but I'm not sure what that has to do with the thread or discussion.

2. I'm a registered Republican, a George Bush/John McCain Republican.

3. I voted straight Republican down the ticket each election until 2016 when Trump won the Republican nomination for President.

4. I don't read the Washington Post, and prefer to get raw data and make up my own mind about how the President is doing rather than reading an editorial. I use my own knowledge of U.S. history, U.S. foreign policy, U.S. Defense policy to decide whether the President is doing the right thing or the wrong thing.

5. I love the Star-Spangled Banner and don't think it should ever be replaced.

6. I love the Washington Redskins and I am saddened that a combination of events and the pressure from a tiny liberal minority has force them to change their name which celebrated Native Americans and their culture.

7. I use polling data from Real Clear Politics, which takes the AVERAGE of the most recent polls to get the most accurate picture of where an electoral contest is currently at.

8. Who is your favorite music artist?
The Redskin name did not celebrate Native American culture according to Native Americans. Other than that you have the right to be republican and not support trump.

90% of Native Americans believe the name REDSKIN is not negative or a racial slur. Many majority Native American High Schools use the REDSKIN name for the sports teams.

The Washington Redskins have always celebrated Native American Culture. The logo that currently adorns the team helmet was designed by Native Americans from the Blackfoot Tribe in Montana and approved by Walter "Blackie" Wetzel a former leader of the Blackfoot Nation.

Walter "Blackie Wetzel" said the following in a 2002 news article: " It made us all so proud to have an Indian on a big-time team. Its only a small group of radicals who oppose those names." Walter "Blackie" Wetzel 2002 Washington Post.
I don't think you know 90 percent of the native Americans and whites need to quit trying to justify racism by quoting one person from a race. If I quoted David Duke and then said 90 percent of whites agree with him, there would be no end to the crying. Native Americans have been trying to get that name changed for decades.

A small number of native Americans and liberals of other races have been trying to change the name since 1968. They are a tiny minority. In fact, the group itself is primarily made up of people who have no Native American ancestry at all. But, because this tiny group alleges a name is racist, your going to take their word for it over the vast majority of native Americans as shown by scientific polling.

I'm sorry, but just because someone alleges racism, does not mean there is racism in a particular situation. You have to be honest and objective and assess each situation on a case by case basis.

The polling done is scientific and has been done many times. The overwhelming majority of Native Americans, 90% in the latest poll, don't consider the name REDSKIN to be a racial slur or associate anything negative with the name. Majority Native American High Schools often use the name REDSKIN for the name of their sports teams. If it was a really a racial slur, Native Americans would never use it for the name of a team.

A small minority of People alleged in 1968 that the name was racist and attempted to use old historical writings to back that up. Prior to 1968, there is no record of protest against the NFL football Team, Washington Redskins name.

I sited Walter "Blackie" Wetzel because he was a Native American who was key in designing the current logo that adorns the team helmet and has for nearly the past half century.

You can't discuss the controversy about the Washington Redskins without bringing up Walter Blackie Wetzel. He was not just some Native American who was not offended by the name. He was a member of the Blackfood Tribe and Indian National Congress who had a key role in helping to design the current team logo.

I suggest you look up scientific polling and representative sampling. Its an accurate way of finding out how a population of people feels about a particular matter.
Of this I am certain. 100 percent guaranteed. No rallies, no crowds, no momentum, no movement, no positions on anything, there is literally no Joe Biden 2020 campaign. He is a phantom, he is vapid air. Nothingness. All you have is "muh polls". That's literally all you have. Biden is the most invisible candidate we've ever seen and for this reason, he will get steamrolled on Nov. 3rd. Leave it to SJW academics to skew their polls in favor of "racial justice" because these days that's what matters to them more than objectivity!

Can't wait to come back to thread on November 3, 2020. The question is will you show up given that Trump is going to be voted out of office that day.

Oh, and BIDEN became President when he won his party's nomination. Its just a waiting game now. BIDEN does not have to do anything given that Trump is the worst President in American history.

Trump's only saving factor that might have gotten him re-elected in a close race is gone. That was the economy. The economy is in its worst recession since the 1930s with unemployment levels higher than at any time since the 1930s.

It is so fitting that you're a fan of U2 and a shitty guitar player like Edge. U2 is the most mainstream, vanilla lite rock, overrated band there is, and of course someone like you reads mainstream media like Washington Post and then spews what he reads onto here like a mindless liberal parrot. You think U2 is a great band. You probably agree that the Star-Spangled Banner should be replaced by the pop tune "Lean on Me" . It makes perfect sense -- like clockwork.

U2Edge is the perfect representative of the mainstream, TDS-afflicted lemmings with no original, independent thoughts, who spends their time circlejerking on reddit over fake poll numbers, who repeats mainstream media talking points and has no insight into anything other than "Orange Man Bad". Its great that you have your hopes up.

U2Edge: U are an NPC
View attachment 365246

1. I'm sorry you don't like U2 or the Edge, but I'm not sure what that has to do with the thread or discussion.

2. I'm a registered Republican, a George Bush/John McCain Republican.

3. I voted straight Republican down the ticket each election until 2016 when Trump won the Republican nomination for President.

4. I don't read the Washington Post, and prefer to get raw data and make up my own mind about how the President is doing rather than reading an editorial. I use my own knowledge of U.S. history, U.S. foreign policy, U.S. Defense policy to decide whether the President is doing the right thing or the wrong thing.

5. I love the Star-Spangled Banner and don't think it should ever be replaced.

6. I love the Washington Redskins and I am saddened that a combination of events and the pressure from a tiny liberal minority has force them to change their name which celebrated Native Americans and their culture.

7. I use polling data from Real Clear Politics, which takes the AVERAGE of the most recent polls to get the most accurate picture of where an electoral contest is currently at.

8. Who is your favorite music artist?
The Redskin name did not celebrate Native American culture according to Native Americans. Other than that you have the right to be republican and not support trump.

90% of Native Americans believe the name REDSKIN is not negative or a racial slur. Many majority Native American High Schools use the REDSKIN name for the sports teams.

The Washington Redskins have always celebrated Native American Culture. The logo that currently adorns the team helmet was designed by Native Americans from the Blackfoot Tribe in Montana and approved by Walter "Blackie" Wetzel a former leader of the Blackfoot Nation.

Walter "Blackie Wetzel" said the following in a 2002 news article: " It made us all so proud to have an Indian on a big-time team. Its only a small group of radicals who oppose those names." Walter "Blackie" Wetzel 2002 Washington Post.
I don't think you know 90 percent of the native Americans and whites need to quit trying to justify racism by quoting one person from a race. If I quoted David Duke and then said 90 percent of whites agree with him, there would be no end to the crying. Native Americans have been trying to get that name changed for decades.

I'm sorry, but just because someone alleges racism, does not mean there is racism in a particular situation. You have to be honest and objective and assess each situation on a case by case basis.

The polling done is scientific and has been done many times. The overwhelming majority of Native Americans, 90% in the latest poll, don't consider the name REDSKIN to be a racial slur or associate anything negative with the name. Majority Native American High Schools often use the name REDSKIN for the name of their sports teams. If it was a really a racial slur, Native Americans would never use it for the name of a team.

A small minority of People alleged in 1968 that the name was racist and attempted to use old historical writings to back that up. Prior to 1968, there is no record of protest against the NFL football Team, Washington Redskins name.

I sited Walter "Blackie" Wetzel because he was a Native American who was key in designing the current logo that adorns the team helmet and has for nearly the past half century.

You can't discuss the controversy about the Washington Redskins without bringing up Walter Blackie Wetzel. He was not just some Native American who was not offended by the name. He was a member of the Blackfood Tribe and Indian National Congress who had a key role in helping to design the current team logo.

I suggest you look up scientific polling and representative sampling. Its an accurate way of finding out how a population of people feels about a particular matter.

I'm rather amused by where this concept is leading after activists got Washington to jettison the team name! Immediately the names of the Cleveland Indians and the Atlanta Braves are being put forward as ALSO being racist! What this illustrates to me is that you will NEVER make activists like these satisfied! There will always be something that one of them feels is demeaning to some group!
Of this I am certain. 100 percent guaranteed. No rallies, no crowds, no momentum, no movement, no positions on anything, there is literally no Joe Biden 2020 campaign. He is a phantom, he is vapid air. Nothingness. All you have is "muh polls". That's literally all you have. Biden is the most invisible candidate we've ever seen and for this reason, he will get steamrolled on Nov. 3rd. Leave it to SJW academics to skew their polls in favor of "racial justice" because these days that's what matters to them more than objectivity!

Can't wait to come back to thread on November 3, 2020. The question is will you show up given that Trump is going to be voted out of office that day.

Oh, and BIDEN became President when he won his party's nomination. Its just a waiting game now. BIDEN does not have to do anything given that Trump is the worst President in American history.

Trump's only saving factor that might have gotten him re-elected in a close race is gone. That was the economy. The economy is in its worst recession since the 1930s with unemployment levels higher than at any time since the 1930s.

It is so fitting that you're a fan of U2 and a shitty guitar player like Edge. U2 is the most mainstream, vanilla lite rock, overrated band there is, and of course someone like you reads mainstream media like Washington Post and then spews what he reads onto here like a mindless liberal parrot. You think U2 is a great band. You probably agree that the Star-Spangled Banner should be replaced by the pop tune "Lean on Me" . It makes perfect sense -- like clockwork.

U2Edge is the perfect representative of the mainstream, TDS-afflicted lemmings with no original, independent thoughts, who spends their time circlejerking on reddit over fake poll numbers, who repeats mainstream media talking points and has no insight into anything other than "Orange Man Bad". Its great that you have your hopes up.

U2Edge: U are an NPC
View attachment 365246

1. I'm sorry you don't like U2 or the Edge, but I'm not sure what that has to do with the thread or discussion.

2. I'm a registered Republican, a George Bush/John McCain Republican.

3. I voted straight Republican down the ticket each election until 2016 when Trump won the Republican nomination for President.

4. I don't read the Washington Post, and prefer to get raw data and make up my own mind about how the President is doing rather than reading an editorial. I use my own knowledge of U.S. history, U.S. foreign policy, U.S. Defense policy to decide whether the President is doing the right thing or the wrong thing.

5. I love the Star-Spangled Banner and don't think it should ever be replaced.

6. I love the Washington Redskins and I am saddened that a combination of events and the pressure from a tiny liberal minority has force them to change their name which celebrated Native Americans and their culture.

7. I use polling data from Real Clear Politics, which takes the AVERAGE of the most recent polls to get the most accurate picture of where an electoral contest is currently at.

8. Who is your favorite music artist?

U2 just keeps recording the same song with different lyrics.

And yeah, you tried that lie that you're a Republican and you used to vote Republican and went down in complete flames. You never could explain why you woke up one morning and said oh your God, the Democrats are right on every issue! What an epiphany!

A Bush/McCain Republican is largely the opposite of a Donald Trump Republican on lots of issues, especially Foreign Policy, Defense Policy, trade, and immigration. I'm a Bush/McCain Republican.

A Bush/McCain Republican is largely the opposite of a Donald Trump Republican on lots of issues, especially

- Foreign Policy, Defense Policy: OK, so you love the military and using it as much as possible
- Trade: And you're no free trader
- immigration: But you do like you some illegal immigration

"I'm a Bush/McCain Republican"

Yes, a Democrat, just like I said

OF course I'm a free trader. I supported NAFTA and still do, unlike Donald Trump.
Most of what gets tagged as illegal immigration today would have been perfectly legal for most of United States history. Its good for the United States and offsets the declining birth rate and the aging/retiring baby boomer population. You need a set increase in new workers coming of age, in order to maintain GDP growth above 3%. You don't make it there without our new friends from Latin America.

Bush/McCain Republican's led the party in 2000, 2004, 2008. That's when the party was still an inclusive centrist party like what was started with Reagan. In 2009, the Tea Party arose and started to grow in influence turning large sections of the party back to its racist, isolationist past. Mitt Romney still won the nomination in 2012, but the party was moving in the direction of Trump thanks to the tea party before Trump even started to run. Many Bush/McCain Republicans started to leave the party at this time. Trump won the nomination in 2016, and the Republicans that were left who were not Trumpers, or tea party, simply closed ranks and voted for Trump because he was the nominee.

Yet Trump lowered Chinese as well as North American tariffs and you aren't giving him credit for that.

You're lying about being free trade. Trade is just yet another Democrat talking point for you, and you're like Democrats are on every issue, not honest about it
Of this I am certain. 100 percent guaranteed. No rallies, no crowds, no momentum, no movement, no positions on anything, there is literally no Joe Biden 2020 campaign. He is a phantom, he is vapid air. Nothingness. All you have is "muh polls". That's literally all you have. Biden is the most invisible candidate we've ever seen and for this reason, he will get steamrolled on Nov. 3rd. Leave it to SJW academics to skew their polls in favor of "racial justice" because these days that's what matters to them more than objectivity!

Can't wait to come back to thread on November 3, 2020. The question is will you show up given that Trump is going to be voted out of office that day.

Oh, and BIDEN became President when he won his party's nomination. Its just a waiting game now. BIDEN does not have to do anything given that Trump is the worst President in American history.

Trump's only saving factor that might have gotten him re-elected in a close race is gone. That was the economy. The economy is in its worst recession since the 1930s with unemployment levels higher than at any time since the 1930s.

So if the reverse happens and Trump is re-elected, will you be here admitting you were wrong? Won't happen, will it?

I was here in when Hillary lost in 2016.

Saying wow, you were wrong?

Saying what a sad FLUKE of bad luck that was for the United States.

So you half admitted it in a condescending way.

Now that's finally an honest answer. Not this stupid shit that you voted Republican until 2016 when you suddenly believed every DNC talking point and bigoted portrayal of Republicans

The only one that is bigoted is you. You don't get to tell anyone here who they voted for in any election, myself or them will gladly tell you who we voted for.

I voted Straight Republican down the ticket in the following elections:
2016 - Except for voting for Hillary Clinton for President.

In 2018, I voted straight Democrat down the ticket.

I'll be voting straight Democrat down the ticket for 2020. But I'm still registered as a Republican in the state of Pennsylvania.

You still haven't explained this epiphany you had that caused you to realize that Democrats are right on every issue
Jesus Christ, U2Edge's posts are just as boring as U2's "music". Wtf is he even talking about anymore, dude is just all over the place, and he spends all day doing it too. Milquetoast
Of this I am certain. 100 percent guaranteed. No rallies, no crowds, no momentum, no movement, no positions on anything, there is literally no Joe Biden 2020 campaign. He is a phantom, he is vapid air. Nothingness. All you have is "muh polls". That's literally all you have. Biden is the most invisible candidate we've ever seen and for this reason, he will get steamrolled on Nov. 3rd. Leave it to SJW academics to skew their polls in favor of "racial justice" because these days that's what matters to them more than objectivity!
Biden is doing the only thing he needs to do.

Handing tRump as much rope as he wants.

Do you really think Biden even KNOWS what it is he's doing?
Far more so than tRump, in fact.
Of this I am certain. 100 percent guaranteed. No rallies, no crowds, no momentum, no movement, no positions on anything, there is literally no Joe Biden 2020 campaign. He is a phantom, he is vapid air. Nothingness. All you have is "muh polls". That's literally all you have. Biden is the most invisible candidate we've ever seen and for this reason, he will get steamrolled on Nov. 3rd. Leave it to SJW academics to skew their polls in favor of "racial justice" because these days that's what matters to them more than objectivity!
Biden is doing the only thing he needs to do.

Handing tRump as much rope as he wants.
Trump's current hope is to "brand" Biden as a tool of the … anarchist communist (those not friends of Trump) blacks who want to destroy the country. Assuming such people exist in some appreciable number, I sort of doubt most people buy this current Trumpian bs.
All Trump really needs to do is expose how mentally unfit Joe Biden is to be President. I'm thinking at this point the Biden team is thinking very long and hard about some way to duck the debates and continue a "campaign" that is unlike any ever carried out by a legitimate candidate for President!
That's a fiction. Joe is senile just like Hillary had Parkinson's. That is to say not at all.
just like Trump's dad sent Donald's ass packing to the Military Academy, Biden will send Donald's ass packing out of the white house and into a Florida nursing home
Of this I am certain. 100 percent guaranteed. No rallies, no crowds, no momentum, no movement, no positions on anything, there is literally no Joe Biden 2020 campaign. He is a phantom, he is vapid air. Nothingness. All you have is "muh polls". That's literally all you have. Biden is the most invisible candidate we've ever seen and for this reason, he will get steamrolled on Nov. 3rd. Leave it to SJW academics to skew their polls in favor of "racial justice" because these days that's what matters to them more than objectivity!

Can't wait to come back to thread on November 3, 2020. The question is will you show up given that Trump is going to be voted out of office that day.

Oh, and BIDEN became President when he won his party's nomination. Its just a waiting game now. BIDEN does not have to do anything given that Trump is the worst President in American history.

Trump's only saving factor that might have gotten him re-elected in a close race is gone. That was the economy. The economy is in its worst recession since the 1930s with unemployment levels higher than at any time since the 1930s.

So if the reverse happens and Trump is re-elected, will you be here admitting you were wrong? Won't happen, will it?

I was here in when Hillary lost in 2016.

Saying wow, you were wrong?

Saying what a sad FLUKE of bad luck that was for the United States.

So you half admitted it in a condescending way.

Now that's finally an honest answer. Not this stupid shit that you voted Republican until 2016 when you suddenly believed every DNC talking point and bigoted portrayal of Republicans

The only one that is bigoted is you. You don't get to tell anyone here who they voted for in any election, myself or them will gladly tell you who we voted for.

I voted Straight Republican down the ticket in the following elections:
2016 - Except for voting for Hillary Clinton for President.

In 2018, I voted straight Democrat down the ticket.

I'll be voting straight Democrat down the ticket for 2020. But I'm still registered as a Republican in the state of Pennsylvania.

You still haven't explained this epiphany you had that caused you to realize that Democrats are right on every issue

I NEVER stated that Democrats were right on every issue. I don't anyone that is right on every issue. I've explained how Trump's positions on issues and history was enough to get me to vote for Hillary Clinton. Trump's performance as President made me vote straight Democrat in 2018, in order to see that he was removed from office. The failure to remove him can be laid at the feet of Republicans in congress except Mitt Romney. The Republican Party did a 180 on many issues when it decided to go with Trump. We soon learned that Trump was really a Mafia Crook and needed to be removed from office. Republicans failure to support that effort has pushed me away from them even further. The Republican Party needs to be cleaned out and rebuilt after what happened with TRUMP.
Of this I am certain. 100 percent guaranteed. No rallies, no crowds, no momentum, no movement, no positions on anything, there is literally no Joe Biden 2020 campaign. He is a phantom, he is vapid air. Nothingness. All you have is "muh polls". That's literally all you have. Biden is the most invisible candidate we've ever seen and for this reason, he will get steamrolled on Nov. 3rd. Leave it to SJW academics to skew their polls in favor of "racial justice" because these days that's what matters to them more than objectivity!

Can't wait to come back to thread on November 3, 2020. The question is will you show up given that Trump is going to be voted out of office that day.

Oh, and BIDEN became President when he won his party's nomination. Its just a waiting game now. BIDEN does not have to do anything given that Trump is the worst President in American history.

Trump's only saving factor that might have gotten him re-elected in a close race is gone. That was the economy. The economy is in its worst recession since the 1930s with unemployment levels higher than at any time since the 1930s.

It is so fitting that you're a fan of U2 and a shitty guitar player like Edge. U2 is the most mainstream, vanilla lite rock, overrated band there is, and of course someone like you reads mainstream media like Washington Post and then spews what he reads onto here like a mindless liberal parrot. You think U2 is a great band. You probably agree that the Star-Spangled Banner should be replaced by the pop tune "Lean on Me" . It makes perfect sense -- like clockwork.

U2Edge is the perfect representative of the mainstream, TDS-afflicted lemmings with no original, independent thoughts, who spends their time circlejerking on reddit over fake poll numbers, who repeats mainstream media talking points and has no insight into anything other than "Orange Man Bad". Its great that you have your hopes up.

U2Edge: U are an NPC
View attachment 365246

1. I'm sorry you don't like U2 or the Edge, but I'm not sure what that has to do with the thread or discussion.

2. I'm a registered Republican, a George Bush/John McCain Republican.

3. I voted straight Republican down the ticket each election until 2016 when Trump won the Republican nomination for President.

4. I don't read the Washington Post, and prefer to get raw data and make up my own mind about how the President is doing rather than reading an editorial. I use my own knowledge of U.S. history, U.S. foreign policy, U.S. Defense policy to decide whether the President is doing the right thing or the wrong thing.

5. I love the Star-Spangled Banner and don't think it should ever be replaced.

6. I love the Washington Redskins and I am saddened that a combination of events and the pressure from a tiny liberal minority has force them to change their name which celebrated Native Americans and their culture.

7. I use polling data from Real Clear Politics, which takes the AVERAGE of the most recent polls to get the most accurate picture of where an electoral contest is currently at.

8. Who is your favorite music artist?

U2 just keeps recording the same song with different lyrics.

And yeah, you tried that lie that you're a Republican and you used to vote Republican and went down in complete flames. You never could explain why you woke up one morning and said oh your God, the Democrats are right on every issue! What an epiphany!

A Bush/McCain Republican is largely the opposite of a Donald Trump Republican on lots of issues, especially Foreign Policy, Defense Policy, trade, and immigration. I'm a Bush/McCain Republican.

A Bush/McCain Republican is largely the opposite of a Donald Trump Republican on lots of issues, especially

- Foreign Policy, Defense Policy: OK, so you love the military and using it as much as possible
- Trade: And you're no free trader
- immigration: But you do like you some illegal immigration

"I'm a Bush/McCain Republican"

Yes, a Democrat, just like I said

OF course I'm a free trader. I supported NAFTA and still do, unlike Donald Trump.
Most of what gets tagged as illegal immigration today would have been perfectly legal for most of United States history. Its good for the United States and offsets the declining birth rate and the aging/retiring baby boomer population. You need a set increase in new workers coming of age, in order to maintain GDP growth above 3%. You don't make it there without our new friends from Latin America.

Bush/McCain Republican's led the party in 2000, 2004, 2008. That's when the party was still an inclusive centrist party like what was started with Reagan. In 2009, the Tea Party arose and started to grow in influence turning large sections of the party back to its racist, isolationist past. Mitt Romney still won the nomination in 2012, but the party was moving in the direction of Trump thanks to the tea party before Trump even started to run. Many Bush/McCain Republicans started to leave the party at this time. Trump won the nomination in 2016, and the Republicans that were left who were not Trumpers, or tea party, simply closed ranks and voted for Trump because he was the nominee.

Yet Trump lowered Chinese as well as North American tariffs and you aren't giving him credit for that.

You're lying about being free trade. Trade is just yet another Democrat talking point for you, and you're like Democrats are on every issue, not honest about it

Trump has generally been for protectionism in most trade cases, even if he did not get his way. Protectionism when it comes to trade is more of a FAR LEFT position ala Bernie Sanders.
Of this I am certain. 100 percent guaranteed. No rallies, no crowds, no momentum, no movement, no positions on anything, there is literally no Joe Biden 2020 campaign. He is a phantom, he is vapid air. Nothingness. All you have is "muh polls". That's literally all you have. Biden is the most invisible candidate we've ever seen and for this reason, he will get steamrolled on Nov. 3rd. Leave it to SJW academics to skew their polls in favor of "racial justice" because these days that's what matters to them more than objectivity!

deplorables hope Biden's mental fitness is their ticket to WH, but, wait, look at this recent poll, americans believe Biden's mental fitness much better than traitor in chief..

Jesus Christ, U2Edge's posts are just as boring as U2's "music". Wtf is he even talking about anymore, dude is just all over the place, and he spends all day doing it too. Milquetoast

You really do like to talk about me rather than politics.
Of this I am certain. 100 percent guaranteed. No rallies, no crowds, no momentum, no movement, no positions on anything, there is literally no Joe Biden 2020 campaign. He is a phantom, he is vapid air. Nothingness. All you have is "muh polls". That's literally all you have. Biden is the most invisible candidate we've ever seen and for this reason, he will get steamrolled on Nov. 3rd. Leave it to SJW academics to skew their polls in favor of "racial justice" because these days that's what matters to them more than objectivity!
Biden is doing the only thing he needs to do.

Handing tRump as much rope as he wants.
Trump's current hope is to "brand" Biden as a tool of the … anarchist communist (those not friends of Trump) blacks who want to destroy the country. Assuming such people exist in some appreciable number, I sort of doubt most people buy this current Trumpian bs.
All Trump really needs to do is expose how mentally unfit Joe Biden is to be President. I'm thinking at this point the Biden team is thinking very long and hard about some way to duck the debates and continue a "campaign" that is unlike any ever carried out by a legitimate candidate for President!
That's a fiction. Joe is senile just like Hillary had Parkinson's. That is to say not at all.
And you know this how, Crep? I'm basing my suspicion that he IS on what I've observed his campaign doing and on the very few times he actually HAS spoken in public! What do you base your belief on?
Of this I am certain. 100 percent guaranteed. No rallies, no crowds, no momentum, no movement, no positions on anything, there is literally no Joe Biden 2020 campaign. He is a phantom, he is vapid air. Nothingness. All you have is "muh polls". That's literally all you have. Biden is the most invisible candidate we've ever seen and for this reason, he will get steamrolled on Nov. 3rd. Leave it to SJW academics to skew their polls in favor of "racial justice" because these days that's what matters to them more than objectivity!

Can't wait to come back to thread on November 3, 2020. The question is will you show up given that Trump is going to be voted out of office that day.

Oh, and BIDEN became President when he won his party's nomination. Its just a waiting game now. BIDEN does not have to do anything given that Trump is the worst President in American history.

Trump's only saving factor that might have gotten him re-elected in a close race is gone. That was the economy. The economy is in its worst recession since the 1930s with unemployment levels higher than at any time since the 1930s.

So if the reverse happens and Trump is re-elected, will you be here admitting you were wrong? Won't happen, will it?

I was here in when Hillary lost in 2016.

Saying wow, you were wrong?

Saying what a sad FLUKE of bad luck that was for the United States.

So you half admitted it in a condescending way.

Now that's finally an honest answer. Not this stupid shit that you voted Republican until 2016 when you suddenly believed every DNC talking point and bigoted portrayal of Republicans

The only one that is bigoted is you. You don't get to tell anyone here who they voted for in any election, myself or them will gladly tell you who we voted for.

I voted Straight Republican down the ticket in the following elections:
2016 - Except for voting for Hillary Clinton for President.

In 2018, I voted straight Democrat down the ticket.

I'll be voting straight Democrat down the ticket for 2020. But I'm still registered as a Republican in the state of Pennsylvania.

You still haven't explained this epiphany you had that caused you to realize that Democrats are right on every issue

I NEVER stated that Democrats were right on every issue. I don't anyone that is right on every issue. I've explained how Trump's positions on issues and history was enough to get me to vote for Hillary Clinton. Trump's performance as President made me vote straight Democrat in 2018, in order to see that he was removed from office. The failure to remove him can be laid at the feet of Republicans in congress except Mitt Romney. The Republican Party did a 180 on many issues when it decided to go with Trump. We soon learned that Trump was really a Mafia Crook and needed to be removed from office. Republicans failure to support that effort has pushed me away from them even further. The Republican Party needs to be cleaned out and rebuilt after what happened with TRUMP.
Trump is a "Mafia Crook"? LOL When did we learn this?
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