Biden is not running a campaign. He will lose

Of this I am certain. 100 percent guaranteed. No rallies, no crowds, no momentum, no movement, no positions on anything, there is literally no Joe Biden 2020 campaign. He is a phantom, he is vapid air. Nothingness. All you have is "muh polls". That's literally all you have. Biden is the most invisible candidate we've ever seen and for this reason, he will get steamrolled on Nov. 3rd. Leave it to SJW academics to skew their polls in favor of "racial justice" because these days that's what matters to them more than objectivity!
.... And he still will win because who's in office right now is an abomination
Yep, you're from Dallas for sure . A Dummocrat stronghold.
Of this I am certain. 100 percent guaranteed. No rallies, no crowds, no momentum, no movement, no positions on anything, there is literally no Joe Biden 2020 campaign. He is a phantom, he is vapid air. Nothingness. All you have is "muh polls". That's literally all you have. Biden is the most invisible candidate we've ever seen and for this reason, he will get steamrolled on Nov. 3rd. Leave it to SJW academics to skew their polls in favor of "racial justice" because these days that's what matters to them more than objectivity!
.... And he still will win because who's in office right now is an abomination
We have a superb Potus in Trump !!
Sorry you lack any brain function
Of this I am certain. 100 percent guaranteed. No rallies, no crowds, no momentum, no movement, no positions on anything, there is literally no Joe Biden 2020 campaign. He is a phantom, he is vapid air. Nothingness. All you have is "muh polls". That's literally all you have. Biden is the most invisible candidate we've ever seen and for this reason, he will get steamrolled on Nov. 3rd. Leave it to SJW academics to skew their polls in favor of "racial justice" because these days that's what matters to them more than objectivity!

Can't wait to come back to thread on November 3, 2020. The question is will you show up given that Trump is going to be voted out of office that day.

Oh, and BIDEN became President when he won his party's nomination. Its just a waiting game now. BIDEN does not have to do anything given that Trump is the worst President in American history.

Trump's only saving factor that might have gotten him re-elected in a close race is gone. That was the economy. The economy is in its worst recession since the 1930s with unemployment levels higher than at any time since the 1930s.

It is so fitting that you're a fan of U2 and a shitty guitar player like Edge. U2 is the most mainstream, vanilla lite rock, overrated band there is, and of course someone like you reads mainstream media like Washington Post and then spews what he reads onto here like a mindless liberal parrot. You think U2 is a great band. You probably agree that the Star-Spangled Banner should be replaced by the pop tune "Lean on Me" . It makes perfect sense -- like clockwork.

U2Edge is the perfect representative of the mainstream, TDS-afflicted lemmings with no original, independent thoughts, who spends their time circlejerking on reddit over fake poll numbers, who repeats mainstream media talking points and has no insight into anything other than "Orange Man Bad". Its great that you have your hopes up.

U2Edge: U are an NPC
Of this I am certain. 100 percent guaranteed. No rallies, no crowds, no momentum, no movement, no positions on anything, there is literally no Joe Biden 2020 campaign. He is a phantom, he is vapid air. Nothingness. All you have is "muh polls". That's literally all you have. Biden is the most invisible candidate we've ever seen and for this reason, he will get steamrolled on Nov. 3rd. Leave it to SJW academics to skew their polls in favor of "racial justice" because these days that's what matters to them more than objectivity!

Can't wait to come back to thread on November 3, 2020. The question is will you show up given that Trump is going to be voted out of office that day.

Oh, and BIDEN became President when he won his party's nomination. Its just a waiting game now. BIDEN does not have to do anything given that Trump is the worst President in American history.

Trump's only saving factor that might have gotten him re-elected in a close race is gone. That was the economy. The economy is in its worst recession since the 1930s with unemployment levels higher than at any time since the 1930s.

It is so fitting that you're a fan of U2 and a shitty guitar player like Edge. U2 is the most mainstream, vanilla lite rock, overrated band there is, and of course someone like you reads mainstream media like Washington Post and then spews what he reads onto here like a mindless liberal parrot. You think U2 is a great band. You probably agree that the Star-Spangled Banner should be replaced by the pop tune "Lean on Me" . It makes perfect sense -- like clockwork.

U2Edge is the perfect representative of the mainstream, TDS-afflicted lemmings with no original, independent thoughts, who spends their time circlejerking on reddit over fake poll numbers, who repeats mainstream media talking points and has no insight into anything other than "Orange Man Bad". Its great that you have your hopes up.

U2Edge: U are an NPC
View attachment 365246

1. I'm sorry you don't like U2 or the Edge, but I'm not sure what that has to do with the thread or discussion.

2. I'm a registered Republican, a George Bush/John McCain Republican.

3. I voted straight Republican down the ticket each election until 2016 when Trump won the Republican nomination for President.

4. I don't read the Washington Post, and prefer to get raw data and make up my own mind about how the President is doing rather than reading an editorial. I use my own knowledge of U.S. history, U.S. foreign policy, U.S. Defense policy to decide whether the President is doing the right thing or the wrong thing.

5. I love the Star-Spangled Banner and don't think it should ever be replaced.

6. I love the Washington Redskins and I am saddened that a combination of events and the pressure from a tiny liberal minority has force them to change their name which celebrated Native Americans and their culture.

7. I use polling data from Real Clear Politics, which takes the AVERAGE of the most recent polls to get the most accurate picture of where an electoral contest is currently at.

8. Who is your favorite music artist?
Hell..Rookie---you don't even know if Biden will be on the ticket!

That would be the trumpanzee's worst nightmare--if the Dems put up someone sane..and to the middle..with Biden's would be game over.

Besides..we don't need flesh-pressers anymore...the action is in the cyberworld.
Sane and to the middle? What Democrat these days fits THAT description, Evil?
Of this I am certain. 100 percent guaranteed. No rallies, no crowds, no momentum, no movement, no positions on anything, there is literally no Joe Biden 2020 campaign. He is a phantom, he is vapid air. Nothingness. All you have is "muh polls". That's literally all you have. Biden is the most invisible candidate we've ever seen and for this reason, he will get steamrolled on Nov. 3rd. Leave it to SJW academics to skew their polls in favor of "racial justice" because these days that's what matters to them more than objectivity!

Can't wait to come back to thread on November 3, 2020. The question is will you show up given that Trump is going to be voted out of office that day.

Oh, and BIDEN became President when he won his party's nomination. Its just a waiting game now. BIDEN does not have to do anything given that Trump is the worst President in American history.

Trump's only saving factor that might have gotten him re-elected in a close race is gone. That was the economy. The economy is in its worst recession since the 1930s with unemployment levels higher than at any time since the 1930s.

So if the reverse happens and Trump is re-elected, will you be here admitting you were wrong? Won't happen, will it?
Of this I am certain. 100 percent guaranteed. No rallies, no crowds, no momentum, no movement, no positions on anything, there is literally no Joe Biden 2020 campaign. He is a phantom, he is vapid air. Nothingness. All you have is "muh polls". That's literally all you have. Biden is the most invisible candidate we've ever seen and for this reason, he will get steamrolled on Nov. 3rd. Leave it to SJW academics to skew their polls in favor of "racial justice" because these days that's what matters to them more than objectivity!

Can't wait to come back to thread on November 3, 2020. The question is will you show up given that Trump is going to be voted out of office that day.

Oh, and BIDEN became President when he won his party's nomination. Its just a waiting game now. BIDEN does not have to do anything given that Trump is the worst President in American history.

Trump's only saving factor that might have gotten him re-elected in a close race is gone. That was the economy. The economy is in its worst recession since the 1930s with unemployment levels higher than at any time since the 1930s.

It is so fitting that you're a fan of U2 and a shitty guitar player like Edge. U2 is the most mainstream, vanilla lite rock, overrated band there is, and of course someone like you reads mainstream media like Washington Post and then spews what he reads onto here like a mindless liberal parrot. You think U2 is a great band. You probably agree that the Star-Spangled Banner should be replaced by the pop tune "Lean on Me" . It makes perfect sense -- like clockwork.

U2Edge is the perfect representative of the mainstream, TDS-afflicted lemmings with no original, independent thoughts, who spends their time circlejerking on reddit over fake poll numbers, who repeats mainstream media talking points and has no insight into anything other than "Orange Man Bad". Its great that you have your hopes up.

U2Edge: U are an NPC
View attachment 365246

1. I'm sorry you don't like U2 or the Edge, but I'm not sure what that has to do with the thread or discussion.

2. I'm a registered Republican, a George Bush/John McCain Republican.

3. I voted straight Republican down the ticket each election until 2016 when Trump won the Republican nomination for President.

4. I don't read the Washington Post, and prefer to get raw data and make up my own mind about how the President is doing rather than reading an editorial. I use my own knowledge of U.S. history, U.S. foreign policy, U.S. Defense policy to decide whether the President is doing the right thing or the wrong thing.

5. I love the Star-Spangled Banner and don't think it should ever be replaced.

6. I love the Washington Redskins and I am saddened that a combination of events and the pressure from a tiny liberal minority has force them to change their name which celebrated Native Americans and their culture.

7. I use polling data from Real Clear Politics, which takes the AVERAGE of the most recent polls to get the most accurate picture of where an electoral contest is currently at.

8. Who is your favorite music artist?

U2 just keeps recording the same song with different lyrics.

And yeah, you tried that lie that you're a Republican and you used to vote Republican and went down in complete flames. You never could explain why you woke up one morning and said oh your God, the Democrats are right on every issue! What an epiphany!
Of this I am certain. 100 percent guaranteed. No rallies, no crowds, no momentum, no movement, no positions on anything, there is literally no Joe Biden 2020 campaign. He is a phantom, he is vapid air. Nothingness. All you have is "muh polls". That's literally all you have. Biden is the most invisible candidate we've ever seen and for this reason, he will get steamrolled on Nov. 3rd. Leave it to SJW academics to skew their polls in favor of "racial justice" because these days that's what matters to them more than objectivity!
Biden is doing the only thing he needs to do.

Handing tRump as much rope as he wants.
Of this I am certain. 100 percent guaranteed. No rallies, no crowds, no momentum, no movement, no positions on anything, there is literally no Joe Biden 2020 campaign. He is a phantom, he is vapid air. Nothingness. All you have is "muh polls". That's literally all you have. Biden is the most invisible candidate we've ever seen and for this reason, he will get steamrolled on Nov. 3rd. Leave it to SJW academics to skew their polls in favor of "racial justice" because these days that's what matters to them more than objectivity!

Can't wait to come back to thread on November 3, 2020. The question is will you show up given that Trump is going to be voted out of office that day.

Oh, and BIDEN became President when he won his party's nomination. Its just a waiting game now. BIDEN does not have to do anything given that Trump is the worst President in American history.

Trump's only saving factor that might have gotten him re-elected in a close race is gone. That was the economy. The economy is in its worst recession since the 1930s with unemployment levels higher than at any time since the 1930s.

So if the reverse happens and Trump is re-elected, will you be here admitting you were wrong? Won't happen, will it?
Anything's possible, but Trump has failed miserably twice to draw a crowd, which is a superspreader event even when people don't show up en mass. So the OP is a bad joke.
Of this I am certain. 100 percent guaranteed. No rallies, no crowds, no momentum, no movement, no positions on anything, there is literally no Joe Biden 2020 campaign. He is a phantom, he is vapid air. Nothingness. All you have is "muh polls". That's literally all you have. Biden is the most invisible candidate we've ever seen and for this reason, he will get steamrolled on Nov. 3rd. Leave it to SJW academics to skew their polls in favor of "racial justice" because these days that's what matters to them more than objectivity!
Biden was doomed to lose before he even got started. I think thats4 why they ran the fool. The party went with a proven loser because they had no one else and they can't take on any more damage without the party dying outright.
Of this I am certain. 100 percent guaranteed. No rallies, no crowds, no momentum, no movement, no positions on anything, there is literally no Joe Biden 2020 campaign. He is a phantom, he is vapid air. Nothingness. All you have is "muh polls". That's literally all you have. Biden is the most invisible candidate we've ever seen and for this reason, he will get steamrolled on Nov. 3rd. Leave it to SJW academics to skew their polls in favor of "racial justice" because these days that's what matters to them more than objectivity!
Biden is doing the only thing he needs to do.

Handing tRump as much rope as he wants.

Do you really think Biden even KNOWS what it is he's doing?
Hell..Rookie---you don't even know if Biden will be on the ticket!

That would be the trumpanzee's worst nightmare--if the Dems put up someone sane..and to the middle..with Biden's would be game over.

Besides..we don't need flesh-pressers anymore...the action is in the cyberworld.

It pissed off the Bernie Bros so much when the Democrats screwed Bernie to give Hillary the nomination that some of them voted for TRUMP...

I would LOVE to see the Democrats piss off everyone that voted for Biden in the primaries by giving the nomination to someone else!!!
Naw, mostly they just stayed home.
Of this I am certain. 100 percent guaranteed. No rallies, no crowds, no momentum, no movement, no positions on anything, there is literally no Joe Biden 2020 campaign. He is a phantom, he is vapid air. Nothingness. All you have is "muh polls". That's literally all you have. Biden is the most invisible candidate we've ever seen and for this reason, he will get steamrolled on Nov. 3rd. Leave it to SJW academics to skew their polls in favor of "racial justice" because these days that's what matters to them more than objectivity!

Can't wait to come back to thread on November 3, 2020. The question is will you show up given that Trump is going to be voted out of office that day.

Oh, and BIDEN became President when he won his party's nomination. Its just a waiting game now. BIDEN does not have to do anything given that Trump is the worst President in American history.

Trump's only saving factor that might have gotten him re-elected in a close race is gone. That was the economy. The economy is in its worst recession since the 1930s with unemployment levels higher than at any time since the 1930s.

So if the reverse happens and Trump is re-elected, will you be here admitting you were wrong? Won't happen, will it?
Anything's possible, but Trump has failed miserably twice to draw a crowd, which is a superspreader event even when people don't show up en mass. So the OP is a bad joke.

Riiiggghhhttttttt. Trump drawing 12K in an arena that holds 15K isn't drawing a crowd. That while Biden's crowds are in the hundreds, when he does well.

You're a mind swilling leftist, you'll believe anything the Democrat party tells you to think
Of this I am certain. 100 percent guaranteed. No rallies, no crowds, no momentum, no movement, no positions on anything, there is literally no Joe Biden 2020 campaign. He is a phantom, he is vapid air. Nothingness. All you have is "muh polls". That's literally all you have. Biden is the most invisible candidate we've ever seen and for this reason, he will get steamrolled on Nov. 3rd. Leave it to SJW academics to skew their polls in favor of "racial justice" because these days that's what matters to them more than objectivity!
Biden is doing the only thing he needs to do.

Handing tRump as much rope as he wants.
Trump's current hope is to "brand" Biden as a tool of the … anarchist communist (those not friends of Trump) blacks who want to destroy the country. Assuming such people exist in some appreciable number, I sort of doubt most people buy this current Trumpian bs.
Biden's mental stability seems to be deteriorating the longer his wife keeps him in the basement. If he goes off script for a second we see quotes like "Arizona is an important city".
Of this I am certain. 100 percent guaranteed. No rallies, no crowds, no momentum, no movement, no positions on anything, there is literally no Joe Biden 2020 campaign. He is a phantom, he is vapid air. Nothingness. All you have is "muh polls". That's literally all you have. Biden is the most invisible candidate we've ever seen and for this reason, he will get steamrolled on Nov. 3rd. Leave it to SJW academics to skew their polls in favor of "racial justice" because these days that's what matters to them more than objectivity!

Can't wait to come back to thread on November 3, 2020. The question is will you show up given that Trump is going to be voted out of office that day.

Oh, and BIDEN became President when he won his party's nomination. Its just a waiting game now. BIDEN does not have to do anything given that Trump is the worst President in American history.

Trump's only saving factor that might have gotten him re-elected in a close race is gone. That was the economy. The economy is in its worst recession since the 1930s with unemployment levels higher than at any time since the 1930s.

So if the reverse happens and Trump is re-elected, will you be here admitting you were wrong? Won't happen, will it?
Anything's possible, but Trump has failed miserably twice to draw a crowd, which is a superspreader event even when people don't show up en mass. So the OP is a bad joke.

Riiiggghhhttttttt. Trump drawing 12K in an arena that holds 15K isn't drawing a crowd. That while Biden's crowds are in the hundreds, when he does well.

You're a mind swilling leftist, you'll believe anything the Democrat party tells you to think
LOL. He cancelled NH because he couldn't get a crowd, and he didn't get 7K in Oklahoma, but he gave them the virus. LOL But the election ain't over till it's over. And I'm pretty sure William "the ton" Barr will have a November surprised.
Of this I am certain. 100 percent guaranteed. No rallies, no crowds, no momentum, no movement, no positions on anything, there is literally no Joe Biden 2020 campaign. He is a phantom, he is vapid air. Nothingness. All you have is "muh polls". That's literally all you have. Biden is the most invisible candidate we've ever seen and for this reason, he will get steamrolled on Nov. 3rd. Leave it to SJW academics to skew their polls in favor of "racial justice" because these days that's what matters to them more than objectivity!

Can't wait to come back to thread on November 3, 2020. The question is will you show up given that Trump is going to be voted out of office that day.

Oh, and BIDEN became President when he won his party's nomination. Its just a waiting game now. BIDEN does not have to do anything given that Trump is the worst President in American history.

Trump's only saving factor that might have gotten him re-elected in a close race is gone. That was the economy. The economy is in its worst recession since the 1930s with unemployment levels higher than at any time since the 1930s.

So if the reverse happens and Trump is re-elected, will you be here admitting you were wrong? Won't happen, will it?
Anything's possible, but Trump has failed miserably twice to draw a crowd, which is a superspreader event even when people don't show up en mass. So the OP is a bad joke.

Riiiggghhhttttttt. Trump drawing 12K in an arena that holds 15K isn't drawing a crowd. That while Biden's crowds are in the hundreds, when he does well.

You're a mind swilling leftist, you'll believe anything the Democrat party tells you to think
LOL. He cancelled NH because he couldn't get a crowd, and he didn't get 7K in Oklahoma, but he gave them the virus. LOL But the election ain't over till it's over. And I'm pretty sure William "the ton" Barr will have a November surprised.

My God, you're such a Democrat drone.

First, note the dodge on Oklahoma where Trump did draw 12K people compared to Biden who can't draw a few hundred.

And so just to be clear, so after criticizing Trump for not listening to experts, you think he should have ignored them and had a rally with a tropical storm coming through.

Here's you: Flip, flop, flip, flop ...
Of this I am certain. 100 percent guaranteed. No rallies, no crowds, no momentum, no movement, no positions on anything, there is literally no Joe Biden 2020 campaign. He is a phantom, he is vapid air. Nothingness. All you have is "muh polls". That's literally all you have. Biden is the most invisible candidate we've ever seen and for this reason, he will get steamrolled on Nov. 3rd. Leave it to SJW academics to skew their polls in favor of "racial justice" because these days that's what matters to them more than objectivity!
Biden is doing the only thing he needs to do.

Handing tRump as much rope as he wants.
Trump's current hope is to "brand" Biden as a tool of the … anarchist communist (those not friends of Trump) blacks who want to destroy the country. Assuming such people exist in some appreciable number, I sort of doubt most people buy this current Trumpian bs.
All Trump really needs to do is expose how mentally unfit Joe Biden is to be President. I'm thinking at this point the Biden team is thinking very long and hard about some way to duck the debates and continue a "campaign" that is unlike any ever carried out by a legitimate candidate for President!
Of this I am certain. 100 percent guaranteed. No rallies, no crowds, no momentum, no movement, no positions on anything, there is literally no Joe Biden 2020 campaign. He is a phantom, he is vapid air. Nothingness. All you have is "muh polls". That's literally all you have. Biden is the most invisible candidate we've ever seen and for this reason, he will get steamrolled on Nov. 3rd. Leave it to SJW academics to skew their polls in favor of "racial justice" because these days that's what matters to them more than objectivity!

Can't wait to come back to thread on November 3, 2020. The question is will you show up given that Trump is going to be voted out of office that day.

Oh, and BIDEN became President when he won his party's nomination. Its just a waiting game now. BIDEN does not have to do anything given that Trump is the worst President in American history.

Trump's only saving factor that might have gotten him re-elected in a close race is gone. That was the economy. The economy is in its worst recession since the 1930s with unemployment levels higher than at any time since the 1930s.

It is so fitting that you're a fan of U2 and a shitty guitar player like Edge. U2 is the most mainstream, vanilla lite rock, overrated band there is, and of course someone like you reads mainstream media like Washington Post and then spews what he reads onto here like a mindless liberal parrot. You think U2 is a great band. You probably agree that the Star-Spangled Banner should be replaced by the pop tune "Lean on Me" . It makes perfect sense -- like clockwork.

U2Edge is the perfect representative of the mainstream, TDS-afflicted lemmings with no original, independent thoughts, who spends their time circlejerking on reddit over fake poll numbers, who repeats mainstream media talking points and has no insight into anything other than "Orange Man Bad". Its great that you have your hopes up.

U2Edge: U are an NPC
View attachment 365246

1. I'm sorry you don't like U2 or the Edge, but I'm not sure what that has to do with the thread or discussion.

2. I'm a registered Republican, a George Bush/John McCain Republican.

3. I voted straight Republican down the ticket each election until 2016 when Trump won the Republican nomination for President.

4. I don't read the Washington Post, and prefer to get raw data and make up my own mind about how the President is doing rather than reading an editorial. I use my own knowledge of U.S. history, U.S. foreign policy, U.S. Defense policy to decide whether the President is doing the right thing or the wrong thing.

5. I love the Star-Spangled Banner and don't think it should ever be replaced.

6. I love the Washington Redskins and I am saddened that a combination of events and the pressure from a tiny liberal minority has force them to change their name which celebrated Native Americans and their culture.

7. I use polling data from Real Clear Politics, which takes the AVERAGE of the most recent polls to get the most accurate picture of where an electoral contest is currently at.

8. Who is your favorite music artist?

Ah, so you're a Mitt Romney-type Republican. Gotcha.
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