Biden is not the nominee as of yet, the dems are trial balooning both Cuomo and Cuban

Both Mark Cuban and Andrew Cuomo are both saying that they will do anything for their country but are not interested in running, however either would run if Joe dropped out and both would be VP. Biden has pledged to nominate a bimbo as VP however the question is do the dems want to win or lose with a bimbo on the ticket.

No one is trial ballooning anything. Just more right wing wet dreams. Right now, they are scared shitless. Biden beats Trump easily. Pay attention to the box in the middle of the page.
RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Trump Job Approval
So explain to me how polls and everyone saying Trump had no chance gave Hillary her presidency.

Polls were largely on target. Hillary wins the popular vote. Trump squeaks out a razor thin victory with a difference of 46 electoral votes across three states.

Popular vote? That's about as useful as a bag of farts. So Hillary had the most bags of farts? Cool.
She also had more adult voters with measurable IQs. Trump had you.
Both Mark Cuban and Andrew Cuomo are both saying that they will do anything for their country but are not interested in running, however either would run if Joe dropped out and both would be VP. Biden has pledged to nominate a bimbo as VP however the question is do the dems want to win or lose with a bimbo on the ticket.

No one is trial ballooning anything. Just more right wing wet dreams. Right now, they are scared shitless. Biden beats Trump easily. Pay attention to the box in the middle of the page.
RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Trump Job Approval
So explain to me how polls and everyone saying Trump had no chance gave Hillary her presidency.

Polls were largely on target. Hillary wins the popular vote. Trump squeaks out a razor thin victory with a difference of 46 electoral votes across three states.

Popular vote? That's about as useful as a bag of farts. So Hillary had the most bags of farts? Cool.

It was said in response to your statement that polls gave Trump no chance. They did.
Both Mark Cuban and Andrew Cuomo are both saying that they will do anything for their country but are not interested in running, however either would run if Joe dropped out and both would be VP. Biden has pledged to nominate a bimbo as VP however the question is do the dems want to win or lose with a bimbo on the ticket.

No one is trial ballooning anything. Just more right wing wet dreams. Right now, they are scared shitless. Biden beats Trump easily. Pay attention to the box in the middle of the page.
RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Trump Job Approval
So explain to me how polls and everyone saying Trump had no chance gave Hillary her presidency.

Polls were largely on target. Hillary wins the popular vote. Trump squeaks out a razor thin victory with a difference of 46 electoral votes across three states.
It was Bernie`s no show crybabies that made Trump president. The NPR estimates have 117,000 Pa. voters that either flipped to Trump or another clown candidate. Trump won Pa. with a 40,000 vote margin.
No I live in reality. He saved millions according to estimates despite Dems ignoring the warnings. Of course local governors have a say, but they aren't the end all be all when it comes to what's best. Still will need to act within federal laws and recommendations and what is best for America.
So now you righties want the federal "gubmint" to step in and supersede the will of the states and determine what is best for America? Wow, that was fast. Statists, the lot.
After four months of the democrats screaming it was all up to Trump and the Fed to step in, call all the shots, anticipate, plan for, act on and supply everything and determine what was safest for America! Now Trump and the fed have NO SAY and it's all up to the stupid governors? You mean like my jackass governor closed my liquor stores when there wasn't a Covid case within 200 miles of here? And a month later, there STILL isn't a single CDC confirmed Covid case within miles of my house! You clueless Twit!
No I live in reality. He saved millions according to estimates despite Dems ignoring the warnings. Of course local governors have a say, but they aren't the end all be all when it comes to what's best. Still will need to act within federal laws and recommendations and what is best for America.
So now you righties want the federal "gubmint" to step in and supersede the will of the states and determine what is best for America? Wow, that was fast. Statists, the lot.
View attachment 323338After four months of the democrats screaming it was all up to Trump and the Fed to step in, call all the shots, anticipate, plan for, act on and supply everything and determine what was safest for America! Now Trump and the fed have NO SAY and it's all up to the stupid governors? You mean like my jackass governor closed my liquor stores when there wasn't a Covid case within 200 miles of here? And a month later, there STILL isn't a single CDC confirmed Covid case within miles of my house! You clueless Twit!

LOL. Just keep making those emojis bigger and bigger for a distraction. On March 13th, my guess is Pence and other Republican leader had to step in to save the ship. Because Trump was going to take the lot of them down (along with the entire country) due to his incompetence. Yeah. Read it carefully. :)
So explain to me how polls and everyone saying Trump had no chance gave Hillary her presidency.
Polls were largely on target. Hillary wins the popular vote. Trump squeaks out a razor thin victory with a difference of 46 electoral votes across three states.
Popular vote don't mean shit, jackass, for the 11,000th time! Hope your polls are still counting Biden's chances by a factor that means nothing in the actual election! Meantime, squeaks out a razor thin win? 46 EC votes is 20% the total number needed to win! That means Trump won by 120%! That is a 40% swing in the electors! Hillary was CRUSHED! :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:


And she had far more sway in politics that Sleepy Joe! :auiqs.jpg:
Both Mark Cuban and Andrew Cuomo are both saying that they will do anything for their country but are not interested in running, however either would run if Joe dropped out and both would be VP. Biden has pledged to nominate a bimbo as VP however the question is do the dems want to win or lose with a bimbo on the ticket.

No one is trial ballooning anything. Just more right wing wet dreams. Right now, they are scared shitless. Biden beats Trump easily. Pay attention to the box in the middle of the page.
RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Trump Job Approval
So explain to me how polls and everyone saying Trump had no chance gave Hillary her presidency.

Polls were largely on target. Hillary wins the popular vote. Trump squeaks out a razor thin victory with a difference of 46 electoral votes across three states.

Popular vote? That's about as useful as a bag of farts. So Hillary had the most bags of farts? Cool.
Actually, Old Man Joe might have the edge up on Hillary when it comes to farts!
Both Mark Cuban and Andrew Cuomo are both saying that they will do anything for their country but are not interested in running, however either would run if Joe dropped out and both would be VP. Biden has pledged to nominate a bimbo as VP however the question is do the dems want to win or lose with a bimbo on the ticket.

No one is trial ballooning anything. Just more right wing wet dreams. Right now, they are scared shitless. Biden beats Trump easily. Pay attention to the box in the middle of the page.
RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Trump Job Approval
So explain to me how polls and everyone saying Trump had no chance gave Hillary her presidency.

Polls were largely on target. Hillary wins the popular vote. Trump squeaks out a razor thin victory with a difference of 46 electoral votes across three states.
It was Bernie`s no show crybabies that made Trump president. The NPR estimates have 117,000 Pa. voters that either flipped to Trump or another clown candidate. Trump won Pa. with a 40,000 vote margin.
In other words, Trump won the popular vote too in PA.
No one is trial ballooning anything. Just more right wing wet dreams. Right now, they are scared shitless. Biden beats Trump easily. Pay attention to the box in the middle of the page.
RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Trump Job Approval
Sure thing! A sexual predator with a dysfunctional brain is an ideal candidate! Everyone knows that.

As far as the polling I would remind you what the polls said during the last presidential campaign and who is actually the president right now.
The problem is the lying main stream media tells you idiots what you want to hear and then you actually
believe it! It's very funny and a recipe for another term in office for Donald J. Trump.
No one is trial ballooning anything. Just more right wing wet dreams. Right now, they are scared shitless. Biden beats Trump easily. Pay attention to the box in the middle of the page.
RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Trump Job Approval
Sure thing! A sexual predator with a dysfunctional brain is an ideal candidate! Everyone knows that.

As far as the polling I would remind you what the polls said during the last presidential campaign and who is actually the president right now.
The problem is the lying main stream media tells you idiots what you want to hear and then you actually
believe it! It's very funny and a recipe for another term in office for Donald J. Trump.
The question I asked earlier that still is unanswered is what are the indicators that Trump is going to win?
The question I asked earlier that still is unanswered is what are the indicators that Trump is going to win?
I didn't see such a question asked but there are many reasons why one should think Trump will return to office.
Principally they are:
One, Trump's approval rating is just the same as Barack Obama's at this point in his presidency. How Popular Is Donald Trump?

Two, Trump has a solid base and is running strongly on the issues that got him elected the first time.

Thirdly, Joe Biden. Has there ever been a worse candidate run by the democrats. I can't think of one.
The progressive wing of the party absolutely HATES Biden. His mental health is questionable at best.
Droves of disaffected democrats and undecideds are flocking towards the republicans this election.
His seedy past is there lurking larger than ever. And best of all...debates are coming up!

There is every reason to believe the debates should be a real cluster fuck for Biden and it will open wide the eyes of a lot of people who get all their "news" from the networks for a few minutes every evening.
ABC, CNN, etc. will not be able to give cover in the debates though they will scurry to paint a smiley
face on the political equivalent of the Hindenburg when Brain Damaged Joe crashes and burns!

Thanks for giving me the opportunity to answer your question.
The question I asked earlier that still is unanswered is what are the indicators that Trump is going to win?
I didn't see such a question asked but there are many reasons why one should think Trump will return to office.
Principally they are:
One, Trump's approval rating is just the same as Barack Obama's at this point in his presidency. How Popular Is Donald Trump?

Two, Trump has a solid base and is running strongly on the issues that got him elected the first time.

Thirdly, Joe Biden. Has there ever been a worse candidate run by the democrats. I can't think of one.
The progressive wing of the party absolutely HATES Biden. His mental health is questionable at best.
Droves of disaffected democrats and undecideds are flocking towards the republicans this election.
His seedy past is there lurking larger than ever. And best of all...debates are coming up!

There is every reason to believe the debates should be a real cluster fuck for Biden and it will open wide the eyes of a lot of people who get all their "news" from the networks for a few minutes every evening.
ABC, CNN, etc. will not be able to give cover in the debates though they will scurry to paint a smiley
face on the political equivalent of the Hindenburg when Brain Damaged Joe crashes and burns!

Thanks for giving me the opportunity to answer your question.
We`ve seen Trump`s debates. Lies and childish insults is all he`s got. He`s been a good president for the Deplorables but people with a some sense of morality knows he`s a liar and a thief and they know he tried to shake down a foreign leader for interference in our elections. He was fined for robbing his own charity and some of his inner circle are in jail with others waiting to be sentenced. Dream candidate?
Both Mark Cuban and Andrew Cuomo are both saying that they will do anything for their country but are not interested in running, however either would run if Joe dropped out and both would be VP. Biden has pledged to nominate a bimbo as VP however the question is do the dems want to win or lose with a bimbo on the ticket.

Sanders and Obama have both endorsed Vice President Biden.

I know you tRumplings are terrified of him, but get used to the idea he's the nominee.
Both Mark Cuban and Andrew Cuomo are both saying that they will do anything for their country but are not interested in running, however either would run if Joe dropped out and both would be VP. Biden has pledged to nominate a bimbo as VP however the question is do the dems want to win or lose with a bimbo on the ticket.
Cuban is a cold-blooded, money hungry globalist; that's the main difference he has with Trump.
And yes, MC said this a million times when Trump was running...MAGA will never work.
Any jobs created under Trump will vanish and we will have a Welcome Trespassers sign at our Southern border.
We`ve seen Trump`s debates. Lies and childish insults is all he`s got. He`s been a good president for the Deplorables but people with a some sense of morality knows he`s a liar and a thief and they know he tried to shake down a foreign leader for interference in our elections. He was fined for robbing his own charity and some of his inner circle are in jail with others waiting to be sentenced. Dream candidate?
I didn't call Trump a "dream candidate" but compared to Biden he is.
I appreciate your disingenuous deceitful comment anyway.
So you choose not to challenge any of my rational in favor of just heaping more garbage on top of Trump
like a typical leftist and I'm not surprised.

The case for Trump quid pro quo has never been made yet you keep on regurgitating this hateful false meme.
Again, not surprised.

Trump paid back whatever money owed for his charities and the people responsible
have been removed. I'll care about this matter when the Clintons are prosecuted for using the Clinton Foundation as a means of generating money and political influence for themselves.
Hillary prostituted herself out when it was thought she would be president ( :D ) pulling in millions
from sheiks and oligarchs looking to buy influence.
You want me to care about Trump? Fuck off.

And that Trump political associates are in jail while Hillary Clinton, James Comey and people like
Rod Rosenstein are walking around as free as birds says more about the one sided corrupt justice system we live under than Trump himself.

Why don't you get Biden to bring Hillary back off the dump heap as his running mate?
How about a campaign slogan? BIDEN AND CLINTON
Last edited:
Both Mark Cuban and Andrew Cuomo are both saying that they will do anything for their country but are not interested in running, however either would run if Joe dropped out and both would be VP. Biden has pledged to nominate a bimbo as VP however the question is do the dems want to win or lose with a bimbo on the ticket.

Pathetic. You stink of desperation.
You republicans (or actually trumpists, since very few actual republicans left) will never get your trial balloon off the ground. Joe Biden is and will be the nominee. One term trump has to go. I listened to the your Furor yesterday, saying he had total control. The wanna be dictator is out of here, come November.
You got to love the crazy left. They were all yelling he should have closed down all travel, ruled with an iron fist. Suddenly they are up in arms when he wants to use the iron fist they said he should have used. I would claim that the left needs to make up its mind but that will never happen.
Remind me again how polls and everyone saying Trump had no chance helped Hillary become president.
Glad I'm not on the left. Too bad you are lockstep (or should I say goosestep) with the extremists on the right. Zig Heil much?
Roflol funny how those who are part of the cult of dementia always proclaim that someone is a fascist or something else yet they are not part of a cult. Funny how those same ones never ever actually defend the crazy things they get called on.
Both Mark Cuban and Andrew Cuomo are both saying that they will do anything for their country but are not interested in running, however either would run if Joe dropped out and both would be VP. Biden has pledged to nominate a bimbo as VP however the question is do the dems want to win or lose with a bimbo on the ticket.

No one is trial ballooning anything. Just more right wing wet dreams. Right now, they are scared shitless. Biden beats Trump easily. Pay attention to the box in the middle of the page.
RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Trump Job Approval
So explain to me how polls and everyone saying Trump had no chance gave Hillary her presidency.

Polls were largely on target. Hillary wins the popular vote. Trump squeaks out a razor thin victory with a difference of 46 electoral votes across three states.
And that got Hillary four years in the White House how?

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