Biden is Really Dr. Strangelove


Sep 23, 2010
Somebody over at the Drudge Report has a great sense of humor. This picture of Biden:


has to remind older folks of Dr. Stranglove:


Pictures aside, Biden actually calls for COMMUNIST China to have a great economy:

[ame=]Biden: The 'affirmative task' before us is to 'create a new world order' - YouTube[/ame]​

There’s nothing new in what Biden is selling. It’s the same old global government garbage Socialists have been promoting all along. It’s in our interest to lower our standard of living. Not only that, Americans are responsible for lifting up everybody else. Notice that he wants this country to lead when it comes to helping our enemies, while he and that douche bag in the White House preferred leading from behind during the Arab Spring so the Muslim Brotherhood could take over the Middle East.

Biden and his fellow traitors brought defeat to this country in the Vietnam War. Now, he’s claiming his reward by openly admitting he is an outright Communist.
Somebody over at the Drudge Report has a great sense of humor. This picture of Biden:


has to remind older folks of Dr. Stranglove:


Pictures aside, Biden actually calls for COMMUNIST China to have a great economy:

There’s nothing new in what Biden is selling. It’s the same old global government garbage Socialists have been promoting all along. It’s in our interest to lower our standard of living. Not only that, Americans are responsible for lifting up everybody else. Notice that he wants this country to lead when it comes to helping our enemies, while he and that douche bag in the White House preferred leading from behind during the Arab Spring so the Muslim Brotherhood could take over the Middle East.

Biden and his fellow traitors brought defeat to this country in the Vietnam War. Now, he’s claiming his reward by openly admitting he is an outright Communist.

Biden's nothing like Dr. Strangelove.

You'd know that if you actually saw the movie.
Biden's nothing like Dr. Strangelove.

You'd know that if you actually saw the movie.

To Sallow: He’s exactly like him in that he is as dedicated to his führer as was Strangelove:

[ame=]Dr. Strangelove - Mein Führer... I CAN WALK !! - YouTube[/ame]​

The economic details in Aaron Klein’s piece show that America has two sick puppies in the highest offices:

The U.S. military shift comes as the so-called BRICS countries – Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa – seek to create a monetary system to rival and even surpass the West.


The publication pointed out the BRICS declaration at the end of last week’s summit included, “We reiterate our strong commitment to the United Nations (U.N.) as the foremost multilateral forum entrusted with bringing about hope, peace, order and sustainable development to the world.”

Biden calls for 'new world order'
Envisions 'updated' global rules, prosperous China, level playing field
Published: 22 hours ago

Biden calls for ?new world order?

NOTE: Biden’s New World Order obviously includes the United Nations. Nowhere will you find anyone in Hussein’s administration calling for America to withdraw from the UN; so Hussein and Biden must be comfortable with ceding total control to BRICS in a United Nations dominated by Communist China. It’s not too much of a stretch to say that has been the path to global government all along.

Also note that while China and Russia are getting closer every day Hussein & Company are doing everything within their power to weaken America’s military superiority:

Russia, China snuggling up
Energy deals mark new level of cooperation
Published: 15 hours ago

Russia, China snuggling up

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