Biden is ruining the economy, not fixing it

Durable Goods Orders Fell Sharply in December​

Orders for durable goods declined by a sharper than expected nine-tenths of a percentage point in December, the government said Thursday.

Economists had forecast a milder 0.5 percent drop in orders for durable goods.

Durable goods are those made to last three years or more.

Core capital goods orders–which exclude transportation and defense, and are considered a proxy for business investment–were flat compared with November. Orders for November were revised up to show a rise of 0.3 percent gain after the preliminary estimate of no change.

Orders for transportation equipment led the decline in December, falling 3.9 percent. Orders for cars, trucks, and motor vehicle parts rose 1.4 percent. Orders for nondefense aircraft fell 14.4 percent and defense aircraft orders fell 11.2 percent.
The entertaining part is that these Marxist and Socialists actually think they understand economics. LOL

Tell me again how real GDP doesn't factor in inflation.

WTF? I never claimed I'm an architect. And no, I get no such contracts. I'm employed by a fortune 100 company.
I apologize.
Answer my Table question so I'll know you have some idea of what you do for a living.
Once again, 99% of people I know, including the 20 and 30 somethings with hard science degrees who are now coding are all working for a fortune 100 company.

Trade Deficit in Goods Jumps Past $1 Trillion For First Time Ever​

The U.S. trade deficit in goods rose above $1 trillion for the first time ever in 2021, topping the record-high $893.5 billion hit in the prior year.

Running a trade deficit in goods means that the U.S. economy leaks income to the rest of the world, increasing sales abroad while decreasing sales from U.S. manufacturers.

The deficit in goods increased 3 percent in December to $101 billion from $98 billion, the largest ever monthly increase. Economists had forecast a decline in the trade deficit to $95 billion from November’s $98 billion.

The massive amount of debt-fueled government stimulus has helped pump up demand from U.S. households. A significant portion of that has leaked out to foreign goods producers of appliances, games, computers, smart phones, and similar items.

Demand for U.S. exports has lagged because other countries have not recovered as quickly and U.S. tariffs remain low by historical standards.

Consumer Confidence Dragged Down As Bidenflation and Omicron Crush Hope​

The economic confidence of U.S. households declined in January following three months of improving consumer morale at the end of last year, survey results released Tuesday showed.

The Conference Board said its index of consumer confidence declined to 113.8 from 115.2 in December. That was slightly better than the 111.9 reading forecast by the Econoday poll.

Poll: 72 Percent Say 2022 Economy Will Hurt or Plateau Family Finances​

Seventy-two percent of likely voters say their family finances will get worse or stay the same under President Biden’s leadership in 2022, a Monday Trafalgar Group poll revealed.

While Americans experienced 40-year-high inflation and reduced wages in 2021, 41 percent say they expect their family’s finances to become worse in 2022.

Only 25 percent of likely voters say they will get better, and 33 percent estimate they will stay the same.

Pending Home Sales Shock with 6.9% Collapse​

Pending home sales defied predictions of a rebound at year-end, falling by 3.9 percent compared with a downwardly revised November estimate, data from the National Association of Realtors showed Thursday.

Compared with a year ago, pending home sales fell 6.9 percent. Sales were down by 10 percent or more in both the Northeast and the West. Sales fell in the Midwest and the South, as well.
I'd hate to be a real estate agent in today's housing market.
Post links to this
I have a better idea, farm boy.
Drag your ass to YouTube and you will find dozens of videos on this subject.
Warren Buffet is pulling out of various Financial Instruments.
If I provide a Link to a video, you will claim I cherry picked the video.
Why inflation is a political nightmare for Biden[/B]

Joe Biden's next political nightmare is inflation, a force that can destroy family budgets and political careers and is being driven by domestic and global factors tough for a president to quickly fix.

Government data showing the cost of living rose 6.2% over the last 12 months -- the highest rate in 30 years -- set off White House alarm bells on Wednesday and offered a new opening for Republicans lambasting Biden over high energy prices.

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