Biden Is Toast

They do in Democrat locales. They’re even allowed to serve on city councils, if elected by their fellow illegals, which they are.
You're so full of it… you’re talking about 3 cities and mostly very specific conditions like if a family has a child in a school then the parents can vote in the school board elections regardless of status…

For you to inflate that into the “Dems want more illegals for votes” is not intellectually honest. Do you have what it takes to be intellectual? Honest?
It's going to take a LOT to move the needle with so many of these Illegals -loving idiot LIbProgs.

Governor Abbot of Texas needs to keep shipping thousand-after-thousand northward to LibProg Sanctuary Cities.

He's made a good start, but he needs to keep up the pressure and keep up the flow until the Idiot Dems choke on Illegals.


Maybe... MAYBE...,

Large numbers of Idiot Dems will have had a bellyful of Illegals and actually "cross the line" long enough to vote (R) in 2024.

Idiot LibProg Mayors may end-up helping the Republicans this year.

But this is no time to let-up on the pressure... keep the Illegals coming... in their thousands... by bus, plane, train, car, whatever...

Make those goddamned LibProg mayors squeal "Uncle" like little bitches.

Want to stop the flow, Your Honor?

Then repeal your Sanctuary or "Welcome Mat" statutes.

If they're coming in, keep sending them to lib sanctuary states until they choke the state to death or the border states could line up their guards to stop the incoming illegals.
Kindly point them out, please. So far, the limited number of local attempts to make this happen have been pushed back.
She’s conflating very specific and limited cases to try and push a false narrative. Not an honest poster

The main reason he might be so unpopular, is because of so many people in so many cities that he is filling up with illegal aliens.
They are now paying HUNDREDS of $$$ more in rent, and losing govt services, with too much money going to the illegals.

Sanctuary cities complain about ‘onslaught’ of illegal migrants — will they force Biden to do something?

Mayors and governors are being forced into a game of hot potato with the thousands of illegal immigrants President Biden has invited into the country.
Hmm ... Try this unbelievable Unamerican factoid.
Over 8 Million Illegally crossed our border under biden.
That number could be as high as 10 Million.In 2023
it's been confirmed that 165 Terrorists entered also.
Biden's democrats won't even budge an inch on
the Making sure we have a new or completed Border wall.
Not just some a few miles long.But maybe 900 miles.
What was assumed as Biden was campaigning in 2020 is now
Reality.He and the Democrats are concocting ways to ensure as many
Illegals as possible can enter { by hook or crook } in order to insure
a New Democrat voting base.One that is overwhelmingly a majority.
To guarantee Democrats never lose another election.
We don't have to prove Newsmaxx is a credible source. YOU do. It's up to YOU to back up your posts with links to CREDIBLE SOURCES.

There is good and valid reasons why all of your sources are "Questionable" and we refuse to accept them:

  • They cannot pass a fact check test, meaning THEY LIE - A LOT
  • They do not subscribed to "established journalistic standards of verification" prior to publication"
  • They routinely promote conspiracy theories like "stolen elections"
  • Their "stories" often regurgitate both Chinese and Russian propaganda. Operatives from Russia have even gotten their lies onto the Senate Floor and entered into the public record, using right wing media
  • They are owned and controlled by billionaires who profit hugely from the Republican tax cuts and economic crashes the Republicans give their owners
  • They "spin" stories from media outlets which do publish the truth to their point of view (See Devon Archer's testimony to Congress exonerating the Bidens).
250 years after your Founders gave you a "Republic, if you can keep it", where all men are created equal to rise and fall in the world on the basis of your worth ethic and your talents, you're prepared to surrender to the control of your nation to the billionaires, and the man they want to make Dictator.
All leftist propaganda BS, and you fall for it.
Ho hum. yawn****

PS - Hillary Clinton got more money from the Wall $t guys than Trump & Bernie combined.
She got $29 Million from the Securities & investment (Wall St) Industry. Trump got $20 Million from that.
Hillary got $23 million from the real estate industry. Trump got $11 Million.
Hillary got $63 Million from lawyers. Trump got $1 Million.

Haha, they told you that huh?

How about the field workers and landscapers? What did they tell you?
Illegal alien construction workers told me they got $19/hour. Landscapers said they got $15/hour,

Landscaper guys couldn't read the word STOP, in English or Spanish (ALTO) - all of them were driving cars.
You're so full of it… you’re talking about 3 cities and mostly very specific conditions like if a family has a child in a school then the parents can vote in the school board elections regardless of status…

For you to inflate that into the “Dems want more illegals for votes” is not intellectually honest. Do you have what it takes to be intellectual? Honest?
Democrats have been importing illegal aliens for VOTES for 70 years. It is the only reason they want them here.'
You don't know ?

Illegal alien construction workers told me they got $19/hour. Landscapers said they got $15/hour,

Landscaper guys couldn't read the word STOP, in English or Spanish (ALTO) - all of them were driving cars.
Wow, sure sounds like you talk to a lot of people! Are those labor rates higher or lower than the norm for those industries?
Hmm ... Try this unbelievable Unamerican factoid.
Over 8 Million Illegally crossed our border under biden.
That number could be as high as 10 Million.In 2023
it's been confirmed that 165 Terrorists entered also.
Biden's democrats won't even budge an inch on
the Making sure we have a new or completed Border wall.
Not just some a few miles long.But maybe 900 miles.
What was assumed as Biden was campaigning in 2020 is now
Reality.He and the Democrats are concocting ways to ensure as many
Illegals as possible can enter { by hook or crook } in order to insure
a New Democrat voting base.One that is overwhelmingly a majority.
To guarantee Democrats never lose another election.
That sums it up pretty well (in a nutshell)
It has become the norm. - especially with companies like Walmart, who take us for granted. They seem to sense that no mattr what inconveniences (if not insults) they dump on us , we will keep on shopping there.

It's because Walmart is such a shitty place to work, and their wages are so low, that Americans will not work for them and they're forced to hire anyone they can get. Our local Kentucky Fried Chicken pick up joint has been closed frequently because they can't staff the place, and we're getting self-check outs because the non-union grocery store can't hire check out clerks.

A friend was fired from his low skill industrial job and was shocked that he was offered literally every job he applied for. They didn't even interview him. He filled out an application, and was taken onto the floor to start training. He had his pick of places to work.

I'm seeing "Now Hiring" signs in the windows of virtually every store and restaurant window, and the USA has a lot more job vacancies than we do.
What causes a Biden Pawn to Yawn.?
Howz about the Unvarnished Truth.
" It is very dangerous to write the truth
in war,and the truth is also dangerous to come by. "
Ernest Hemingway.
As war correspondent/Pulitzer Prize Winner Ernie Pyle
found out first hand during WWII.
It's because Walmart is such a shitty place to work, and their wages are so low, that Americans will not work for them and they're forced to hire anyone they can get. Our local Kentucky Fried Chicken pick up joint has been closed frequently because they can't staff the place, and we're getting self-check outs because the non-union grocery store can't hire check out clerks.

A friend was fired from his low skill industrial job and was shocked that he was offered literally every job he applied for. They didn't even interview him. He filled out an application, and was taken onto the floor to start training. He had his pick of places to work.

I'm seeing "Now Hiring" signs in the windows of virtually every store and restaurant window, and the USA has a lot more job vacancies than we do.
Then how is it poss-ee-bow that the Biden Regime keeps
bragging how good the Economy is.
Biden Creating jobs.Americans being hired.
All is Goot
Another thread that won't age well to bookmark.
Because it's a Virtual Conclusion.Goes w/o saying.
Like ants at an outdoor summer picnic.
Water Buffalo w/o any water.
Hippo's looking around for the nearest Dentist.
Same Hippo at Zoos in California forced to wear
very tight kiddie t-shirts until they yawn when asked
what they think about turning Transgender?
It's because Walmart is such a shitty place to work, and their wages are so low, that Americans will not work for them and they're forced to hire anyone they can get. Our local Kentucky Fried Chicken pick up joint has been closed frequently because they can't staff the place, and we're getting self-check outs because the non-union grocery store can't hire check out clerks.

A friend was fired from his low skill industrial job and was shocked that he was offered literally every job he applied for. They didn't even interview him. He filled out an application, and was taken onto the floor to start training. He had his pick of places to work.

I'm seeing "Now Hiring" signs in the windows of virtually every store and restaurant window, and the USA has a lot more job vacancies than we do.
Walmart pays $13/hour to stock clerks here in Tampa , Florida-that doesn't seem to be so low. In some US states, stock clerks get their states' minimum wage of $7.25/hour

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