BIDEN Knew! Released FBI Documents Reveal He Was In Obama Mtgs In Oval Office


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
If his videotaped confession of extorting the former Ukraine PM AND the sexual assault accusation by Reade was not enough, now released FBI evidence proves Biden was engaged in / was aware of the framing /screwing of Flynn.

Biden has some explaining to do to the feds and voters about his part in Barry's failed coup attempt that included framing and destroying Flynn.

" a January 2017 Oval Office meeting with former Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates, then-FBI Director James Comey, then-Vice President Joe Biden and members of the National Security Council to discuss Russian election interference “proves that we need to be asking questions both of former President Obama and of, frankly, Joe Biden.”


He sure was and now he has some serious explaining to do as to why he was involved in the attempted Coup D'eTat.. Dont hold your breath on having any of the sycophant media cover this however... They will be gushing all over him even thought he may go to prison for his involvement.

Wouldn't it be a blast to see him indicted before the convention? The implosion would be massive..
How is Biden going to defend he and Barry illegally spying on Americans, reporters, the media, US Senators, USSC Justices, political opponents, and a newly elected President?

How is Biden going to defend he and Barry violating the Constitution, violating American's Constitutional and civil rights, ambushing / framing / destroying Flynn's life, destroying the Rule of Law?

How is Biden going to defend he and Barry violating Americans' Constitutional right to Due Process and murdering them with drone strikes?
With the long list of criminality hitting democrats this is going to be a very interesting election season.. Schiff, Pelosie, Nadler and Schumer (among others) all are in documents showing active participation in the Coup attempt. IF several of these people are indicted they would lose their House seats and that will shift the balance of power severely.
Just because Sleepy Joe was there, doesn't mean he knew what was going on. He may have just been there for the coffee, donuts and other treats that were being served at the meeting.
How is Biden going to defend he and Barry illegally spying on Americans, reporters, the media, US Senators, USSC Justices, political opponents, and a newly elected President?

How is Biden going to defend he and Barry violating the Constitution, violating American's Constitutional and civil rights, ambushing / framing / destroying Flynn's life, destroying the Rule of Law?

How is Biden going to defend he and Barry violating Americans' Constitutional right to Due Process and murdering them with drone strikes?
I hope we make an issue of all these criminal endeavors during the election. Make it front and center. I think that is what is coming for democrats.

Another Democrat who should be in prison instead of on a ballot...

Obama knew.
BIDEN knew.
Rosenstein knew.
Sally Yates found out - she knew.
Clapper knew.
Brennan knew.
Comey Knew.
Strzok knew.
Page knew.
Baker knew.
Clinesmith knew.
Other FBI Agents knew.
Oher knew.
Mueller knew.
Hillary knew.
Weismann knew.
Schiff knew.
-- Pelosi and Schumer had to know....unless they throw Schiff under the bus and claim he lied to them.
The Liberal MSM who pushed / facilitated this for 4 years knew.

Largest criminal political scandal in US history.
Most criminal President in US history.
Most criminal VP in US history.
Most criminal administration in US history.
Theyall belong in GITMO for treason.
How is Biden going to defend he and Barry illegally spying on Americans, reporters, the media, US Senators, USSC Justices, political opponents, and a newly elected President?

How is Biden going to defend he and Barry violating the Constitution, violating American's Constitutional and civil rights, ambushing / framing / destroying Flynn's life, destroying the Rule of Law?

How is Biden going to defend he and Barry violating Americans' Constitutional right to Due Process and murdering them with drone strikes?
Easy. Crazy Joe will never be asked about any of it by the Dimsocialist establishment media.
Easy. Crazy Joe will never be asked about any of it by the Dimsocialist establishment media.

President Trump is going to put him on the spot and ask him directly about it the very 1st time they are on stage together in a Presidential debate.

I can't wait!

I can't wait until Biden is asked to explain he and Obama illegally spying on US citizens, reporters, the media, US SENATORS, USSC JUSTICES, an opposing party 2016 Presidential candidate and his team, and a newly elected President.

I can't wait until Biden is asked to explain he and Obama denying US citizens their right of Due Process by murdering them in drone strikes.

I can't wait until Biden is asked to explain about his, with Obama's knowledge / support, extortion of the former Ukraine PM, as he confessed to doing on videotape and was confirmed by Nadler in his remarks to the Senate during Impeachment.

I can't wait until Biden is asked to explain about his sexual assault on Tara Reade.

I can't wait until Biden is asked to explain he and Obama plotting their treasonous failed coup and set-up of Flynn on a debate stage for all Americans to hear....
Biden probably didnt even know he was there. Give him a break


Comey's BS 'Hillary was too stupid to know she was committing thousands of counts of crimes' was stupid as hell and was not a valid argument back in 2016, and its not a valid argument for Biden in 2020.
How come PROGS consistently ignore topics that interrupt disrupt their desires?

Because they're weak-minded and assume support Hitler than admit they are wrong.
Biden fumbles ‘GMA’ answer on what he knew about Flynn investigation
Biden fumbles ‘GMA’ answer on what he knew about Flynn investigation

Former Vice President Joe Biden, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, said Tuesday that he was “aware” at the time of the investigation started by Obama administration officials into Michael Flynn.

“I was aware that there was—that they asked for an investigation, but that’s all I know about it, and I don’t think anything else ...”

'An exhibit in the Justice Department’s motion to dismiss the case against Flynn last week detailed a special counsel interview of former Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates The interview indicated Obama was aware of Flynn’s intercepted December 2016 phone calls with then-Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak during the presidential transition period.

The document noted Yates learned about the calls during that meeting with Obama, Rice, then-FBI Director James Comey, then-CIA Director John Brennan, and then-Director of National Intelligence James Clapper.'

Biden just CONFIRMED Obama held a meeting in his office to discuss the Flynn case, attended by him (VP) Susan Rice, Sally Yates, James Comey, John Brennan, and James Clapper...

You ca nhear Barry screaming at the TV as he watched the interview, 'STFU! Deny it, you old fool! Holy Shit! You just screwed me!'
Obama knew.
BIDEN knew.
Rosenstein knew.
Sally Yates found out - she knew.
Clapper knew.
Brennan knew.
Comey Knew.
Strzok knew.
Page knew.
Baker knew.
Clinesmith knew.
Other FBI Agents knew.
Oher knew.
Mueller knew.
Hillary knew.
Weismann knew.
Schiff knew.
-- Pelosi and Schumer had to know....unless they throw Schiff under the bus and claim he lied to them.
The Liberal MSM who pushed / facilitated this for 4 years knew.

Largest criminal political scandal in US history.
Most criminal President in US history.
Most criminal VP in US history.
Most criminal administration in US history.
Theyall belong in GITMO for treason.

And 65 million HIllary voters can only sat ORANGE MAN BAD.
Biden now says he knows nothing about being in Obama meetings and nothing about Flynn planning.

Biden now says he doesn't remember unmasking Flynn...

Biden now says he definitely did not grab Reade by the pu$$y...that anyone who believes he did should not vote for him, and that if he remembered doing it or thought he did he would not vote for himself....

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