Biden LIED, Attempted to Throw Mounted US BP Agents Under Bus; VP, Democrats Engage in Coordinated Lie Campaign As A Distraction


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Biden vows to punish Border Patrol struggling to contain migrant crisis: 'Those people will pay'

Biden vows to punish Border Patrol struggling to contain migrant crisis: 'Those people will pay'​


President Joe Biden reminded everyone this morning that he still has ZERO CREDIBILITY and that everything out of his mouth should be ignored.

Despite promising that he would be responsible for anything that happens under his Presidency - 'The Buck Stops Here' and Despite him starting off by saying he takes responsibility for the chaos at the border, Biden immediately began to blame everyone else but himself, to include, of course, President Trump.

Many Americans, Reps, and media members quickly reminded everyone that Biden inherited a more secure border with a system that even South American countries and Mexico have declared 'WORKED'. Biden gave lip service to 'The Buck Stops Here'.

One reporter stung the President with a point/question the President ignored, pointing out Biden has not visited the southern border in his 50 year political career and asked him when he was going to do so.

Additionally, President Biden threw Mounted Border Patrol members who were photographed guarding the border on horseback when he LIED HIS ASS OFF by declaring these Border Patrol Agents whipped with horse reins illegal aliens trying to make it into the US, adding there will be consequences.
- The photographs have debunked this LIE.
- The photographer who took these photos have come forward to declare NO mounted BP officer 'whipped' any illegal with his reins - IT DID NOT HAPPEN
- All of the officers stated IT DID NOT HAPPEN.
- The head of the US BP mounted patrol reviewed the photos and video and reported none of these show Mounted BP Officers striking illegals in ANY WAY, let alone with their horse's reins. IT DID NOT HAPEN.

Much like how Obama called police officers 'Racist' for arresting his black professor friend at Cambridge before he knew any of the facts and turned out to be wrong, Biden just LIED his ass off against these US BP agents and promised punishment on them for something that never happened. Once again (happens daily), Biden has lied to Americans, proved his a LIAR, proved he has zero credibility, and proved nothing he says can be believed.

The entire all-out attack on the mounted Border Patrol by Democrats and the President is a coordinated attempt to distract Americans from Biden's complete Open Borders failure and southern border clustefu@k!

The false-narrative-driven, US BP Political Theatrics warranted a damn Emmy.

D- 'Mad' Maxine Waters -- who engaged in such violent rhetoric against Republicans in the past that she inspired a public political assassination attempt against Republicans, resulting in R-Steve Scalise being gunned down -- raced in front of the cameras to be the 1st lying POS Democrat to lie her ass off by claiming the mounted BPAs whipped illegals with the horse's reins, declaring it being the worst case of racism since and comparing it to 'SLAVERY'.

Race Baiter Legend Al Sharpton smelled cameras and a payday and rushed down to Texas to falsely accuse them as well of something that NEVER HAPPENED. Like Waters, Sharpton lied, pushed the scripted talking points, attempted to gaslight the populace....and was soundly, deservedly heckled by Texans who told him to GTFO of Texas.

NOT TO BE OUTDONE, VP Kamala 'MIA' Harris lied her ass off as well, claimed the mounted BPAs whipped illegals with their horse's reins, then comparing that to the atrocities whites committed against my people, Native Americans.

ALL of it - EVERY BIT OF IT - was an intentional, coordinated attempted distraction of Biden's Border disaster and of the specific case of 15,000 illegals under a bridge, many of whom the Biden administration was trafficking them and dumping them off al over the country.

This morning's scripted bullshit from Biden; however, was DESPICABLE, proving again, that he is a LIAR, has NO CREDIBILITY, and nothing he says should be believed. He LIED, he threw US BP Agents under the proverbial bus, did so to try to distract Americans from his Border FAILURE / DISASTER, and in doing so showed he is willing to sacrifice our national security and sacrifice American citizens - BPAs - who are working hard to uphold the Constitution and US Laws to keep us safe.

The criminal, corrupt, LYING POS should be arrested, not just Impeached. Maxine Waters and the VP just lost any credibility they had left.

Obama said the pig acted stupidly he never called him a racist.

On Wednesday, the president said officers "acted stupidly" in arresting his friend. On Thursday, he softened his stance and said cooler heads should have prevailed.

Again you are wrong...
The Dems should just admit.

Worse, they are shipping millions of illegals to battle ground states to RIG elections. Hence the push by Dems in congress to give these illegals amnesty and the right to vote in battle ground state elections. It's a coup.
Joe Biden Has Some Explaining to Do After Photographer Behind Border Patrol ‘Whip’ Photos Undercuts Him


"Blame it on dementia or perhaps this is what Joe Biden has always been like, but his response today to the false CBP “whip” controversy may be his most outrageous bit of commentary yet. Yes, there have been things he’s said and done that are more consequential, but did they rate at this level of shamelessness? I’m not so sure.

When asked about the CBP agents who did not whip anyone and were simply riding their horses as their job demands, the president responded by saying they will “pay” for what they did, which again, is nothing but doing their jobs."

This is incredibly sick stuff. It’s one thing to be a partisan. It’s even one thing to tell lies as a politician about policies or one’s personal behavior. But it’s another thing to lie this brazenly about federal law enforcement officials who did absolutely nothing wrong. Worse, the White House is obviously doing this because they think it helps them politically"

"We are witnessing powerful government forces, including Joe Biden, attempt to unjustifiably destroy the lives of innocent people in order to garner a good news cycle or two. And they are doing so without showing an ounce of guilt or care for the people they are hurting. If that’s not sociopathic, then what is?"

"...what Biden says here is so obviously, maliciously false that the person who took the picture in question even says no whips were being used, nor were any reins being used like whips. Yet, the President of the United States continues to lie about it anyway."

Anyone think there is a snowball's chance in hell Biden will admit his 'mistake' and apologize to those US BP Agents?


Obama said the pig acted stupidly he never called him a racist.

On Wednesday, the president said officers "acted stupidly" in arresting his friend. On Thursday, he softened his stance and said cooler heads should have prevailed.

Again you are wrong...

Whatever man. Biden is still an idiot for wanting to make border patrol agents "pay" for trying to do their job in an untenable situation. Biden himself, never having gone to the border is disturbed by images... just like maxine watters. if these fools had bothered to go to the border and talk to the people who deal with things first hand and on a daily basis...
Then they would have realized how mounted patrols are used on the border. They are also very necessary in saving lives as well, but once again we have politicians making snap judgements
based on images and very little information.
Whatever man. Biden is still an idiot for wanting to make border patrol agents "pay" for trying to do their job in an untenable situation. Biden himself, never having gone to the border is disturbed by images... just like maxine watters. if these fools had bothered to go to the border and talk to the people who deal with things first hand and on a daily basis...
Then they would have realized how mounted patrols are used on the border. They are also very necessary in saving lives as well, but once again we have politicians making snap judgements
based on images and very little information.
Biden is like a dumbass and is too old to serve you'll just have to deal with it until he is gone.
Whatever man. Biden is still an idiot for wanting to make border patrol agents "pay" for trying to do their job in an untenable situation. Biden himself, never having gone to the border is disturbed by images... just like maxine watters. if these fools had bothered to go to the border and talk to the people who deal with things first hand and on a daily basis...
Then they would have realized how mounted patrols are used on the border. They are also very necessary in saving lives as well, but once again we have politicians making snap judgements
based on images and very little information.
Maybe in the typically Biden misspeak, he meant "get paid" as the agent was actually doing a great job with the limited resources at their disposal.

This is typical leftist deflection. They are trying to take the focus off the actual issue at the border by making something up. That is what they have done for decades now.
Lying Douche Bag DHS Secretary 'The Border Is Closed' Mayorkas is speaking now. The 1st thing he did was apologize on behalf of the DHS and US BP for the scenes of horrific behavior and violence against illegals by the mounted US BPAs. He said because of their acts Horses will no longer be used and the Agenst have been limited to desk duty until the IG investigation against them is complete.

Right off the lying, Biden toady SOB threw the US BPAs under the bus instead of repeating what we already know now in their defense:

The photographer who took the images / pictures we have seen publicly declared at no time did any US BPA 'whip' or strike any Illegal alien - IT DID NOT HAPPEN.

The photos / images prove IT DID NOT HAPPEN

Witnesses have come forward to testify IT DID NOT HAPPEN.

Biden, who has zero credibility, falsely claimed US BPAs whipped illegals with horse reins
Now the lying POS Mayorkas attacks the USBPA.....

After doing so, when pressed by a reporter on the issue Mayorkas admitted:
- The Pictures CONJURRED UP IMAGES (in snowflakes'/Democrats' minds) of slavery, white ab=use against Native Americans in the past), that they did not actually whip anyone

- Mayorkas, after attacking the US BPAs in his 1st statements, declared he is not going to judge them or pre-judge them.


Holy Shit!
Lying Douche Bag DHS Secretary 'The Border Is Closed' Mayorkas is speaking now. The 1st thing he did was apologize on behalf of the DHS and US BP for the scenes of horrific behavior and violence against illegals by the mounted US BPAs. He said because of their acts Horses will no longer be used and the Agenst have been limited to desk duty until the IG investigation against them is complete.

Right off the lying, Biden toady SOB threw the US BPAs under the bus instead of repeating what we already know now in their defense:

The photographer who took the images / pictures we have seen publicly declared at no time did any US BPA 'whip' or strike any Illegal alien - IT DID NOT HAPPEN.

The photos / images prove IT DID NOT HAPPEN

Witnesses have come forward to testify IT DID NOT HAPPEN.

Biden, who has zero credibility, falsely claimed US BPAs whipped illegals with horse reins
Now the lying POS Mayorkas attacks the USBPA.....

After doing so, when pressed by a reporter on the issue Mayorkas admitted:
- The Pictures CONJURRED UP IMAGES (in snowflakes'/Democrats' minds) of slavery, white ab=use against Native Americans in the past), that they did not actually whip anyone

- Mayorkas, after attacking the US BPAs in his 1st statements, declared he is not going to judge them or pre-judge them.


Holy Shit!

And you can be sure that their investigation will be one-sided, confirming their fake news and false narrative.
WATCH LIVE: Biden admin links false migrant abuse claims to 'systemic racism' and lashes out at agents


WATCH LIVE: Biden admin links false migrant abuse claims to 'systemic racism' and lashes out at agents

To see people treated like they did, horses barely running over, people being strapped – it's outrageous," Biden said, making a whipping motion with his hand. "I promise you, those people will pay. There will be an investigation underway now and there will be consequences. There will be consequences."


"Nobody was struck by a rein, not one person was struck by a rein, not one person was run over by those horses. They used the tactics they were trained to use, to do the job [Biden] sent them out to do -- these are executive branch employees," he said. "He sent them out there to do the job, and now he's criticizing them because his base wants them to."
- Brandon Judd, head of the National Border Patrol Council

"I am appalled but not surprised that this President would stand at a national televised address and bold face lie or again show his utter incompetence, to the press and the American people, including his childish threats of retaliation"

Mayorkas also declared the 15,000 illegal Haitians under the bridge in Texas several days ago before it became a HUGE news story are ALL gone - none remaining.

Approximately 2,000 - 3,000, according to Mayorkas have been returned to Haiti. No one asked him where the rest went. Meanwhile people working there on the ground have reported Haitians were loaded onto vehicles in the middle of the night and shipped out, illegally trafficked all over the country.
Joe Biden Has Some Explaining to Do After Photographer Behind Border Patrol ‘Whip’ Photos Undercuts Him

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"Blame it on dementia or perhaps this is what Joe Biden has always been like, but his response today to the false CBP “whip” controversy may be his most outrageous bit of commentary yet. Yes, there have been things he’s said and done that are more consequential, but did they rate at this level of shamelessness? I’m not so sure.

When asked about the CBP agents who did not whip anyone and were simply riding their horses as their job demands, the president responded by saying they will “pay” for what they did, which again, is nothing but doing their jobs."

This is incredibly sick stuff. It’s one thing to be a partisan. It’s even one thing to tell lies as a politician about policies or one’s personal behavior. But it’s another thing to lie this brazenly about federal law enforcement officials who did absolutely nothing wrong. Worse, the White House is obviously doing this because they think it helps them politically"

"We are witnessing powerful government forces, including Joe Biden, attempt to unjustifiably destroy the lives of innocent people in order to garner a good news cycle or two. And they are doing so without showing an ounce of guilt or care for the people they are hurting. If that’s not sociopathic, then what is?"

"...what Biden says here is so obviously, maliciously false that the person who took the picture in question even says no whips were being used, nor were any reins being used like whips. Yet, the President of the United States continues to lie about it anyway."

Anyone think there is a snowball's chance in hell Biden will admit his 'mistake' and apologize to those US BP Agents?


Breaking: Joe Biden goes right on LYING in spite of the facts to the contrary.
Obama said the pig acted stupidly he never called him a racist.

On Wednesday, the president said officers "acted stupidly" in arresting his friend. On Thursday, he softened his stance and said cooler heads should have prevailed.

Again you are wrong...
Again, you are an idiot. The border patrol agents deserve an award.

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