So Joe... what is the "fair share"???

Not that America is concerned with having constructive conversations about our most pressing problems any more, but it will never happen on this topic unless and until we deal with both sides of the ledger at the same time.

The goal should not be beating the other tribe, it should be finding an optimal point on the spectrum. Not that partisans care about that.

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Seizing income for redistribution at the will of the Stalinist state is a basic theory of communism.
No it is collecting revenue so our society can function
The wealthy benefit the most from what our society has to offer
No it is collecting revenue so our society can function
The wealthy benefit the most from what our society has to offer

The wealthy help to create what society has to offer.

Show us examples of your, wondrous, successful, 20th century Leninist / Stalinist utopias.
The wealthy help to create what society has to offer.

Show us examples of your, wondrous, successful, 20th century Leninist / Stalinist utopias.

We are in the 21st century fighting Conservative Politicians who want to keep us in the 19th century
We are in the 21st century fighting Conservative Politicians who want to keep us in the 19th century

Exactly. You can’t identify a single example of your, wondrous, successful, Leninist / Stalinist utopias.
Exactly. You can’t identify a single example of your, wondrous, successful, Leninist / Stalinist utopias.

New York City is one of the major cities in the world. People from around the world flock to the city to see its landmarks, museums, theater district, restaurants.
A key feature is Central Park. An undeveloped oasis in the middle of some of the most expensive real estate in the world.
New York City is one of the major cities in the world. People from around the world flock to the city to see its landmarks, museums, theater district, restaurants.
A key feature is Central Park. An undeveloped oasis in the middle of some of the most expensive real estate in the world.

That had what to do with a single example of your, wondrous, successful, Leninist / Stalinist utopias?
That had what to do with a single example of your, wondrous, successful, Leninist / Stalinist utopias?
NYC is an example of civic planning, investing in parks and recreation, mass transit and public services.

Things conservatives hate
NYC is an example of civic planning, investing in parks and recreation, mass transit and public services.

Things conservatives hate

Nothing to do with a single example of your, wondrous, successful, Leninist / Stalinist utopias?

Did Stalin provide the civic planning, investment in parks and recreation, mass transit and public services…all the things Dems / Socialists despise?
Nothing to do with a single example of your, wondrous, successful, Leninist / Stalinist utopias?

Did Stalin provide the civic planning, investment in parks and recreation, mass transit and public services…all the things Dems / Socialists despise?
No idea what you are babbling about.
No City in the US operates on Leninist/Stalinist principles
No idea what you are babbling about.
No City in the US operates on Leninist/Stalinist principles

But your version of the wondrous Stalinist / Leninist politico-religious ideology would seem to cure all the evils of a representative republic.

Shirley, you can point to a single example of your, wondrous, successful, Leninist / Stalinist utopias?
But your version of the wondrous Stalinist / Leninist politico-religious ideology would seem to cure all the evils of a representative republic.

Shirley, you can point to a single example of your, wondrous, successful, Leninist / Stalinist utopias?
You keep babbling
Doubling down on your bizarre claims does not make them true
You keep babbling
Doubling down on your bizarre claims does not make them true

You keep spamming the thread with off topic piffle. Can you point to a single example of your, wondrous, successful, Leninist / Stalinist utopias?
Income taxes can certainly overdone, but these folks are begging for a modern-day French Revolution.

They think that their Dear Leader can save them from a life of mediocrity. He can't.

They think that their Dear Leader will let them take their anger and vengeance out on immigrants and minorities. He's going to lock up Democrats, and put white people in charge.

The problem for Trump is that anger and grievance are exhausting and the electorate at large, is tired of the chaos. The ONLY way Trump can win is to get enough people angry enough for long enough to overlook his shortcomings and failures long enough to vote for him.

Here is where and how Trump is going to lose: He's cracking under the stress, and he's not well. He's running on "Joe Biden's dementia" because mentally, Trump has lost several steps since 2020, which anyone can clearly see in his recent speeches.

He's calling Joe a "pedophile" because he was Jeffrey Epstein's best friend and has been found guilty of sexual assault and rape. There are genuinely "creepy" pictures of Trump and Ivanka when she was a young teen aand his admissions that he walked into the Miss Teen USA pageant to oogle naked teenagers.

Trump is saying Biden is "corrupt" and "on the take", because it's been proven that Trump is corrupt and on the take. Just like calling Clinton, "Crooked Hillary", when Trump has now has multiple convictions and settlements involving "fraud".

The American people really aren't paying attention to election stuff at the moment. They won't start paying attention until the Fall, and when they do they will be shocked at the slurred speech, the rambling incoherence, and the apocalyptic vision for America's future.

But for now, they're not donating, they NOT showing up for his rallies and 20% of Republicans continue to vote for Nicki Haley, despite her having dropped out months ago. Even worse for Trump, a large swath of Republicans will NOT vote for Trump if he is convicted next week.
They think that their Dear Leader will let them take their anger and vengeance out on immigrants and minorities. He's going to lock up Democrats, and put white people in charge.

The problem for Trump is that anger and grievance are exhausting and the electorate at large, is tired of the chaos. The ONLY way Trump can win is to get enough people angry enough for long enough to overlook his shortcomings and failures long enough to vote for him.

Here is where and how Trump is going to lose: He's cracking under the stress, and he's not well. He's running on "Joe Biden's dementia" because mentally, Trump has lost several steps since 2020, which anyone can clearly see in his recent speeches.

He's calling Joe a "pedophile" because he was Jeffrey Epstein's best friend and has been found guilty of sexual assault and rape. There are genuinely "creepy" pictures of Trump and Ivanka when she was a young teen aand his admissions that he walked into the Miss Teen USA pageant to oogle naked teenagers.

Trump is saying Biden is "corrupt" and "on the take", because it's been proven that Trump is corrupt and on the take. Just like calling Clinton, "Crooked Hillary", when Trump has now has multiple convictions and settlements involving "fraud".

The American people really aren't paying attention to election stuff at the moment. They won't start paying attention until the Fall, and when they do they will be shocked at the slurred speech, the rambling incoherence, and the apocalyptic vision for America's future.

But for now, they're not donating, they NOT showing up for his rallies and 20% of Republicans continue to vote for Nicki Haley, despite her having dropped out months ago. Even worse for Trump, a large swath of Republicans will NOT vote for Trump if he is convicted next week.
I guess I'll believe the above when I see it. 2016 showed us -- or at least it should have -- that America isn't quite what we thought it was. I didn't know that this many people felt so hopeless that they were willing to sell their soul to a person like this.

And it gets even more frustrating because the cures he promises are either showbiz or they're not going to give them what they want. But they're convinced that he's the answer. This guy, of all freakin' people.
You keep spamming the thread with off topic piffle. Can you point to a single example of your, wondrous, successful, Leninist / Stalinist utopias?

What a stupid, stupid demand. No leftist is promoting a "Leninist/Stalinist utopia", so your question is disingenuous at best.

As for "Stalinism", it's Donald Trump who is parrotiong Staling in calling the free press the "enemy of the people" and those who protect the nation from despots the "Deep State". Trump talks about about jailing his enemies, and asking for "Absolute Immunity" to assassinate his opponents, and jail his critics.

Meanwhile, the billionaire owned and controlled media are all promoting his lies, because they're getting richer and more control of the nation under Trump.

Trump says he's going to be a dictator "for just one day". Never, in the history of the world, has anyone been a dictator and then given it up voluntarily. Power corrupts. Absolutely power corrupts absolutely.
What a stupid, stupid demand. No leftist is promoting a "Leninist/Stalinist utopia", so your question is disingenuous at best.

As for "Stalinism", it's Donald Trump who is parrotiong Staling in calling the free press the "enemy of the people" and those who protect the nation from despots the "Deep State". Trump talks about about jailing his enemies, and asking for "Absolute Immunity" to assassinate his opponents, and jail his critics.

Meanwhile, the billionaire owned and controlled media are all promoting his lies, because they're getting richer and more control of the nation under Trump.

Trump says he's going to be a dictator "for just one day". Never, in the history of the world, has anyone been a dictator and then given it up voluntarily. Power corrupts. Absolutely power corrupts absolutely.

Another of your raving, saliva- slinging tirades.

Take your Trump meds.

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