Biden Loosing Mental Control. Making Threats

But the question I want to know is are they gouging us? Are they making more profits than ever, while we suffer with their unusually high profit margins during this high inflationary period for us citizens??

Profit margin has been 7% for decades.
Really? He claims he is a kingmaker who controls the GOP.
The fact is the RNC is anti-Trump even though most Republicans support him. As a private citizen he was not responsible for funding GOP candidates.
WTF you now don’t want to lower inflation?
the inflation we are dealing with now is solely the result of senile joe's curtailing of US oil and gas production, the price of everything we buy is the result of the price of energy. This is all on Biden. no one else.
The fact is the RNC is anti-Trump even though most Republicans support him. As a private citizen he was not responsible for funding GOP candidates.
Trump has a PAC taking in hundreds of millions of dollars a year in political donations. What does PAC stand for?

POLITICAL Action Committee

What Is a PAC? • OpenSecrets​ › what-is-a-pac

A political action committee (PAC) is a political committee organized for the purpose of raising and spending money to elect and defeat candidates.

Trump picked the candidates he wanted, not who the RNC wanted, and with his POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE FUNDS, hundreds of millions in the funds, should have contributed HEAVILY in to the candidates HE CHOSE.
the inflation we are dealing with now is solely the result of senile joe's curtailing of US oil and gas production, the price of everything we buy is the result of the price of energy. This is all on Biden. no one else.
I just bought gas at $2.59/GL.

Can you post the definition of "curtailing"? Looks like you don't know it.
Lying about stolen valor for his dead son may not be grounds to impeach Potatohead but it sure as hell is a good reason to ridicule the lying sonofabitch.
And the lies Trump tells daily?
I believe the house will flip, but not at the 40-50 seats once claimed by the maga fuckup crowd.

The Senate will stay Democratic.

And then in January 2023 the maga fuckup shitshown in the house starts.
Spot on!
I just bought gas at $2.59/GL.

Can you post the definition of "curtailing"? Looks like you don't know it.
stopping or reducing. he shut down keystone and ANWR, blocked new drilling permits in the gulf and on federal lands, and has begged our enemies to sell us their crude---------yes curtailing.

as to pump prices, he dumped millions of barrels from our strategic reserves to artificially reduce prices. that will not last now that the mid term elections are over. you were duped by a senile old man, congratulations.
stopping or reducing. he shut down keystone and ANWR, blocked new drilling permits in the gulf and on federal lands, and has begged our enemies to sell us their crude---------yes curtailing.

as to pump prices, he dumped millions of barrels from our strategic reserves to artificially reduce prices. that will not last now that the mid term elections are over. you were duped by a senile old man, congratulations.
I have great faith in fools — self-confidence my friends call it.”
stopping or reducing. he shut down keystone and ANWR, blocked new drilling permits in the gulf and on federal lands, and has begged our enemies to sell us their crude---------yes curtailing.

as to pump prices, he dumped millions of barrels from our strategic reserves to artificially reduce prices. that will not last now that the mid term elections are over. you were duped by a senile old man, congratulations.
Blah fucking blah fucking blah….

I just bought gas at $2.59/GL can you explain that fuckup, or not? Okay
Blah fucking blah fucking blah….

I just bought gas at $2.59/GL can you explain that fuckup, or not? Okay
typical libtard, when destroyed by facts hurl juvenile insults . the reduced pump prices right now are temporary, Biden released millions of barrels from our SPR to get you morons to vote dem in the mid terms. Prices will go back up very soon. and you idiots will continue to worship senile corrupt joe.
I can't believe what I am seeing. Joe Biden threatens the oil companies in loony tirade.
He just wants them to fix the fuel cost problem he created while still choking them off trying to put them out of business. It's basic democrat politics to create a crisis then pretend they are just another victim of it all, outraged by it and coming to the rescue for you acting in your behalf as they continue making it worse.

This is the rantings of a dictator who thinks he is in total control of the means of production.
Joe has evolved into a megalomaniac who thinks he has the power to just whip the world into whatever shape he desires.

He is making threats to go after these companies as if we are at war and using war powers to punish them.
If I were the gas industry, I might be tempted to just say FU and go on strike and quit doing anything for 30-60 days.

This guy has lost his damn marbles.
Joe began without any marbles. If he has any at all now, he likely stole them or bought them from Venezuela.

He takes no responsibility for his own actions and policies that are driving this cluster F***.
No democrat ever does.
Gave all our weapons to ukraine (we have no howitzers left...ZERO!

You have no idea how right you are! I saw the CEO of Raytheon talking the other day and he says they are totally depleted of Stinger missiles now and another thing saying that we've given Ukraine the equivalent of what they normally produce in 12 years.

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