Biden MIA While Democrat Leaders Around The Country Sabotage Their Cities And States With Their Rules And Regulations

The point is clear, you all want the Fed Govt to swoop in and save you, though none of you can say what they should do or how it is their job to do so.

Partisan sheep are partisan sheep, it does not matter which pen you all live in

One easy thing Biden could do is put pressure on Newsom to roll back the emissions standards on trucks.
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If the media refuses to do their job....there is no hope for blue cities that are being subjected to tin horn dictatorships. They're busy enforcing vaccine mandates causing mass firings all over the place. Biden's Build Back Better and The New Green Deal are becoming a reality. We have to get used to not having luxuries like toilet paper and food.

And where is Walk-away Joe?
Biden ran for president from his basement. This should have been a big red flag to some, but as the problems stack up all over blue states he's nowhere to be found.

Shortages are popping up everywhere....and Democrats seem to be the root cause. New regulations are causing logjams everywhere that have been forming for months at the ports in California and New York. The result is empty shelves all over the US.
This is Socialism folks.
Democrats are cancelling Christmas.

You are looking for a president to set a precedent of taking over cities? Nobody in his right mind was willing to give it to trump, but you guys would give it to Biden? You are running out of food in your house, and you want the government to deliver toilet paper? Longshoreman's union say they are working 24/7, and you want 25/8? What new regulation are you talking about? This is hyped up tucker crap.
The point is clear, you all want the Fed Govt to swoop in and save you, though none of you can say what they should do or how it is their job to do so.

Partisan sheep are partisan sheep, it does not matter which pen you all live in
Create another House of UnAmerican Activities and remove the active communists from the government, academia and entertainment.
What does this have to do with the state owning the means and distribution of production?
Not sure what you're asking....but everything at the ports have to go thru federal government inspectors.
The inspectors are dragging their asses all of the time....since Biden took over.
Many of the vaccine mandates have kicked people are getting fired.
And the word seems to be going out not to work as hard.
Democrats are just trying to control everything....and it's easy to sabotage the smooth flow of goods causing shortages.
They claim it's because they don't have enough truck drivers.
Nope.....the problem seems to be a lack of incentive to work.
It's like the Domino effect. One thing happens and that causes something else to happen.

I said a few years ago that Democrats wanted food shortages.
This is how they are doing it.
This is how they are trying to install Socialism.

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Not sure what you're asking....but everything at the ports have to go thru federal government inspectors.
The inspectors are dragging their asses all of the time....since Biden took over.
Many of the vaccine mandates have kicked people are getting fired.
And the word seems to be going out not to work as hard.
Democrats are just trying to control everything....and it's easy to sabotage the smooth flow of goods causing shortages.
They claim it's because they don't have enough truck drivers.
Nope.....the problem seems to be a lack of incentive to work.
It's like the Domino effect. One thing happens and that causes something else to happen.

I said a few years ago that Democrats wanted food shortages.
This is how they are doing it.
This is how they are trying to install Socialism.

Sharpio doesn't know what he is talking about. Same as Gingrich.
So, you do not have an answer as to what the Fed Govt should do.

Thanks. That is what I thought but it is good to see you verify it.
Negotiating skills are really not that good with many politicians outside their realm. Especially Progs. We became an individual based culture with personal selfishness as a major trait. The WW 2 era is long over. However, if anyone could have improved the ways we are now in, it would be Trump.

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