Biden Names Obama Crony Penny Pritzker to Lead Ukraine’s Economic Recovery

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Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2012
Not wanting to miss an opportunity to further enrich Ukraine with US taxpayer money, Sloppy Joe, was told he would be credited with naming an Obama flunkie to hose down Ukraine from the US money spigot.

Hey. What's $33 Trillion in debt when you can divert taxpayer money to a foreign government.

Pritzker sounds perfect for the job. A former Obama flunkie, involved with the subprime mortgage disaster and she was deeply involved with then VP Sloppy Joe and the $Billion dollar loan guarantee to Ukrsine that involved Hunter Biden's escapades with Burisma.

Pritzker, a close Chicago associate of former President Barack Obama and heiress to the Hyatt hotel fortune, was passed up for a cabinet post after the 2008 election due to her involvement in a subprime mortgage collapse at Superior Bank, which failed in 2001. That was considered a political liability in an administration that promised voters it would fix the mess on Wall Street that had led to a massive recession and ushered Obama into office.

In that role, her signature achievement was giving away American control of Internet domain names. Pritzker was also actively involved in Ukraine, where her family is originally from.

It was under her department that the infamous billion-dollar loan guarantees were announced — the money that then-Vice President Biden threatened to withdraw unless Ukraine fired a prosecutor investigating Hunter Biden’s company, Burisma.
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It could be worse. They could appoint Jennifer Pritzker.

(Look it up.)
That closed meeting that the Uke midget had in NY the other day with the globalists must have bore fruit.....Not one penny.

This is why the dems/neocons must be defeated in '24.
It's the glue that holds them together.... Kyle Rittenhouse randomly shooting at shitlibs hits 2 pedophiles and a wife beater....

you do the math.
Not wanting to miss an opportunity to further enrich Ukraine with US taxpayer money, Sloppy Joe, was told he would be credited with naming an Obama flunkie to hose down Ukraine from the US money spigot.

Hey. What's $33 Trillion in debt when you can divert taxpayer money to a foreign government.

Pritzker sounds perfect for the job. A former Obama flunkie, involved with the subprime mortgage disaster and she was deeply involved with then VP Sloppy Joe and the $Billion dollar loan guarantee to Ukrsine that involved Hunter Biden's escapades with Burisma.

Pritzker, a close Chicago associate of former President Barack Obama and heiress to the Hyatt hotel fortune, was passed up for a cabinet post after the 2008 election due to her involvement in a subprime mortgage collapse at Superior Bank, which failed in 2001. That was considered a political liability in an administration that promised voters it would fix the mess on Wall Street that had led to a massive recession and ushered Obama into office.

In that role, her signature achievement was giving away American control of Internet domain names. Pritzker was also actively involved in Ukraine, where her family is originally from.

It was under her department that the infamous billion-dollar loan guarantees were announced — the money that then-Vice President Biden threatened to withdraw unless Ukraine fired a prosecutor investigating Hunter Biden’s company, Burisma.
Wow. Pritzker. Much pathology involved in this story.
OP violates rules for clean start. Closed.
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