Biden orders Air Airstrikes In Syria and Iraq without congressional approval.


Diamond Member
Mar 1, 2008
Lying Biden at it again.Feels like Obama is still in office doesnt it? .Biden is making fascist Obama proud again,continuing the expansion of the war he expanded on from Bush and same as Obama,also not getting approval from congress.He learned from the master

Twenty years and thousands of deaths later former President Donald Trump said enough is enough. He ordered the systematic withdrawal of US troops from every stinking mountaintop and desert in the Middle East. The nation breathed a sigh of relief at the thought of finally leaving the entire region to wallow in their own mud. It took Trump to simply admit what everyone outside of politics already knew. There was no way to win. Then along came Joe…

Yeah, I encounter Europeans who complain about the USA dropping bombs whenever it wants - why did Biden do this unilaterally???

How does he know what's going on, anyway?
It’s amazing that regardless of party, Commanders in Chief find reasons to flex their muscles…
When Obamaination got in i thought to myself WELL AT LEAST HE CANNOT BE ANY WORSE THAN BUSH.I did not think it was possible for anybody to be worse than Bush the son of a former CIA director.Boy was I ever wrong,he not only lied to the people about ending Bushs wars,he expanded them.
Trump wanted less troops and military action in the Fear East and started pulling them out.

Biden authorises more.

Yet Trump is the blood thirsty monster with no regard to human life.

Go figure.

yeah incredible that we got trolls here who never had one bad peep to say about the warmonger ways Of Bush or Obama,Trump gets in,becomes the most anti war president sense Carter,and they act like he is this generations Stalin.:cuckoo: Its obvious what their agenda here is at the site and what their boss sent them here to do.
Lying Biden at it again.Feels like Obama is still in office doesnt it? .Biden is making fascist Obama proud again,continuing the expansion of the war he expanded on from Bush and same as Obama,also not getting approval from congress.He learned from the master

Twenty years and thousands of deaths later former President Donald Trump said enough is enough. He ordered the systematic withdrawal of US troops from every stinking mountaintop and desert in the Middle East. The nation breathed a sigh of relief at the thought of finally leaving the entire region to wallow in their own mud. It took Trump to simply admit what everyone outside of politics already knew. There was no way to win. Then along came Joe…

It’s called the AUMF that Congress gave Bush after 9-11. It’s still in effect, and until Congress votes to remove it, will remain in force for Biden, and whoever replaces him.
i'm a Trump voter and i have no problem with Biden taking out weapons and supply facilities that terrorist use ... nor do i have a problem with retaliating after Iran backed militias [terrorists] attack our troops like they did a few days ago ....Biden was actually right on this one .
Lying Biden at it again.Feels like Obama is still in office doesnt it? .Biden is making fascist Obama proud again,continuing the expansion of the war he expanded on from Bush and same as Obama,also not getting approval from congress.He learned from the master

Twenty years and thousands of deaths later former President Donald Trump said enough is enough. He ordered the systematic withdrawal of US troops from every stinking mountaintop and desert in the Middle East. The nation breathed a sigh of relief at the thought of finally leaving the entire region to wallow in their own mud. It took Trump to simply admit what everyone outside of politics already knew. There was no way to win. Then along came Joe…

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Lying Biden at it again.Feels like Obama is still in office doesnt it? .Biden is making fascist Obama proud again,continuing the expansion of the war he expanded on from Bush and same as Obama,also not getting approval from congress.He learned from the master

Twenty years and thousands of deaths later former President Donald Trump said enough is enough. He ordered the systematic withdrawal of US troops from every stinking mountaintop and desert in the Middle East. The nation breathed a sigh of relief at the thought of finally leaving the entire region to wallow in their own mud. It took Trump to simply admit what everyone outside of politics already knew. There was no way to win. Then along came Joe…

Biden believes this is WW2…dementia you know.
Lying Biden at it again.Feels like Obama is still in office doesnt it? .Biden is making fascist Obama proud again,continuing the expansion of the war he expanded on from Bush and same as Obama,also not getting approval from congress.He learned from the master

Twenty years and thousands of deaths later former President Donald Trump said enough is enough. He ordered the systematic withdrawal of US troops from every stinking mountaintop and desert in the Middle East. The nation breathed a sigh of relief at the thought of finally leaving the entire region to wallow in their own mud. It took Trump to simply admit what everyone outside of politics already knew. There was no way to win. Then along came Joe…

this is shocking,usually I have droves of paid shills trolling threads of facts like these,so far just one,guess the others were not brave enough to make themselves look like stupid fucks like the one that posted a laughing smiley did.
Anyone still confused as to why Fox News loves senile moron traitor Joe?

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