Why does everyone seem to think a major war is imminent?

There may not be a "big war", although any foreign countries that may want more territory or more resources, now is the time to do it. We have a spineless clown in the White House that has difficulty shooting down a spy balloon.
Hilarious fuckup

How much land is the bloated orange mofo will to surrender to the pootin.
It doesn't look as if anyone thinks a major war is imminent. If they did they would demand that the doddering old fool step down before he gets us all blown up.

The US and it’s allies are too powerful
Nobody wants to mess with us

China can’t even beat Taiwan
Simple put because Joey Xiden and the demafascsit are in charge. They are weak and appaise the worst, the Taliban, Hamas, Iran, Putin, Xi, even drurg cartells are built back better thanks to Joey Xiden
I've been meaning to post this for about a year.

Why all the talk about an upcoming "big war" (even a World War) involving the United States vs. China in the Pacific and/or the U.S. vs. Russia in Europe (Ukraine region)? With U.S. fighting Iran for good measure as well probably.

I'm not a young man (57 this month) so I've been around long enough to gain some historical perspective. So why all this talk about another major war even perhaps a world War?

Even if no nuclear weapons are used, within about a month of a major war beginning I would be dead (dialysis) as well as my middle sister (diabetic) and my wife (synthroid) so obviously I have great fears of such a conflict.


Uruguay seems nice. (Not kidding).
Countries need war so the ruling class can manage their own societies.

Military industry creates millions of jobs that keep people pacified, but without war there is no justification for the existence of military industry.

Besides, old men love sending the young men to war so they can have at the young women.
We are at war with everybody. Not every war has matching uniforms and pretty flags, they are mostly false flag and economic actions now and there are no front lines, only banker's bottom lines. They are just as deadly though, and without winners or losers of endings.

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