Biden overrules Pentagon, nominates first woman to head Navy

A surface warfare officer, she has commanded at all levels, heading U.S. 6th Fleet and U.S. Naval Forces Korea. She was the second woman ever to be promoted to four-star admiral, and she did multiple deployments, including as commander of a naval destroyer and two stints as aircraft carrier strike group commander.

She has the experience.

Anyone who really knew what they are doing, would dump all the carriers and large ships that are sitting ducks for missiles.
In fact, except for a few coastal ships, we never should have had a navy, since they are only for illegal aggression.
At sea, Franchetti has served aboard USS Shenandoah (AD-44), USS Monongahela (AO-178), USS Moosbrugger (DD-980), USS Stout (DD-55) and the George Washington Carrier Strike Group.

She commanded USS Ross (DDG-71) and Destroyer Squadron 21 while the DESRON was embarked on USS John C. Stennis (CVN-74). She also was the commander of Pacific Partnership 2010, during which she was embarked on USNS Mercy (T-AH-19).

USS Ross (DDG-71) is an Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer in the United States Navy. So she has commanded a destroyer class vessel at sea.

"Bachelor of Science in Journalism. She also attended the Naval War College and holds a master degree in organizational management from the University of Phoenix....”

Gee, Admirals sure have changed since World War 2.(Subtitle: we are so screwed!)



Now this ought to boost morale


Nimitz, Zumwalt and John Paul Jones must be rolling over in their graves. No wonder recruiting is in the pits, next they’ll appoint a tranny to commandant of the USMC.

College degrees are just the minimum and it could be in anything. They all have degrees from various colleges which really had nothing to do with military strategy.

Yeah there are military academies that will teach you book stuff.

Its really the year spent in the military that counts and the various positions held Then if you can start getting medals then it just adds to it. Performance reviews are pretty much standard if you keep your noise clean then you will get a glowing review. Yes previous positions held do help.
China and Russia are OK with this!:muahaha:

How many US Navy ships are they going to sink?

Why, many! :dunno:

Anyone who really knew what they are doing, would dump all the carriers and large ships that are sitting ducks for missiles.
In fact, except for a few coastal ships, we never should have had a navy, since they are only for illegal aggression.
Wrong they serve many purposes beyond agression and our aggression is LEGAL
So the only folks qualified to run anything in this country are old white men.
Anyone who worked under someone who really has not experienced the realities knows. The only saving grace is the underling ranks with that experience who do the real work and makes the unqualified or less qualified look better.
Anyone who worked under someone who really has not experienced the realities knows. The only saving grace is the underling ranks with that experience who do the real work and makes the unqualified or less qualified look better.
So she has just being doing nothing and got promoted on a whim.
So she has just being doing nothing and got promoted on a whim.

Boxes were checked: Female, Democrat, LGBT supporter...

Too bad she's white, that could have been an extra bonus for the Biden regime. It's all about the optics.
Boxes were checked: Female, Democrat, LGBT supporter...

Too bad she's white, that could have been an extra bonus for the Biden regime. It's all about the optics.
Can you prove any of that or is that just your dumbass opinion.
Hopefully, this affirmative action nomination will be sunk.

Not even Biden's SecDef wanted her. Meaning, she will have no respect among the ranks.

Biden just continues to screw over the Armed Forces. Damage done during 8-years of Øbama and now continued damage done by Biden,

President Biden has overruled the Pentagon and chosen Adm. Lisa Franchetti to lead the Navy, making her the first woman, if she's confirmed, to be a Pentagon service chief and the first female member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
Biden's decision goes against the recommendation of his Pentagon chief, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, who recommended the president select Adm. Samuel Paparo, the current commander of the Navy's Pacific Fleet, according to multiple reports.
In a statement on Friday, Biden noted how Franchetti is an unprecedented choice for such a high-level military post due to her sex, adding that she's the second woman ever to achieve the rank of four-star admiral in the Navy.
Franchetti will likely join several other general and flag officers whose confirmations are being held up by Sen. Tommy Tuberville, R-Ala, in protest of a Defense Department policy that pays for travel when a service member or their dependents leave the state to get an abortion. Biden slammed Tuberville's protest in his statement.

Xiden ignoring the military is nothing new
Can you prove any of that or is that just your dumbass opinion.

Everything has always been "optics" with Democrats. Obama was one of the worst, and the Biden regime is no different. All they can do is virtue signal and loudly proclaim "Hey look at meee! I'm so woke!"
So the only folks qualified to run anything in this country are old white men.

How do you get "anything" from something about one specific posting, or at most 5 specific postings? Military postings at that.

The issue is she was selected for what she is, not what she has done, or what she can do.
Stupid woke military where shitheads are promoted on affirmative action goals rather than merit.

Then they wonder why enlistments and reenlistments are down 30%.

The filthy ass Potatohead administration doesn't want White heterosexual patrotic males in the military because they may not agree to be the SS for the Democrats.
Everything has always been "optics" with Democrats. Obama was one of the worst, and the Biden regime is no different. All they can do is virtue signal and loudly proclaim "Hey look at meee! I'm so woke!"
Yea Pres Obama was so bad he got elected twice
How do you get "anything" from something about one specific posting, or at most 5 specific postings? Military postings at that.

The issue is she was selected for what she is, not what she has done, or what she can do.
You know that how?
Have you ever served with her?

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