Biden pardons Hunter if he is indicted, why wouldn't he? He is the son of the Potus.

Joe was so deep into extortion for the Democrat Party with himself getting half, they cheated their butts off to make the unpopular liar President to keep that flow of cash from foreign countries coming in a way that shields Joe Biden from his past, present, and future fiscal crimes. Keep your eye on the ball. Some think Biden opened the border up to (1)Procure cash from the drug lords, to hell with the danger they are killing 500 kids in America every week. Joe abandoned his oath of office less than an hour after he agreed to provide for the common defense. My question is, is he still getting half of all that money for insuring 500 American kids die every week because he is such a greedy bastard he made brutal attempts to get rid of the border patrol by defunding them.
Hunter's not the president. I'm sure the republicans if voted in would impeach him because stuff they created.
he added a full pardon for Stone and a pardon for former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort

Trump had already commuted Stone’s sentence and pardoned Flynn, even though both lied to investigators looking into Russian interference in the 2016 election.

Duncan Hunter, Chris Collins and Steve Stockman. All three abused their privileged positions for their own or their families’ financial gain.

Trump followed up Wednesday with a pardon for Charles Kushner

Trump also pardoned four Blackwater guards convicted in a 2007 shooting that killed 14 Iraqi civilians and wounded 17. Blackwater, of course, was founded by Erik Prince, a prominent Trump backer (who was himself caught up in the Mueller investigation) and the brother of Education Secretary Betsy DeVos.

We have one justice system for his predominantly rich, white and male friends and allies, and another for the rest of America.

Trump pardons: Rewards for his mostly rich, white, male friends & allies (
as long as you were a republican and friends of Donald Trump, no problem you got pardoned.
If Biden was a true American, he'd send his son to jail, admit his election was a fraud based on lies, and then invalidate his election, and hold a new election.
Instead he is still on Xi and Putin's payroll, and trying to forward the cause of Global Government and World Wide Oppression by His Oligarch Masters.
No its his black laptop and the investigators found nothing on it. Uninstantiated.
He is still under investigation.

I really enjoy reading your posts, as they're sincere reflection of leftist stupidity.

I firmly stand for your right to be stupid, regardless of you abusing that privilege.
Hannity said tramp would have and himself too. tramp lost , he isn't potus anymore.
I am fully aware tramp never got a chance to pardon his kids.
Again, this has more to do with YOU and your desire to have Biden abuse the powers of his office and your request for material that would get someone banned if they post that material you requested!

You are requesting that Biden to abuse the powers of his office and that make you as pathetic as Hannity!
Again, this has more to do with YOU and your desire to have Biden abuse the powers of his office and your request for material that would get someone banned if they post that material you requested!

You are requesting that Biden to abuse the powers of his office and that make you as pathetic as Hannity!
Might as well, tramp did. what's is good for the goose, it is good for the gander.
“Hunter never did anything wrong, the laptop is Russian disinformation!” to “Joe should pardon his son for his crimes.”
hahaa so you admit you were a useful idiot spreading the lies that it was Russian misinformation....when in fact, it's quite real....and very damning about the 10 percent the big guy got
Its hilarious how the partisan nitwits on both sides only have issues with Presidential pardons when they are done by any President they don’t support. Presidents from both parties have been granting pardons since they got the power to do so that is not ending anytime soon if ever.
he added a full pardon for Stone and a pardon for former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort

Trump had already commuted Stone’s sentence and pardoned Flynn, even though both lied to investigators looking into Russian interference in the 2016 election.

Duncan Hunter, Chris Collins and Steve Stockman. All three abused their privileged positions for their own or their families’ financial gain.

Trump followed up Wednesday with a pardon for Charles Kushner

Trump also pardoned four Blackwater guards convicted in a 2007 shooting that killed 14 Iraqi civilians and wounded 17. Blackwater, of course, was founded by Erik Prince, a prominent Trump backer (who was himself caught up in the Mueller investigation) and the brother of Education Secretary Betsy DeVos.

We have one justice system for his predominantly rich, white and male friends and allies, and another for the rest of America.

Trump pardons: Rewards for his mostly rich, white, male friends & allies (
as long as you were a republican and friends of Donald Trump, no problem you got pardoned.

Wait and see if all the reports of sexual perversion and pedophilia photographs are true, then see if Biden wants to pardon a child molester.....but then, on the other hand, Biden likes running his hands all over little girls, so it just might be doable. You know, family affair.
when did Trump pardon his son? Or any family member

This is more akin to the idea of what the Clintons did, when they had to pardon their family members.
another 4 years and he would have plenty of chances.
Wait and see if all the reports of sexual perversion and pedophilia photographs are true, then see if Biden wants to pardon a child molester.....but then, on the other hand, Biden likes running his hands all over little girls, so it just might be doable. You know, family affair.
they aren't true, are you on crack.
hahahah so once again, you are stuck with what ifs....not what actually happened.

Keep living in your fantasy cult world
I didn't say he pardoned his kids , read the OP again.

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