Biden pardons Hunter if he is indicted, why wouldn't he? He is the son of the Potus.

they were talking about it on Fox, Hannity brought it up. Oh if Hunter Bidens gets pardon!!!
And you being a ridiculous airhead not only had to post about it but had to bring up Trump while leaving out other presidents?
That is your whole justification?
If I thought they would be true, I'd say, no pardon due.
They aren't. Joe and Hunter Bidens are not pedophiles.
Ah, there's your little weasel wording. You would just refuse to believe any evidence proving the allegations was true. You'd attack sources, deny its very existence, and ultimately just insist they were lies. Then you could claim this statement to be true so you could hold them blameless even if the rest of the world condemned them.
Ah, there's your little weasel wording. You would just refuse to believe any evidence proving the allegations was true. You'd attack sources, deny its very existence, and ultimately just insist they were lies. Then you could claim this statement to be true so you could hold them blameless even if the rest of the world condemned them.
What evidence?
Trump is a rank amateur when it comes to political corruption.
Yep. He specializes in financial corruption. His attempts at political corruption did not always translate well. He's not that bright outside his lane. :auiqs.jpg:
You progressives are all the same,
Good thing for me that I'm not a Progressive then, eh?
Trump is legit,
Yep. A legitimate existential threat to American representative democracy.
your people are the scumbags,
Like I said... good thing for me that I'm not a Progressive.
and you lie about Trump.

Too funny.
Always happy to hear a RumpBot doing a grin-and-bear-it laugh about being out of power... :cool:
What Trump did for his cronies and what you believed he would have done for his kids does not matter because the discussion is about your wish for Joe Biden to use the power of his office to pardon Hunter Biden if convicted of a crime, and that make you no better than those you whine and bitch about!

Also if Hunter is wanted it will be by the Ukrainian Government or the Chinese Government and Joe pardon will have no way to stop either countries from demanding extradition!

If Hunter is found guilty here then the best thing Joe can do is stay out of it and let his kid face the music!

Your diversion to Trump is pathetic as usual and your attempt to bait idiots of this board to post ban able material is sickening!

So let me state this:

1. What Hannity has said is just paid political nonsense!

2. Trump did not pardon his kids!

3. Biden shouldn’t act like Trump!
"What Hannity has said is just paid political nonsense!"

Oh yeah? Hannity was right about the Steele Dossier's source was Hillary Clinton's team.
Hannity was proven right about there being no collusion with Russia by Trump.
Every time the ding-a-lings of the press were spewing DNC propaganda, he showed videos of a half dozen jabberjockeys on the same day claiming false witness was true. What are the chances different newscasters would use the same phrases unless they plagiarized each other over and overx6? And 99% of the time they were mistaken, but it would take a couple of weeks for them to be found out because it takes time to prove a lie is a lie and not the truth with facts. The trouble with lying they naughty butts off was that the American people figured out the conspiracy and disliked it enough to re-elect President Trump to a second term. Wait till the proof of polling theft comes in on that one. :cranky:
he added a full pardon for Stone and a pardon for former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort

Trump had already commuted Stone’s sentence and pardoned Flynn, even though both lied to investigators looking into Russian interference in the 2016 election.

Duncan Hunter, Chris Collins and Steve Stockman. All three abused their privileged positions for their own or their families’ financial gain.

Trump followed up Wednesday with a pardon for Charles Kushner

Trump also pardoned four Blackwater guards convicted in a 2007 shooting that killed 14 Iraqi civilians and wounded 17. Blackwater, of course, was founded by Erik Prince, a prominent Trump backer (who was himself caught up in the Mueller investigation) and the brother of Education Secretary Betsy DeVos.

We have one justice system for his predominantly rich, white and male friends and allies, and another for the rest of America.

Trump pardons: Rewards for his mostly rich, white, male friends & allies (
as long as you were a republican and friends of Donald Trump, no problem you got pardoned.
Why would all these people openly lie and cover for the criminality the laptop exposed?

No American should take anything a Democrat says seriously.
He said there was child porn on it and the media reported it was Russia misinformation.
Guiliani claimed that with out offering a shred of evidence.

The media claimed nothing, they echoed what tbe investigators were saying they had not yet authenticated anything, that some of the material COULD be Russian disinformation. Not that it was. They said nothing about any child porn. Only Guiliani claimed that….with no evidence.
The ultimate in criminality is to "pardon himself"... and I'm sure the crooked MSM would have no problem with that either. The Biden crime family aka "oligarchs" can do no wrong.
Your projecting your own fetish with the Trump crime family (the real American oligarch) who actually DID consider whether he could pardon himself and his family. Talk about ”doing no wrong” :rolleyes:
Why would all these people openly lie and cover for the criminality the laptop exposed?

No American should take anything a Democrat says seriously.
The more I’m on this board the more distain I have for the new Democrat party. Biden is not the head. We’re being led by left progressives under Obama, in the shadows with Susan Rice as “domestic advisor” who is most likely giving foreign policy advice as she did under Obama. Rice could’ve been Obama‘s running mate in 2020, but he stuck it out with old Joe for whatever reason. I assume Joe pulled in middle ground votes for Obama, left moderates/corporate Dems from the old guard. Rice knew more than Biden ever knew (when his mind was still functioning) about Obama’s foreign policy with expansion of NATO a priority.

Anyone who thinks Biden is leading the country has to be a true clueless type.

I’m starting to catch myself extend that negative attitude to all Democrats on this board which is inaccurate. I will stick to the divisional aspect of my distain for far left progressives. There are more than a few on this board who are easy to spot by their ludicrous posts. They are also the posters who only add a laughing emote to someone’s serious post because they have absolutely nothing to say. You know who you are! 😆
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Guiliani claimed that with out offering a shred of evidence.

The media claimed nothing, they echoed what tbe investigators were saying they had not yet authenticated anything, that some of the material COULD be Russian disinformation. Not that it was. They said nothing about any child porn. Only Guiliani claimed that….with no evidence.
One of the investigators said that most people couldn't handle what they got. So we will see.

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