Biden Picks "Mr. Monsanto" Tom Vilsack the Head the USDA

Natural Citizen

American Made
Aug 8, 2016
It figures it'd be something like that.

During his eight years under Obama, Tom Vilsack earned the nickname “Mr. Monsanto” for approving more new genetically modified organisms than any Agriculture Secretary in history, and for making gobs of money for every approval.

The Organic Consumer’s Association has compiled a list of GMOs we have to thank him for:

Roundup Ready sugar beets. A judge ruled Monsanto’s sugar beets would inevitably contaminate other crops, eventually “eliminating a consumer’s choice to eat non-genetically engineered food.”

Roundup Ready alfalfa. Monsanto’s first genetically modified perennial went wild, costing alfalfa growers millions.

Monsanto’s DroughtGard corn. The GMO seeds actually ended up yielding 11% LESS corn than conventional corn during the 2012 drought.

Dicamba-tolerant Xtend soy and cotton. Several states have banned Monsanto’s dicamba herbicide since its approval in 2015, after it drifted and destroyed millions of acres of conventional soy, as well as nurseries, vineyards, vegetables, trees and native plants.

Roundup Ready lawn grass. Vilsack told the Scotts Miracle-Gro it didn’t need permits to sell genetically engineered grass commercially.

Agrisure corn. Vilsack allowed Syngenta to sell corn seed with genetically engineered traits that were illegal in China to U.S. farmers. The corn crop was rejected by the markets, costing farmers $1.5 billion.

Ethanol-only corn. Unsuitable for human or animal consumption, Syngenta’s ethanol corn has the potential to destroy the genome of edible corn where cross contamination occurs.

2,4-D-tolerant corn, cotton and soy. A known endocrine disruptor, Dow’s 2,4-D is linked to cancer, thyroid disorders, decreased fertility and birth defects. Vilsack’s approval of the crops increased the use of 2,4-D as much as 600%.

Innate potatoes. The former Monsanto scientist who invented this “RNA interference” GMO exposed the dangers of his work four years after Vilsack approved it. He found an accumulation of toxins in the potatoes, and even scarier, he found their double-stranded RNA enters the human bloodstream, where it can influence our own cell function.

Arctic Apples. These ever-green apples don’t turn brown when they bruise or start to rot, and even retain their bright green pigment when they are juiced. These GMOs were also created using RNA interference technology.

Cloned animals. When Vilsack was asked in 2010 if cloned cows or their offspring had made it into the North American food supply, he claimed he “didn’t know”. Needless to say, this aroused alarm. While Europe responded with an embargo, Vilsack left the door open for cloned animal products to be labeled “USDA Organic.”

“It is very likely that the offspring of cloned animals are now being used to produce organic milk and other food,” the Organic Consumer’s Association says.

Synbio dairy substitutes. Vilsack allowed companies like Perfect Day to begin using genetically-altered yeast cultures to manufacture synthetic dairy substitutes. Most vegans have no idea their non-dairy cheese is a product genetic engineering.

Lab-made meat. Vilsack gave companies like Memphis Meat the green light to engineer cell-cultured meat without requiring USDA inspection or labeling. A former USDA staffer of his ended up lobbying for the company.

Continued - Biden Picks "Mr. Monsanto" Tom Vilsack the Head the USDA
Wait a second - you mean Biden didn’t pick his son-in-law or his ex-caddie or the son of his lawyer to run this agency?

**Diversion Alert**

No, it's the "nobody gives a shit" alert. Biden is choosing competent people to fill his cabinet positions. Career public servants. Vilsack fits that description. Not family. Not friends. Not political favors. Not yes men and women. The exact opposite of what we've seen the last four years. Remind me again how many Trump cabinet members are left and how many of them are "acting"? :)
Wait a second - you mean Biden didn’t pick his son-in-law or his ex-caddie or the son of his lawyer to run this agency?

**Diversion Alert**
What diversion? You Trumpanzees were fine with whatever clown Trump wanted in whatever position.
Anything on topic, Troll?
Yes. I already said it.

If any of you expect to be taken seriously with this shit you’re going to be disappointed. You had no issues with any Trump appointee no matter how unqualified or how many conflicts of interest. Now you can all fuck off.
Wait a second - you mean Biden didn’t pick his son-in-law or his ex-caddie or the son of his lawyer to run this agency?

**Diversion Alert**

No, it's the "nobody gives a shit" alert. Biden is choosing competent people to fill his cabinet positions. Career public servants. Vilsack fits that description. Not family. Not friends. Not political favors. Not yes men and women. The exact opposite of what we've seen the last four years. Remind me again how many Trump cabinet members are left and how many of them are "acting"? :)

No he's not. He's filling it with maoist loving idiots and corporatists and warmongering neocons.
Wait a second - you mean Biden didn’t pick his son-in-law or his ex-caddie or the son of his lawyer to run this agency?

**Diversion Alert**

No, it's the "nobody gives a shit" alert. Biden is choosing competent people to fill his cabinet positions. Career public servants. Vilsack fits that description. Not family. Not friends. Not political favors. Not yes men and women. The exact opposite of what we've seen the last four years. Remind me again how many Trump cabinet members are left and how many of them are "acting"? :)

No he's not. He's filling it with maoist loving idiots and corporatists and warmongering neocons.
How does a Maoist run the USDA? Will farmers and ranchers be forced to stop listening to country music?
Wait a second - you mean Biden didn’t pick his son-in-law or his ex-caddie or the son of his lawyer to run this agency?

**Diversion Alert**
What diversion? You Trumpanzees were fine with whatever clown Trump wanted in whatever position.
Anything on topic, Troll?
Yes. I already said it.

If any of you expect to be taken seriously with this shit you’re going to be disappointed. You had no issues with any Trump appointee no matter how unqualified or how many conflicts of interest. Now you can all fuck off.

Orange man were exponentially more qualified than the idiots pedo joe is picking. This isn't even close.
Wait a second - you mean Biden didn’t pick his son-in-law or his ex-caddie or the son of his lawyer to run this agency?

**Diversion Alert**
What diversion? You Trumpanzees were fine with whatever clown Trump wanted in whatever position.
Anything on topic, Troll?
Yes. I already said it.

If any of you expect to be taken seriously with this shit you’re going to be disappointed. You had no issues with any Trump appointee no matter how unqualified or how many conflicts of interest. Now you can all fuck off.

Orange man were exponentially more qualified than the idiots pedo joe is picking. This isn't even close.
How hard was it to give corporate farmers 50 billion during Trump's fabulous and huge economy!?
Last edited:
Wait a second - you mean Biden didn’t pick his son-in-law or his ex-caddie or the son of his lawyer to run this agency?

**Diversion Alert**
What diversion? You Trumpanzees were fine with whatever clown Trump wanted in whatever position.
Anything on topic, Troll?
Yes. I already said it.

If any of you expect to be taken seriously with this shit you’re going to be disappointed. You had no issues with any Trump appointee no matter how unqualified or how many conflicts of interest. Now you can all fuck off.

Orange man were exponentially more qualified than the idiots pedo joe is picking. This isn't even close.

"I only hire the best people". "I am a very stable genius". Except he didn't. And he wasn't. All he was looking to do was fill positions with people who wouldn't question his decisions..when he got around to making them. The turnover in his administration was unprecedented. I've never seen so many department heads with the word "acting" in front of them. A testimony to his ignorance of how government works and is supposed to work, his incompetence due to lack of political experience, and his corruption. He never had any interest in the job. Just the adoration and perks that came with it.
Wait a second - you mean Biden didn’t pick his son-in-law or his ex-caddie or the son of his lawyer to run this agency?

**Diversion Alert**
What diversion? You Trumpanzees were fine with whatever clown Trump wanted in whatever position.
Anything on topic, Troll?
Yes. I already said it.

If any of you expect to be taken seriously with this shit you’re going to be disappointed. You had no issues with any Trump appointee no matter how unqualified or how many conflicts of interest. Now you can all fuck off.

Orange man were exponentially more qualified than the idiots pedo joe is picking. This isn't even close.
Fat Sarah was a qualified liar.
No, it's the "nobody gives a shit" alert. Biden is choosing competent people to fill his cabinet positions. Career public servants.

He has loaded his staff with corporate swamp creatures.. the type leftists claimed to oppose until a minute ago.

Goldman Sachs, Big Pharm, Big Banks, now Monsanto. All of the people who get massively rich off of the backs of politicians. It's largely what got Trump elected in the first place.. the crony-filled swamp in politics.

Biden has brought it back. We're going back to the sweetheart deals, the increase in lobbying and bribery, and the millionaire politicians who supposedly serve us. Not that it's not present without these moves, but it is an explosion of establishment, crony-filled corruption.

Where did the Occupy movement go? They're busy supporting Biden for the greater good LOL. Talk about lacking ideals.
No, it's the "nobody gives a shit" alert. Biden is choosing competent people to fill his cabinet positions. Career public servants.

He has loaded his staff with corporate swamp creatures.. the type leftists claimed to oppose until a minute ago.

Goldman Sachs, Big Pharm, Big Banks, now Monsanto. All of the people who get massively rich off of the backs of politicians. It's largely what got Trump elected in the first place.. the crony-filled swamp in politics.

Biden has brought it back. We're going back to the sweetheart deals, the increase in lobbying and bribery, and the millionaire politicians who supposedly serve us. Not that it's not present without these moves, but it is an explosion of establishment, crony-filled corruption.

Where did the Occupy movement go? They're busy supporting Biden for the greater good LOL. Talk about lacking ideals.
That is all Trump had besides fellow rich men in his rich men only club...

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