Biden Promises Same 'Transparency' As Obama


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Obama's administration was officially named the 'Most CRIMINALLY FOIA & Federal Records Act NON-Compliant administration in United States History.

You can't get any more NON-Transparent than that...but Biden is already demonstrating he plans to run an equally NON-Transparent Administration, keeping America in the dark at least another 4 years if he is elected President.

"You'll know my opinion on Court Packing WHEN THE ELECTION IS OVER."
-- Joe Biden

Obama spent almost 40M dollars trying to not turn in federal records under the freedom of information act.
His head of the IRS plead the 5th. The fucking GOVT plead the 5th.
Senior member of the DOJ plead the fifth under the fast and furious scandal.
Holder refused to turn over documents related to fast and furious.
There are many many more instances that show obama was FAR from transparent. My point is, Biden is basically admitting he will be secretive. Or he simply forgot how corrupt obama and his admin were. Which is also very possible as he has dementia.
You have to love those that think 44 was worse then Trump. Then claim to be for law, order, justice and all the other principles that 44 either ignored or stepped all over.
Accusation: Your guy is so corrupt!!!!!!....
Answer: Your guy is also corrupt!!!!...

Result: 'It's all good, we made our point... moving along"

And THAT... is why nothing changes.
You have to love those that think 44 was worse then Trump. Then claim to be for law, order, justice and all the other principles that 44 either ignored or stepped all over.

Criminally, Un-Constitutionally, Illegally spied on American citizens, reporters, the media, US Senators, USSC Justices, political opposition Presidential candidate & his team, and a US President

Protected a proven criminal and traitor from indictment so they could continue to run for President

Learned about an actual Russian collusion and plot by the Democratic Party candidate to smear and alter the outcome of the 2016 election...said nothing.....then USED that scandal to direct his own political coup against a newly elected President

Illegally armed Mexican Drug cartels

Armed, trained, financed, supplied, protected, defended, aided, and abetted terrorists for his entire time in office

Violated both Constitution and Rule of Law, held in contempt by several Federal Judges for violating their orders, found to have been in violation of the Constitution several time by the USSC, admitted once he had no Constitutional authority to affect Immigration Law and did so any way...

Weaponized the IRS and used it against Americans who legally opposed his re-election...

Un-Constitutionally negotiated his own personal treaty with an enemy of the United States then ran to the UN to have it approved before allowing the US Congress t read it, let aloe ratify it.

Paid ransoms to terrorists and Iran for US hostages...

His administration was officially named the most CRIMINALLY FOIA and FRA NON-COMPLIANT in US history...

All of that....and more...wasn't our current President. That was Barry. All of it documented, recorded, reported...supported by evidence with more and more evidence coming out about his treason every day...
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Accusation: Your guy is so corrupt!!!!!!....
Answer: Your guy is also corrupt!!!!...

Result: 'It's all good, we made our point... moving along"

And THAT... is why nothing changes.

Democrats are creatures of pure EMOTION, primarily 'Hate' and lust for power, attempting to avoid actual documented history and facts (like Harris' attempted re-write involving Lincoln & snowflakes constantly attempting to re-write...or ignore...history and the facts of Obama's Presidency).

If more people (snowflakes) just accepted actual facts things could change.
You have to love those that think 44 was worse then Trump. Then claim to be for law, order, justice and all the other principles that 44 either ignored or stepped all over.

Criminally, Un-Constitutionally, Illegally spied on American citizens, reporters, the media, US Senators, USSC Justices, political opposition Presidential candidate & his team, and a US President

Protected a proven criminal and traitor from indictment so they could continue to run for President

Learned about an actual Russian collusion and plot by the Democratic Party candidate to smear and alter the outcome of the 2016 election...said nothing.....then USED that scandal to direct his own political coup against a newly elected President

Illegally armed Mexican Drug cartels

Armed, trained, financed, supplied, protected, defended, aided, and abetted terrorists for his entire time in office

Violated both Constitution and Rule of Law, held in contempt by several Federal Judges for violating their orders, found to have been in violation of the Constitution several time by the USSC, admitted once he had no Constitutional authority to affect Immigration Law and did so any way...

Weaponized the IRS and used it against Americans who legally opposed his re-election...

Un-Constitutionally negotiated his own personal treaty with an enemy of the United States then ran to the UN to have it approved before allowing the US Congress t read it, let aloe ratify it.

Paid ransoms to terrorists and Iran for US hostages...

His administration was officially named the most CRIMINALLY FOIA and FRA NON-COMPLIANT in US history...

All of that....and more...wasn't our current President, snowflake., That was your boy, Barry. All of it documented, recorded, reported...supported by evidence with more and more evidence coming out about his treason every day...

I guess all of that just 'slipped your mind' before you threw out that little TDS-suffering emotional rant.
Um you might want to read my post again. I think you have it confused with someone else you meant to reply to.
Accusation: Your guy is so corrupt!!!!!!....
Answer: Your guy is also corrupt!!!!...

Result: 'It's all good, we made our point... moving along"

And THAT... is why nothing changes.

Democrats are creatures of pure EMOTION, primarily 'Hate' and lust for power, attempting to avoid actual documented history and facts (like Harris' attempted re-write involving Lincoln & snowflakes constantly attempting to re-write...or ignore...history and the facts of Obama's Presidency).

If more people (snowflakes) just accepted actual facts things could change.
Oh there is no doubt leftist have been rewriting history for the past 30 years at least. Mostly by exaggeration and omission.
Just today I wrote a post about our education system, in that it fills our children with a "spirit of anti-Americanism". teaching patriotism in America is considered taboo... insensitive, bigotry and generally just wrong. Then they teach America is a country built on slavery, which is a patent lie. Not even close to the truth. Then they fill their heads with false narratives of systemic racism, sexism and white privilege.
And the result is we are now entering the 2nd full generation of Americans taught America is basically a bad country.
Obama's administration was officially named the 'Most CRIMINALLY FOIA & Federal Records Act NON-Compliant administration in United States History.

You can't get any more NON-Transparent than that...but Biden is already demonstrating he plans to run an equally NON-Transparent Administration, keeping America in the dark at least another 4 years if he is elected President.

"You'll know my opinion on Court Packing WHEN THE ELECTION IS OVER."
-- Joe Biden

Biden should have waited until the ObamaGate trials or over to make that claim
Um you might want to read my post again. I think you have it confused with someone else you meant to reply to.


You have to love those that think 44 was worse then Trump. Then claim to be for law, order, justice and all the other principles that 44 either ignored or stepped all over.

It sounds to me that you're implying the meat puppet faggot was no worse than The World's Richest Professional Clown (and best president in 100 years) in regards to "law, order, justice and all the other principles" the meat puppet faggot either ignored or stepped all over.

Complains about Obama, doesn't mention that Trump is far worse.

Not everyone is a snowflake PROG. Conservatives prefer the tangible (TRUMP ACCOMPLISHMENTS). Fuck your feelings.
Complains about Obama, doesn't mention that Trump is far worse.

Not everyone is a snowflake PROG. Conservatives prefer the tangible (TRUMP ACCOMPLISHMENTS). Fuck your feelings.
Just pointing out that you guys are all full of shit.
Um you might want to read my post again. I think you have it confused with someone else you meant to reply to.


You have to love those that think 44 was worse then Trump. Then claim to be for law, order, justice and all the other principles that 44 either ignored or stepped all over.

It sounds to me that you're implying the meat puppet faggot was no worse than The World's Richest Professional Clown (and best president in 100 years) in regards to "law, order, justice and all the other principles" the meat puppet faggot either ignored or stepped all over.

No I meant to point out that Trump was better guess I should have proof read. Sorry for bad grammar.
Complains about Obama, doesn't mention that Trump is far worse.

Not everyone is a snowflake PROG. Conservatives prefer the tangible (TRUMP ACCOMPLISHMENTS). Fuck your feelings.
Just pointing out that you guys are all full of shit.

Not you're not, you haven't pointed out anything in your life short your dick to your boyfriend.

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