Biden promises to get right to work for Mexico's citizens and not one Republican on the hill says a damn thing...Still wondering why you lost it all?

It blows my mind that this shit actually happens without any GOP resistance.
Gipper has it right. They are all warmongering, chamber of commerce, corporatist whores.

Big business wants lower wages, so they pay duopoly swamp rats to tank the unskilled job market with cheap, illegal labor, which causes an upward stagnation.

MIC cronies want endless war and occupation. Lots of money in that shit. So, they pay duopoly rats to start and maintain shit FOREVER.

They have their man in there. Expect lots of pet Mexicans to return and look out for trillions in defense spending to support killing some other run-down country not worth saving but worth occupying, for no good reason.
It blows my mind that this shit actually happens without any GOP resistance.
Not me. Republicans have always been spineless do nothings.
I don't call it the dog shit GOP for nothing.
Thousands of illegals are marching to the US border as we speak. How about this, the first illegal who kills or rapes an American we put Biden in a jail cell next to the illegal?
It blows my mind that this shit actually happens without any GOP resistance.

The GOP never bought into Trump's agenda to undo all the damage done by the Liberals. They are just as much a part of the Swamp as any goddamn Democrat.

They threw Trump under the bus by not insisting on an audit of the contested Democrat swing state districts.

As a Conservative I have no desire to vote for a Republican knowing that they are Democrat light.

There have been a lot of destruction caused by Democrat policies over the years. However, almost all of those policies have had a certain level of Republican support. Like the creation of the welfare state or the infamous Civil Rights Act or any tax increase or gun control law.

The enemy is Liberalism and it has infested both parties.

In 2008 and 2012 the Republicans ran RINOs for president and look where it got them

Trump won in 2016 and 2020 because he had great Conservative messages but Republicans can't grasp that reality.

Trump won the election in 2020 but it was stolen from him by Democrats and the asshole Republicans didn't do a damn thing to help him.

They will bend the knee to China Joe and the Ho just like they did to that worthless Negro.
It blows my mind that this shit actually happens without any GOP resistance.
Cushy lifer existence takes precedence over supporting your constituents.

Yup and like we want to spend more on these DACA kids that shouldn't be here anyway. Biden sure like to spend OUR hard earned money. What a jackass.

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