Biden pulling out admits the biggest joint party/media lie to the public in presidential history

Mr. Friscus

Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2020
Biden isn’t running because of his sad cognitive decline, and how it’s affecting the voting base.

Conservatives, Liberals, leftists.. everyone… was lied to by the cabal of Democrats, CNN. MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC, NYT, WAPO, etc. that Joe Biden was a dynamo behind the scenes and fully capable of being president.

Conservatives pointed this out and the cabal ordered them to be attacked and slandered.

Conservatives have been validated. Like with COVID, or the Hunter Biden laptop… they were pretty much right on everything, it just took a few years for the Democrats and media to admit it, as they demonized those who observed the truth.

I’m not sure how you can trust the Democrats and media anymore. They lied to us all for years.
If Biden is forced out of office in coming week(s) for his obvious pathology, then this little Gem from at least 2600 years ago, would appear to be indisputably 100% accurate, which would not be cause for celebration for any fascist democrat, or any other people standing in opposition to the real king! I give you Ezras Eagle, which was stripped from the King James Bible in the late 1880's, along with most of the rest of what the "ahh" scholars refer to as the apocrypha, which is the term for anything they weren't comfy with including in their various doctrines. Amazingly, the Mormon's have kept it alive, along with the Ethiopian Catholic church! BTW, Ezra is Greek version of Edras, and Edras was the brother of the most famous prophet in the old testament, Daniel!


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