Biden Ran Claiming He Would Turn The Covid Pandemic Around

Independent thinker

Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2015
So, after all this time, why is there a nurses strike in NYC because of a worker shortage and continuing Covid surges? And don't tell me it is all of those anti-vaxxer, anti-mask wearing Republicans in the dark blue state of New York. Why have things become so bad that nurses have to go on strike? What happened to Biden's claim that he would turn the pandemic around?

So, after all this time, why is there a nurses strike in NYC because of a worker shortage and continuing Covid surges? And don't tell me it is all of those anti-vaxxer, anti-mask wearing Republicans in the dark blue state of New York. Why have things become so bad that nurses have to go on strike? What happened to Biden's claim that he would turn the pandemic around?

He didn't do shit about Covid, then claimed in September that "the pandemic is over". He tells those lies because he KNOWS his cult members won't question him. Just ask Mac1958.
Other BIG LIES from Brainless Babbling Beijing Buttfaced Buffoon Biden............

"I WILL cure cancer"

"Student loans will be forgiven"

"I did not raise the price of gas"

"There is no inflation"

"Nobody making under four hundred thousand bucks will have their taxes raised. Period."
"I am responsible for the strongest job creation economy in modern times."

"Since I took office, families are carrying less debt, their average savings are up."

Biden claimed the Pamdemic was over but still won't relinquish his 'Emergency Powers'.

Democrats are all about control and power.

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