Biden Regime deploys Coast Guard to prevent Cuban refugees from reaching America


Platinum Member
Dec 25, 2009
As we've said before, if Mexicans and central Americans voted Republican, we'd have a wall and an army all along it. Democrats only care about refugees that vote Democrat.

Democrats only support those that serve their party. Democrats view Cubans as a threat and, therefore, prefer that they drown at sea rather than reach America.
So you think they really ought to overload some old leaky boats and attempt to come here during hurricane season?
This is just another example of our Democrat's two tiered justice system. Their Marxist bullshit will never work here.

Crowd in Haiti chants "Joe Biden" amid hopes to claim asylum in U.S. after assassination of president​

Hatians are third world people and we do not need themin the US. IIf you doubt my word take a drive through little Haiti in Miami, It wil turn your stomach what they have done to ths once nice section of Maimi

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