Biden Released Brittney Griner from Russian Prison

moscow just released Britney Griner in a prisoner exchange for arms dealer Victor Bout.

  • fair trade

    Votes: 10 21.7%
  • US (Free World) got rolled

    Votes: 36 78.3%

  • Total voters
I feel the same about the right wingers when they constantly complain about the US.

Falling apart
Losing our Freedoms
Crime ridden cities
Election Fraud when you LOSE.

Come on, you live in the BEST Country in the World.
You have Freedom to do almost anything (Legal stuff)
But the right constantly bitches about the Country, yet you want to paint Griner as the evil bad one.
When is the last time you saw a right-winger advocate for a system of government that is more like another country or see a right winger go to another country and denounce or apologize for the US?
Nope..drug trafficking is selling drugs..usually in large quantities..not less than a gram of hash oil..which is what Griner had in her possession.
No....dipshit. You don't need a transaction of any kind to be charged with drug trafficking.
All you have to do is move it across state lines or from one country to another. Some people call it smuggling.
What do you think the charge is for sticking a balloon up your ass and flying from Columbia to Florida?
I think trading THE MERCHANT OF DEATH for an America-Hating Lesbian is a really fair trade.


More than a fair trade, considering that her jailing was unjust.

This is almost as bad a deal as trading a treasonous faggot for 5 ISIS Generals.
Except Bergdahl wasn't gay, and the five Taliban leaders were people that the Afghan Government wanted released.

Obama swapped 5 Taliban for a POW. Trump released 5000 Taliban and got nothing in return.
We tried, but he was not part of the bargain
Putin did not want to give up all his bargaining chips
Biden doesn’t give a damn about regular people. We found that out in Afghanistan when he left the guy that saved his life there to die. Even you are excited that we got a star basketball player in the deal.
Oh really? Perhaps you shouldn't have been released from jail wacko.

If I was stupid enough to commit a crime abroad, I wouldn't be whining about how unfair it was! Stupid is as stupid does as they say! Why don't people take responsibility for their own actions and quit blaming others? :rolleyes:
Biden should have just told the people that he is sorry that this chick got busted in Russia- but let it serve as a warning to Americans not to smuggle drugs in foreign countries.

Except she didn't smuggle drugs. She had a prescription for CBD in an vape dispenser.

And if the opportunity came up, exchanging Griner for a minor Soviet celebrity serving time here came up- sure- an exchange would be cool and Griner could serve her sentence here instead of in the Gulag.

Why? She didn't really do anything that merited jail time.

The other person who's name came up is a white guy, so I guess he can rot a few more years.

Whelan was engaged in actual espionage. That's why the Russians aren't cutting him loose.
Biden did the trade you moron.
Its her fault she was in jail in russia. She is obviously some sort of imbecile. But the trade is NOT her fault.
Is she the one trading one of the worst people on the planet for her freedom? No. That would be the pedo rican you are so fond of.

Oh, now suddenly the arms dealer is the worst person on the planet? Really?
More than a fair trade, considering that her jailing was unjust.

Except Bergdahl wasn't gay, and the five Taliban leaders were people that the Afghan Government wanted released.

Obama swapped 5 Taliban for a POW. Trump released 5000 Taliban and got nothing in return.
Unjust or not....the trade speaks for itself.
It's meant to buy votes and the result is horrific for peace in this world.
It's just difficult to imagine Democrats who support the spread of weapons and violence around the planet by people like this....but as long as the America hating lesbo is free from prison, despite her stupidity,.....I just hope she learns something from it.
And if you think they didn't sodomize Bergdahl while he was a prisoner....and he didn't end up liking it, you're even more stupid than I thought.
Why else would Obama want to free him? Why would Obama want to free this lesbian Amazon?
Because they both hate America and are gay as fuck....just like Obama is.

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