Biden Released Brittney Griner from Russian Prison

moscow just released Britney Griner in a prisoner exchange for arms dealer Victor Bout.

  • fair trade

    Votes: 10 21.7%
  • US (Free World) got rolled

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I went to the "Breaking News" Forum to see if someone had posted a thread on Brittney Griner's release. Someone did, but a mod quickly closed the thread because someone already posted a thread in "Current Events"

Why do we even have a "Breaking News" Forum if threads get canceled because of threads already in "Current Events". Seems to go against the overall purpose of even having a Breaking News Forum Welcome to the Breaking News Forum.
Black privilege.

Now they can parade around Granger as a “victim” of racist Russians.

The only racists in the world in the eyes of the Left are American whites who don’t agree with them. As for Griner, I wonder how oppressive and intolerant America appears to her now?
Biden should have just told the people that he is sorry that this chick got busted in Russia- but let it serve as a warning to Americans not to smuggle drugs in foreign countries.

And if the opportunity came up, exchanging Griner for a minor Soviet celebrity serving time here came up- sure- an exchange would be cool and Griner could serve her sentence here instead of in the Gulag.

A vial with residue is not smuggling. The only folks whining about this are racist and cowards.


Saudis helped broker the prisoner swap of Brittney Griner for Viktor Bout ONLY AFTER the White House ended its lawsuit against Mohammed bin Salman for murdering Washington Post reporter Jamal Khashoggi.

I think it was drug trafficking....which is different.
If you carry drugs while traveling overseas that's drug trafficking.
Nope..drug trafficking is selling drugs..usually in large quantities..not less than a gram of hash oil..which is what Griner had in her possession.


Saudis helped broker the prisoner swap of Brittney Griner for Viktor Bout ONLY AFTER the White House ended its lawsuit against Mohammed bin Salman for murdering Washington Post reporter Jamal Khashoggi.

Ahh..The that's the Alt/right take on the deal. Looks more to me that the deal, if there is a deal, to shield the Saudi Prince, it was unrelated to the Griner deal.

If Biden got anyone to sign off on the deal..especially for the price of killing a lawsuit that was not going anywhere...good on them. If...we need a better source, obviously..the US statement?

The White House has denied claims made by Saudi Arabia and the UAE on Thursday after the two nations issued a joint statement saying that they had a hand in negotiating the prisoner wap between Russia and the United States.
When pressed on MBS' involvement, White House Press Secretary said simply that the US and Russia were the only nations at the bargaining table.
"There was no mediation involved," she added, noting however that the UAE did facilitate the swap at Abu Dhabi airport.
According to Reuters, Griner and Bout arrived at the airport in Abu Dhabi around the same time, the former from Moscow and the latter from Washington, DC. There were reports that the two walked past one another on the tarmac.
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I wonder how oppressive and intolerant America appears to her now?
I feel the same about the right wingers when they constantly complain about the US.

Falling apart
Losing our Freedoms
Crime ridden cities
Election Fraud when you LOSE.

Come on, you live in the BEST Country in the World.
You have Freedom to do almost anything (Legal stuff)
But the right constantly bitches about the Country, yet you want to paint Griner as the evil bad one.

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