Biden Released Brittney Griner from Russian Prison

moscow just released Britney Griner in a prisoner exchange for arms dealer Victor Bout.

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They are detaining him because Whelan's President doesn't give a shit about him because he is a normal, white guy instead of a black lesbian woman of color. Sleepy Joe was offered one or the other- and made his choice.
So you're publicly calling Trump a failure? WoW! I'm impressed!
This whole episode gives hope to El Chapo. All he has to wait for is someone of sufficient wokeness who checks off enough boxes for Biden to get in trouble in the Tremendous Nation of Mexico.

Then Biden can trade him so he can go home too.

I wonder if the two men, Chapo and Merchant of Death knew each other in the joint.
He did it, he did it! That sleepy ole man finally did it.

He got Russia to release Brittney Griner from prison.

Amidst all these ongoing tensions.

Man, there's nothing that sleepy old man can't do!

Yoooooooo JOE!!!!
Just like Obama trading the worst of humanity for a piece of garbage.
Brilliant how your half addled President makes the US look weaker and more silly every day .

We all know Sleepy is puppet controlled but now it seems as though the Russian Iron Man is also pulling some of his strings .
He did it, he did it! That sleepy ole man finally did it.
Well, no.
Putin released her, after he was given an arms dealer in return.
So yes, Biden traded a black lesbian basketball player for an arms dealer -- and left a while male US marine in Russia.
Go Joe!

Yes, one of the worst people on the planet. he armed terrorist cells, cartels etc. Sold guns, missiles etc to them. How many deaths is he responsible for? How much destruction is he resposible for?
She didnt deserve what she got, but what did she expect? We are in a proxy war with russia, and that dumb bitch tried to smuggle weed into russia? lol
Putin is a monster. You trying to gaslight your way out of not putting blame where it belongs is typical of your ilk.

Bbbut the left loons want gun control.

Goddamn window lickers

The video doesn’t show it but I’m pretty sure that Griner and Bout must’ve shook hands. Wow what an interesting
conversation they must’ve had

Let me go and make another comment here. So Victor has been out of the arms business for 15 years I know other folks have said he could still come back to the game. But just imagine all of his contacts have dried up , some of them are probably in prison or are informants. Weapons have changed considerably in a 15 year time. We have all these drones operating all over the place now. So the battlefield has changed considerably for Victor. And it’s gonna take more than a training session for him to realize that.

Other than that women and children come first whether it was the titanic or whether it’s getting Americans out of prison…. I’m pretty sure that that is the Christian response. So what do Other posters think about this should we be getting the women and children out of the presents before the mat?

it was lovely to see Britney’s smiling face when she was on the Russian plane. And frankly we also got to see the human side of the Russian prison guards these are people they’re just doing their job…. No know different than American prison guards. I have no doubt whatsoever that Brittany made friends in the Russian prison and she’s gonna come out of this saying nice things about the Russian people. You see the corrupt system in Russia landed her in jail but this corruption is all over the world even in America we have had innocent people languish in jail. Or you know what even if she was guilty of having the drugs its against Christianity for her to have to sit in jail for nine years.

Patriarch, Patriotism, masculinity, being a man being a Christian, being a patriot being an American means standing for women and children. Rescue women and children first.
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The video doesn’t show it but I’m pretty sure that Griner and Bout must’ve shaking hands. Wow what an interesting
conversation they must’ve had

Let me go and make another comment here. So Victor has been out of the arms business for 15 years I know other folks have said he could still come back to the game. But just imagine all of his contacts have dried up , some of them are probably in prison or are informants. Weapons have changed considerably in a 15 year time. We have all these drones operating all over the place now. So the battlefield has changed considerably for Victor. And it’s gonna take more than a training session for him to realize that.

Other than that women and children come first whether it was the titanic or whether it’s getting Americans out of prison…. I’m pretty sure that that is the Christian response. So what do Other posters think about this should we be getting the women and children out of the presents before the mat?

it was lovely to see Britney’s smiling face when she was on the Russian plane. And frankly we also got to see the human side of the Russian prison guards these are people they’re just doing their job…. No know different than American prison guards. I have no doubt whatsoever that Brittany made friends in the Russian prison and she’s gonna come out of this saying nice things about the Russian people. You see the corrupt system in Russia landed her in jail but this corruption is all over the world even in America we have had innocent people languish in jail. Or you know what even if she was guilty of having the drugs its against Christianity for her to have to sit in jail for nine years.

Patriarch, Patriotism, masculinity, being a man being a Christian, being a patriot being an American means standing for women and children. Rescue women and children first.


The video doesn’t show it but I’m pretty sure that Griner and Bout must’ve shaking hands. Wow what an interesting
conversation they must’ve had

Let me go and make another comment here. So Victor has been out of the arms business for 15 years I know other folks have said he could still come back to the game. But just imagine all of his contacts have dried up , some of them are probably in prison or are informants. Weapons have changed considerably in a 15 year time. We have all these drones operating all over the place now. So the battlefield has changed considerably for Victor. And it’s gonna take more than a training session for him to realize that.

Other than that women and children come first whether it was the titanic or whether it’s getting Americans out of prison…. I’m pretty sure that that is the Christian response. So what do Other posters think about this should we be getting the women and children out of the presents before the mat?

it was lovely to see Britney’s smiling face when she was on the Russian plane. And frankly we also got to see the human side of the Russian prison guards these are people they’re just doing their job…. No know different than American prison guards. I have no doubt whatsoever that Brittany made friends in the Russian prison and she’s gonna come out of this saying nice things about the Russian people. You see the corrupt system in Russia landed her in jail but this corruption is all over the world even in America we have had innocent people languish in jail. Or you know what even if she was guilty of having the drugs its against Christianity for her to have to sit in jail for nine years.

Patriarch, Patriotism, masculinity, being a man being a Christian, being a patriot being an American means standing for women and children. Rescue women and children first.

My god that is a pukey post!

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