Biden Says He Took Control - Handlers Kick Out the Press

Each time you think Trump's sore-loser brigades can't possible get any worse, they escalate their kook-loser BDS. They can't be salvaged and returned to normal society. The brainwashing they've undergone is too extreme. They'll remain weepy cult losers until they die.

All that normal people can do now is watch them closely, keep them away from children, and make sure they don't harm anyone else.
You loons wanted Trump to take one, so it was good enough them. Hypocrite.
Trump is intelligent but he is also corrupt and ignorant.... Greatest con man ever... But all he had to do was to take over the GOP was to parrot garbage propaganda that the dupes already believed pretty much. Now he is off the charts, a dictator wannabe. There was absolutely no election fraud, proven over 70 times in over 70 courts. Totally off the wall garbage laughed out of court in every instance. And you think every intelligent person in the world is in on a conspiracy against you morons. Poor America
Biden's son is under investigation, his daughter claims that Joe took liberties with her in the shower as a teenager, his mental health is deteriorating to the point of no return and we still have two years to go while the MSM still focuses on Trump. WTF?
Biden's son is under investigation, his daughter claims that Joe took liberties with her in the shower as a teenager, his mental health is deteriorating to the point of no return and we still have two years to go while the MSM still focuses on Trump. WTF?

Kamala will save us!!!

You are an incredible brainwashed functional anti American idiot. There is no conspiracy of all election officers of both parties, all the lawyers in the Department of Justice and the FBI. There is only the conspiracy of the orange con man, Murdoch scumbag pundits and Internet conspiracy nuts, all making money off of fools like you. Change the channel read a book get some more tinfoil...
Says an alt-left-Marxist 'brainwashed functional anti-American idiot.' See, they always accuse others of what they themselves are and do.
Says an alt-left-Marxist 'brainwashed functional anti-American idiot.' See, they always accuse others of what they themselves are and do.
So you believe trump was cheated in the 2020 election despite 70 plus courts laughing the whole propaganda garbage out? You are the anti American to believe that the United states is so corrupt. It's just the orange clown, ignoramus.
Biden's son is under investigation, his daughter claims that Joe took liberties with her in the shower as a teenager, his mental health is deteriorating to the point of no return and we still have two years to go while the MSM still focuses on Trump. WTF?
What a load of absolute garbage, brainwashed functional moron ignoramus. Try reality. This is why trump is pure election poison now. A bridge way too far.
So you believe trump was cheated in the 2020 election despite 70 plus courts laughing the whole propaganda garbage out? You are the anti American to believe that the United states is so corrupt. It's just the orange clown, ignoramus.
No, I KNOW because I read and do research unlike anti-Americans who actually believe the Democrats, their media and their FBI. You're another idiot alt-left mushroom. Kept in the dark and fed shit.
They might have passed some stuff, but passing stupid stuff doesn't fix anything.
So you think Medicare should not negotiate drug prices to get them lower, and you think it's fine to charge $500 for insulin when the Democrats passed that $35 a month cap? And they still make a big profit?.
Just think of all the jobs that creates!
No, I KNOW because I read and do research unlike anti-Americans who actually believe the Democrats, their media and their FBI. You're another idiot alt-left mushroom. Kept in the dark and fed shit.
Everyone outside your bubble of crap for ignoramuses thinks you are absolutely nuts. You believe all election officials including the GOP ones are in on the conspiracy along with the Department of Justice and the FBI et cetera all the respected media in the world while you have Internet nutjobs lol? Poor America!. Luckily trump is total poison now. Not to worry we will make the country fair again, brainwashed functional moron.
Everyone outside your bubble of crap for ignoramuses thinks you are absolutely nuts. You believe all election officials including the GOP ones are in on the conspiracy along with the Department of Justice and the FBI et cetera all the respected media in the world while you have Internet nutjobs lol? Poor America!. Luckily trump is total poison now. Not to worry we will make the country fair again, brainwashed functional moron.
You're the one in the 'bubble of crap' fed to you by Democrats, their sycophant media and their totally controlled FBI elite. Idiots and ignoramuses immerse themselves in alt-left media that calls itself 'objective' and are told not to access anything that disagrees or varies from the story they feed you as you sit in the dark. If you think that Biden was legally elected you are steeped in shit. If you think that Trump is a Russian asset, you are eating alt-left fecal matter. If you think that Trump's impeachment was fair, you are like a mushroom growing in shit in the dark and being fed more shit.
Everyone outside your bubble of crap for ignoramuses thinks you are absolutely nuts. You believe all election officials including the GOP ones are in on the conspiracy along with the Department of Justice and the FBI et cetera all the respected media in the world while you have Internet nutjobs lol? Poor America!. Luckily trump is total poison now. Not to worry we will make the country fair again, brainwashed functional moron.
The only thing you scum Dems do is make America socialist.

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