Biden Says He's Following Doctors Orders.....No Campaigning For Now...Or Maybe Ever

#Biden2020 -- because he can walk down a ramp and drink a glass of water with one hand.
Blithering idiot Biden and his handlers are desperate to NOT have him appear in public. If Groping Joe chickens out of the debates, his “support” (already cratering even within the party) will totally evaporate as Trump will (truthfully) show Biden to be a coward who only takes pre determined questions so he can can read the prepared answers off a TelePrompTer. Biden is done once the debates start and the Dims know it.
And she obviously hasnt watched any of Trumps speeches.

We have. He slurs his words, mispronounces common words in strange ways, and constantly loses his train of thought. He pushes his lips into weird fish shapes, and always slouches forward. Trump looks and sounds like he has dementia.

Biden, in contrast, is much sharper. Biden just stutters, something he's done all his life.
Like every famous person....Trump has a different way of talking.
He can talk for an hour and not repeat the same thing without notes....Biden has problems putting sentences together and needs cards to maintain his train of thought.
Joe Biden's handlers have decided that maybe they can keep him hidden away till the election. Maybe they can keep him riding on his fake poll numbers and perhaps steal the election thru election fraud. They do not under any circumstances want him being exposed to the public.

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This is going to hurt him immensely. It will also give fuel to conspiracy theories about the timing of the Wuhan Virus. Clinton tried to run a campaign by MSM also, and it backfired.
Hillary was in better shape than Joe and she couldn't stop coughing, tripping, falling down steps and collapsing.

You guys need some new material. What's your excuse for this? I'm going with flabby, out of shape and out of breath.

"... Trump chose to use his favorite vehicle — a golf cart — rather than walk with the rest of the G7 leaders in Taormina, Sicily, on the final day of his international tour....

After first making the leaders of Britain, Canada, France, Italy, Germany and Japan wait for a group photo Saturday in the hilltop town, according to The Times of London, Trump moved front and center for the picture. The rest of the group then wound their way about a quarter of a mile to a piazza past small crowds and media. Trump, however, reportedly waited for the electric cart to deliver him to the site."

Ever been to Taromina? I have. The streets are almost vertical.
Joe Biden's handlers have decided that maybe they can keep him hidden away till the election. Maybe they can keep him riding on his fake poll numbers and perhaps steal the election thru election fraud. They do not under any circumstances want him being exposed to the public.

WELL OBVIOUSLY, Joe is prime meat to get attacked and seriously ill with corona. They need to keep him in a bubble now on sealed oxygen now on through November. If he actually got ill, that would be the end of his election. So they will run him under the radar saying it is "doctor's orders. He's being a patriotic American setting a good example. The only question is how will Joe run the country and the world from his basement if elected and the virus is still around? THAT is the angle.

Trump has his number.
trump jr.'s main squeeze just got diagnosed with the virus. trump should be afraid... very, very afraid. :auiqs.jpg:
If you feel this is good then I think it would be great if Biden, Obama, and the Clinton's plane flew into the side of a mountain.
I also think it would be great if every Democrat in Washington meets similar endings.
That would scare the shit out of folks like you.
Did I say it was good? Actually I think it's scary that trump admin. is so foolhardy that they willingly expose their own to the virus just to score political points.
What's wrong, Barb, afraid that Trump will live a healthy, normal life and show the world that all this doom and gloom has been nothing but fear mongering engineered by the democrats? Then Joe won't have any excuse not to come out and play.
As much as I despise trump I'm not sitting here wishing for his illness or death. But in truth he's not as healthy as you make it seem; he's obese, has bad dietary habits, doesn't get enough exercise and is on a high dose of statins.
You know this how?
Joe Biden's handlers have decided that maybe they can keep him hidden away till the election. Maybe they can keep him riding on his fake poll numbers and perhaps steal the election thru election fraud. They do not under any circumstances want him being exposed to the public.

WELL OBVIOUSLY, Joe is prime meat to get attacked and seriously ill with corona. They need to keep him in a bubble now on sealed oxygen now on through November. If he actually got ill, that would be the end of his election. So they will run him under the radar saying it is "doctor's orders. He's being a patriotic American setting a good example. The only question is how will Joe run the country and the world from his basement if elected and the virus is still around? THAT is the angle.

Trump has his number.
trump jr.'s main squeeze just got diagnosed with the virus. trump should be afraid... very, very afraid. :auiqs.jpg:
If you feel this is good then I think it would be great if Biden, Obama, and the Clinton's plane flew into the side of a mountain.
I also think it would be great if every Democrat in Washington meets similar endings.
That would scare the shit out of folks like you.
Did I say it was good? Actually I think it's scary that trump admin. is so foolhardy that they willingly expose their own to the virus just to score political points.

Less than 1% exposed to the virus die.
Get back under your bed. And for added safety you should put a plastic bag over your head and cinch it up nice and tight.
That's irrelevant. People shouldn't be deliberately exposed to any contagious disease whether it's measles, mumps, swine flu, coronavirus etc.. A real leader understands this and takes care not to endanger people's health, whereas trump only cares about looking tough and appeasing his base.
Masks don't do shit. I'm tired of posting the proof. You're dealing with something 0.2 microns across. Learn to read threads.
Did I say anything about masks? Stop moving the goalposts. This is about holding huge public events where you can't separate the sick from the well. Check in 10 days or so to see if there was a surge in the number of covid cases in SD.

Th crowd was NOT just from South Dakota, dumbass!
trump's not down in the crowd mixing with people, either.
So you DIDN'T watch the 4th celebration yesterday! Who was he mixing with, antelope? You're such a bad liar.

People in Delaware must wear masks, and gatherings are limited to a max of 250 people. Biden is doing the sensible thing
Then he doesn't want to be presiudent. He CAN'T be president. You can't run for office without ever going out to the 50 states, meeting people and letting them see who you are then letting your opponent put you to the test. Biden's just not up to it. You better find somebody capable, you're bullshit's not going to fly with us.

I hate it when noobs come along and try the same old tricks forgetting that all his buddies have the same talking points that we've already dealt with.
I'm not a "noob", I've been a member since 2011.

Having 115 posts says you are definitely a noob!
trump's not down in the crowd mixing with people, either.
So you DIDN'T watch the 4th celebration yesterday! Who was he mixing with, antelope? You're such a bad liar.

People in Delaware must wear masks, and gatherings are limited to a max of 250 people. Biden is doing the sensible thing
Then he doesn't want to be presiudent. He CAN'T be president. You can't run for office without ever going out to the 50 states, meeting people and letting them see who you are then letting your opponent put you to the test. Biden's just not up to it. You better find somebody capable, you're bullshit's not going to fly with us.

I hate it when noobs come along and try the same old tricks forgetting that all his buddies have the same talking points that we've already dealt with.
I'm not a "noob", I've been a member since 2011.

Having 115 posts says you are definitely a noob!
This site is not the World...............................
My candidate has to have a good grasp of the Constitution and the workings of government.
Then why doesn't Biden know its against the law to consort with foreign powers like China and Ukraine for personal profit? It's not a GOOD thing to know the corrupt inner workings of government for 50 years!

Trump puts honesty with the American people ahead of politics. When's Joe going to be honest with us?

View attachment 359229
This is one of the most hilarious talking points RWs repeat. The entire trump family benefits from their dealings with China, as in patents and manufacturing. And to quote from a recent article:

So it is okay for Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump to do business all over the world and okay for Ivanka Trump to have international copyrights while President Trump is president and, while Joe Biden was vice president, his son shouldn’t be able to do business dealings?”
He should not have been able to do business with foreign countries being courted by his father who was Vice President. The Trump family had these dealings before he became President.
I think the Democrats will try and weasel poor Joe out of the debates somehow. This is major concern and it should be. He is so weak and fragile, he might stroke out right on stage.
They will blame the Wuhan Virus.

There is no way the debates will be held.
You mean COVID-19 which your skidmark is responsible? I have four bipartisan MOC's that prove my point.
Really so Trump is responsible for the pandemic and China is blameless? Take a walk outside that Libtardian bubble every once in awhile to try and clear your head.
Your skidmark IS responsible for doing nothing after the January 10th update. Four bipartisan MOC's sold just under $7M in stock. I told you (right here on the USMB) to sell when the market was at 29.

Your skidmark is worthless. We don't have discussions with your soiled underwear.
Joe Biden's handlers have decided that maybe they can keep him hidden away till the election. Maybe they can keep him riding on his fake poll numbers and perhaps steal the election thru election fraud. They do not under any circumstances want him being exposed to the public.

View attachment 359178

Another attack on Joe Bidden? This is hackneyed, as are most of your comments.

You and other trumpsters are in full panic mode as Donald Trump continues behaviors which have created the pandemic now on steroids. Southern Governors have put many of their constituents in harms way by following trump's lead.

BTW, have you noticed Trump as been nominated to be selected to be the First American President to be given the Darwin Award?

What does any of that have to do with Trump?

Not a damned thing!
I don't think there's any big mystery here, Biden is a numbnuts and everybody around him knows it. They can't let him go out in public and make his numbnutsitude obvious, but fortunately for them they can say he can't go out cuz he might contract COVID-19. They'll run with that story and then they'll say "Poor Joe, despite our best precautions he got COVID-19 anyway and is quarantined". Which will last until one day after election day when a miracle occurs and he is cured when Obama lays his hands on Joe's forehead and does an exorcism.
trump's not down in the crowd mixing with people, either.
So you DIDN'T watch the 4th celebration yesterday! Who was he mixing with, antelope? You're such a bad liar.

People in Delaware must wear masks, and gatherings are limited to a max of 250 people. Biden is doing the sensible thing
Then he doesn't want to be presiudent. He CAN'T be president. You can't run for office without ever going out to the 50 states, meeting people and letting them see who you are then letting your opponent put you to the test. Biden's just not up to it. You better find somebody capable, you're bullshit's not going to fly with us.

I hate it when noobs come along and try the same old tricks forgetting that all his buddies have the same talking points that we've already dealt with.
I'm not a "noob", I've been a member since 2011.

Having 115 posts says you are definitely a noob!
This site is not the World...............................

So are you going to post up your world posts?
trump's not down in the crowd mixing with people, either.
So you DIDN'T watch the 4th celebration yesterday! Who was he mixing with, antelope? You're such a bad liar.

People in Delaware must wear masks, and gatherings are limited to a max of 250 people. Biden is doing the sensible thing
Then he doesn't want to be presiudent. He CAN'T be president. You can't run for office without ever going out to the 50 states, meeting people and letting them see who you are then letting your opponent put you to the test. Biden's just not up to it. You better find somebody capable, you're bullshit's not going to fly with us.

I hate it when noobs come along and try the same old tricks forgetting that all his buddies have the same talking points that we've already dealt with.
I'm not a "noob", I've been a member since 2011.

Having 115 posts says you are definitely a noob!
This site is not the World...............................

So are you going to post up your world posts?
trump's not down in the crowd mixing with people, either.
So you DIDN'T watch the 4th celebration yesterday! Who was he mixing with, antelope? You're such a bad liar.

People in Delaware must wear masks, and gatherings are limited to a max of 250 people. Biden is doing the sensible thing
Then he doesn't want to be presiudent. He CAN'T be president. You can't run for office without ever going out to the 50 states, meeting people and letting them see who you are then letting your opponent put you to the test. Biden's just not up to it. You better find somebody capable, you're bullshit's not going to fly with us.

I hate it when noobs come along and try the same old tricks forgetting that all his buddies have the same talking points that we've already dealt with.
I'm not a "noob", I've been a member since 2011.

Having 115 posts says you are definitely a noob!
This site is not the World...............................

So are you going to post up your world posts?

Gee,I hope the camel is alright when it's over.

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