Biden "Scandalized" Again: The Turks Are Kicking Out Our Air Force

Alexandre Fedorovski

Gold Member
Dec 9, 2017
Turkey Announces Ban on U.S. Air Force Use of its Air Bases.
After U.S. President Joseph Biden announced that the U.S. recognized the Armenian genocide, Turkey announced the expulsion of the American military from its territory and imposing a ban on the use of its air bases by U.S. air forces, apparently even as part of NATO cooperation.
According to the chairman of the Turkish Motherland Party, Doğu Perinçek, Washington will be obliged to leave the Turkish military facilities within 15 days, regardless of whether the Pentagon is ready for this or not. According to the Turkish side, this is the end of the US-Turkish cooperation in the military sphere. Sources: US prepares to quit strategic Incirlik air base amid increasing Turkish belligerence
Turkey may close Incirlik airbase in face of US threats: Erdogan Pentagon loses Turkish airspace access crucial in airstrikes against Isis
This is good news. We need to get the fuck out of Turkey, and we need to kick them out of NATO.

We were allies with the Ataturks, and Obama let them get wiped out by the current regime. No fucking way should we be obligated to go to war for Turkey if they are attacked. They are now batshit crazy Islamists, like most of the rest of the Middle East. Time to kick them to the curb.
Turkey Announces Ban on U.S. Air Force Use of its Air Bases.
After U.S. President Joseph Biden announced that the U.S. recognized the Armenian genocide, Turkey announced the expulsion of the American military from its territory and imposing a ban on the use of its air bases by U.S. air forces, apparently even as part of NATO cooperation.
According to the chairman of the Turkish Motherland Party, Doğu Perinçek, Washington will be obliged to leave the Turkish military facilities within 15 days, regardless of whether the Pentagon is ready for this or not. According to the Turkish side, this is the end of the US-Turkish cooperation in the military sphere. Sources: US prepares to quit strategic Incirlik air base amid increasing Turkish belligerence
Turkey may close Incirlik airbase in face of US threats: Erdogan Pentagon loses Turkish airspace access crucial in airstrikes against Isis
Let's hope that the military is bright enough to remove any stored nukes from the base.
This is good news. We need to get the fuck out of Turkey, and we need to kick them out of NATO.

We were allies with the Ataturks, and Obama let them get wiped out by the current regime. No fucking way should we be obligated to go to war for Turkey if they are attacked. They are now batshit crazy Islamists, like most of the rest of the Middle East. Time to kick them to the curb.
True. But the Senile Bastard will get us into a War. Dems ALWAYS start wars.
This is good news. We need to get the fuck out of Turkey, and we need to kick them out of NATO.

We were allies with the Ataturks, and Obama let them get wiped out by the current regime. No fucking way should we be obligated to go to war for Turkey if they are attacked. They are now batshit crazy Islamists, like most of the rest of the Middle East. Time to kick them to the curb.
True. But the Senile Bastard will get us into a War. Dems ALWAYS start wars.

Most not without good reason.
Roosevelt WWII- Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor.
Truman- Korea- N. Korean troops invade S. Korea.
Vietnam was started by Eisenhower.
And the latest started by Bush.
Two of the longest wars in our history, started by republicans.
This is good news. We need to get the fuck out of Turkey, and we need to kick them out of NATO.

We were allies with the Ataturks, and Obama let them get wiped out by the current regime. No fucking way should we be obligated to go to war for Turkey if they are attacked. They are now batshit crazy Islamists, like most of the rest of the Middle East. Time to kick them to the curb.
Pretty much.
“I think, from a defensive posture, we have to look at the reality of the situation that the path Erdogan is on is not good,” Johnson said.
Wow, seriously? Ya just started thinking that now?
They are now batshit crazy Islamists, like most of the rest of the Middle East. Time to kick them to the curb.
ABSOLUTELY AGREE! They will pay a much heavier economic price than we will. Erdog is an evil opportunist and Muslim extremist. I'm sure Russia and China will welcome them with open arms. I just hope we don't see an Iranian-style hostage situation before we can get out of the country.
Turkey Announces Ban on U.S. Air Force Use of its Air Bases.
After U.S. President Joseph Biden announced that the U.S. recognized the Armenian genocide, Turkey announced the expulsion of the American military from its territory and imposing a ban on the use of its air bases by U.S. air forces, apparently even as part of NATO cooperation.
According to the chairman of the Turkish Motherland Party, Doğu Perinçek, Washington will be obliged to leave the Turkish military facilities within 15 days, regardless of whether the Pentagon is ready for this or not. According to the Turkish side, this is the end of the US-Turkish cooperation in the military sphere. Sources: US prepares to quit strategic Incirlik air base amid increasing Turkish belligerence
Turkey may close Incirlik airbase in face of US threats: Erdogan Pentagon loses Turkish airspace access crucial in airstrikes against Isis
Let's hope that the military is bright enough to remove any stored nukes from the base.
Without the arming codes, they are little more than a source of enriched, bomb-grade plutonium or uranium. It wouldn't surprise me if this Islamic POS tried to hold troops or materiel hostage just to humiliate America on the global stage.
The links are all ancient. Does no one bother checking them before wittering away?

Oh. Right.

Silly question.
This is good news. We need to get the fuck out of Turkey, and we need to kick them out of NATO.

We were allies with the Ataturks, and Obama let them get wiped out by the current regime. No fucking way should we be obligated to go to war for Turkey if they are attacked. They are now batshit crazy Islamists, like most of the rest of the Middle East. Time to kick them to the curb.
The US should pay Putin to destroy them
So who's benefiting from all the relationships with allies that Xiden, Harris and the Dems are undermining? Let's take a look at the our allies that Xiden has thumbed his nose at...Japan, Taiwan, Ukraine, Saudi Arabia, that benefits Iran, putin and China...what do you know...
This is good news. We need to get the fuck out of Turkey, and we need to kick them out of NATO.

We were allies with the Ataturks, and Obama let them get wiped out by the current regime. No fucking way should we be obligated to go to war for Turkey if they are attacked. They are now batshit crazy Islamists, like most of the rest of the Middle East. Time to kick them to the curb.
This is good but we need to dissolve NATO and all our military bases outside the US, before the idiots in the imperial capitol on the Potomac get us all killed.
Turkey Announces Ban on U.S. Air Force Use of its Air Bases.
After U.S. President Joseph Biden announced that the U.S. recognized the Armenian genocide, Turkey announced the expulsion of the American military from its territory and imposing a ban on the use of its air bases by U.S. air forces, apparently even as part of NATO cooperation.
According to the chairman of the Turkish Motherland Party, Doğu Perinçek, Washington will be obliged to leave the Turkish military facilities within 15 days, regardless of whether the Pentagon is ready for this or not. According to the Turkish side, this is the end of the US-Turkish cooperation in the military sphere. Sources: US prepares to quit strategic Incirlik air base amid increasing Turkish belligerence
Turkey may close Incirlik airbase in face of US threats: Erdogan Pentagon loses Turkish airspace access crucial in airstrikes against Isis
Oh, how scandalous! Showing moral terpatude! Calling out the murder of an entire people as evil. What will we do? I guessvhe should have been kissing North Korean ass instead. Hillarious
Actual news on a related note:
WASHINGTON — Four key members of Congress, either individually or collectively, have quietly frozen all major U.S. arms sales to Turkey for nearly two years in a move to pressure Ankara to abandon its Russian-built S-400 air defense system, Defense News has learned.
The legislative action, which has not been previously reported, is another sign of the deeply fractured relationship between the two NATO allies, a disruption that has already led to Turkey’s expulsion from the F-35 joint strike fighter program.
We simply must get back to hating Russia bigly!
Not sure why Biden would highlight what everyone knows....Turkey attempted to wipe the Armenians
off the face of the earth, and blow up our strategic relationship with Turkey.

Who can explain the actions of a senile mind?
Joseph Biden announced that the U.S. recognized the Armenian genocide
I'm cool with it. Don't care about Turkey unless it's Thanksgiving or I'm making a club sandwich.

I think the Armenian Genocide is well documented. Can't fault Joe for this (or his handlers, as we all know dementia Joe just does what he's told to do)...can only fault him/them for pretending he won the election.

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