Biden "Scandalized" Again: The Turks Are Kicking Out Our Air Force

Vietnam was started by Eisenhower.
Kennedy was in the process of winding down that war when he had the top of his skull blown off and LBJ immediately took over and put the Vietnam war on steroids, backed by the Cold War militarists that all backed
the killing. Do your research.
You need to do yours, where you people in the right wing get this crap from?
Kennedy ramped up the amount of military advisors in Vietnam from 1,000 in 1959 to 23,000 in 1964.
See, the MAAG program.
Vietnam was started by Eisenhower.
Kennedy was in the process of winding down that war when he had the top of his skull blown off and LBJ immediately took over and put the Vietnam war on steroids, backed by the Cold War militarists that all backed
the killing. Do your research.
You need to do yours, where you people in the right wing get this crap from?
Kennedy ramped up the amount of military advisors in Vietnam from 1,000 in 1959 to 23,000 in 1964.
See, the MAAG program.

And I'm not saying that Kennedy was a "saint": everyone knows that he turned the White House into a brothel.
Besides, he had to fulfill the "order" of the powers that invested in him: "to prevent the spread of "communism" (in the sense of social equality of ALL) in Asia.

But the man was smart enough NOT to unleash an atomic war.

Today there are quite a lot of mezantrops in Pentagon who think it is possible to burn half the planet, sit in spider holes, crawl out and continue to "enjoy life".
Especially since Biden has a lot of experience sitting in the spider hole for a year+
Vietnam was started by Eisenhower.
Kennedy was in the process of winding down that war when he had the top of his skull blown off and LBJ immediately took over and put the Vietnam war on steroids, backed by the Cold War militarists that all backed
the killing. Do your research.
You need to do yours, where you people in the right wing get this crap from?
Kennedy ramped up the amount of military advisors in Vietnam from 1,000 in 1959 to 23,000 in 1964.
See, the MAAG program.
Vietnam was started by Eisenhower.
Kennedy was in the process of winding down that war when he had the top of his skull blown off and LBJ immediately took over and put the Vietnam war on steroids, backed by the Cold War militarists that all backed
the killing. Do your research.
You need to do yours, where you people in the right wing get this crap from?
Kennedy ramped up the amount of military advisors in Vietnam from 1,000 in 1959 to 23,000 in 1964.
See, the MAAG program.

And I'm not saying that Kennedy was a "saint": everyone knows that he turned the White House into a brothel.
Besides, he had to fulfill the "order" of the powers that invested in him: "to prevent the spread of "communism" (in the sense of social equality of ALL) in Asia.

But the man was smart enough NOT to unleash an atomic war.

Today there are quite a lot of mezantrops in Pentagon who think it is possible to burn half the planet, sit in spider holes, crawl out and continue to "enjoy life".
Especially since Biden has a lot of experience sitting in the spider hole for a year+

Not even close.

People were whining and complaining about being "locked down" last year, and that was less than two months, they couldn't last a year.
Likely most of those same people were "preppers" too.
Kennedy was still in the Navy in 1945 when the atomic bombs were dropped on Japan, he knew of their devastation, as others did at the time.
Yes, Kennedy did bring more military advisors into Vietnam and ramped things up to a certain degree.
But he pissed off CIA war hawks when he backed out of the support he promised for the CIA and Cuban
exiles and their invasion of the Bay of Pigs.
And that's where Kennedy hit a turning point and incurred the wrath of Dulles and the CIA and his fate
was sealed. He began pulling forces out and in Dallas he got his payback from LBJ and the war hawks.
I've studied the matter since the seventies. How about you?
Here you go Smokin' OP , tell us how Politico is wrong:

“President Barack Obama launched an air campaign against Libya on this day in 2011. The decision to order the strikes came after the United Nations Security Council passed a resolution, spearheaded by his administration, that authorized military intervention in Libya.”

Tell us again how Obama didn’t start a war in Libya.
These guys nail the topic pretty well.
Yes, Kennedy did bring more military advisors into Vietnam and ramped things up to a certain degree.
But he pissed off CIA war hawks when he backed out of the support he promised for the CIA and Cuban
exiles and their invasion of the Bay of Pigs.
And that's where Kennedy hit a turning point and incurred the wrath of Dulles and the CIA and his fate
was sealed. He began pulling forces out and in Dallas he got his payback from LBJ and the war hawks.
I've studied the matter since the seventies. How about you?

I don't see any evidence that Kennedy pulled anyone out, if anything he was using the CIA, to train the Hmong people.
Kennedy also approved the creation of the Military Assistance Command and Phoenix program, ran by the CIA.
Kennedy did sign a memorandum in 1963, to withdraw a 1000 advisors by the end of the year but he was assassinated before that happened.
Johnson reversed it.
Turkey Announces Ban on U.S. Air Force Use of its Air Bases.
After U.S. President Joseph Biden announced that the U.S. recognized the Armenian genocide, Turkey announced the expulsion of the American military from its territory and imposing a ban on the use of its air bases by U.S. air forces, apparently even as part of NATO cooperation.
According to the chairman of the Turkish Motherland Party, Doğu Perinçek, Washington will be obliged to leave the Turkish military facilities within 15 days, regardless of whether the Pentagon is ready for this or not. According to the Turkish side, this is the end of the US-Turkish cooperation in the military sphere. Sources: US prepares to quit strategic Incirlik air base amid increasing Turkish belligerence
Turkey may close Incirlik airbase in face of US threats: Erdogan Pentagon loses Turkish airspace access crucial in airstrikes against Isis

Inevitable really, Turkey has been increasingly anti-US.

Why Turkey didn't come out and recognize the US genocides is beyond me.
Turkey has always just been fucking the U.S. and the U.S. has remained Turkey's willing bitch because Russia, Russia, Russia! The cold war simply must continue at all costs! NATO really continues to serve some useful purpose! We need more wars! More bombs! More military spending!
I don't see any evidence that Kennedy pulled anyone out, if anything he was using the CIA, to train the Hmong people.
Kennedy also approved the creation of the Military Assistance Command and Phoenix program, ran by the CIA.
Kennedy did sign a memorandum in 1963, to withdraw a 1000 advisors by the end of the year but he was assassinated before that happened.
Johnson reversed it.
Exactly! That's the point. Kennedy double crossed the CIA by not helping out in the Bay of Pigs and
by not going into Vietnam with both feet.

The day LBJ took office he signed presidential directives ramping up the war.
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