Biden "Scandalized" Again: The Turks Are Kicking Out Our Air Force

So, which one?

Paste the most recent link in the OP.
Turkey Announces Ban on U.S. Air Force Use of its Air Bases.
After U.S. President Joseph Biden announced that the U.S. recognized the Armenian genocide, Turkey announced the expulsion of the American military from its territory and imposing a ban on the use of its air bases by U.S. air forces, apparently even as part of NATO cooperation.
According to the chairman of the Turkish Motherland Party, Doğu Perinçek, Washington will be obliged to leave the Turkish military facilities within 15 days, regardless of whether the Pentagon is ready for this or not. According to the Turkish side, this is the end of the US-Turkish cooperation in the military sphere. Sources: US prepares to quit strategic Incirlik air base amid increasing Turkish belligerence
Turkey may close Incirlik airbase in face of US threats: Erdogan Pentagon loses Turkish airspace access crucial in airstrikes against Isis
Most likely the silly bastard expected no consequences
Turkey Announces Ban on U.S. Air Force Use of its Air Bases.
After U.S. President Joseph Biden announced that the U.S. recognized the Armenian genocide, Turkey announced the expulsion of the American military from its territory and imposing a ban on the use of its air bases by U.S. air forces, apparently even as part of NATO cooperation.
According to the chairman of the Turkish Motherland Party, Doğu Perinçek, Washington will be obliged to leave the Turkish military facilities within 15 days, regardless of whether the Pentagon is ready for this or not. According to the Turkish side, this is the end of the US-Turkish cooperation in the military sphere. Sources: US prepares to quit strategic Incirlik air base amid increasing Turkish belligerence
Turkey may close Incirlik airbase in face of US threats: Erdogan Pentagon loses Turkish airspace access crucial in airstrikes against Isis
The most recent link there is from when tRump was in office. One is from 2016.

I'm not finding anything recent about this at all.

I'm calling "bullshit".
Turkey Announces Ban on U.S. Air Force Use of its Air Bases.
After U.S. President Joseph Biden announced that the U.S. recognized the Armenian genocide, Turkey announced the expulsion of the American military from its territory and imposing a ban on the use of its air bases by U.S. air forces, apparently even as part of NATO cooperation.
According to the chairman of the Turkish Motherland Party, Doğu Perinçek, Washington will be obliged to leave the Turkish military facilities within 15 days, regardless of whether the Pentagon is ready for this or not. According to the Turkish side, this is the end of the US-Turkish cooperation in the military sphere. Sources: US prepares to quit strategic Incirlik air base amid increasing Turkish belligerence
Turkey may close Incirlik airbase in face of US threats: Erdogan Pentagon loses Turkish airspace access crucial in airstrikes against Isis

Turkey sheltered 2 million Iraqi refugees during the two Iraq wars and another 2 million Syrians. Maybe they are tired of it.
I don't see a thing about any such Expulsion in any Google search so far...
These panic stricken morons will believe any shit they're fed.
This is good news. We need to get the fuck out of Turkey, and we need to kick them out of NATO.

We were allies with the Ataturks, and Obama let them get wiped out by the current regime. No fucking way should we be obligated to go to war for Turkey if they are attacked. They are now batshit crazy Islamists, like most of the rest of the Middle East. Time to kick them to the curb.

Part of the Turks and part of the Americans and everyone else needs to change their mode of thinking. Tell me, please? do you realize that living in a state of constant hostility with OTHER peoples is pathological?!

It has already been passed on to our society: the nation has divided into two belligerents camps and a small group of immigrants who mentally have never become citizens of this country in the full sense of the word.

There are good and bad in every nation. One or the other comes to power. What happened on January 20 of this year is a national catastrophe: scoundrels have seized power.
Vietnam was started by Eisenhower.
Kennedy was in the process of winding down that war when he had the top of his skull blown off and LBJ immediately took over and put the Vietnam war on steroids, backed by the Cold War militarists that all backed
the killing. Do your research.
You need to do yours, where you people in the right wing get this crap from?
Kennedy ramped up the amount of military advisors in Vietnam from 1,000 in 1959 to 23,000 in 1964.
See, the MAAG program.
This is good news. We need to get the fuck out of Turkey, and we need to kick them out of NATO.

We were allies with the Ataturks, and Obama let them get wiped out by the current regime. No fucking way should we be obligated to go to war for Turkey if they are attacked. They are now batshit crazy Islamists, like most of the rest of the Middle East. Time to kick them to the curb.
This is good but we need to dissolve NATO and all our military bases outside the US, before the idiots in the imperial capitol on the Potomac get us all killed.

You are absolutely right. And the one who is in the Oval Office of the White House today is not John F. Kennedy, but the man who is PERSONALLY responsible for 6,500 American deaths in Iraq and another thirty thousand maimed.
The Republicans don't want to talk about it too, because almost by voting EVERY Republican congressman supported the conspiracy against Iraq.
This is good news. We need to get the fuck out of Turkey, and we need to kick them out of NATO.

We were allies with the Ataturks, and Obama let them get wiped out by the current regime. No fucking way should we be obligated to go to war for Turkey if they are attacked. They are now batshit crazy Islamists, like most of the rest of the Middle East. Time to kick them to the curb.

Part of the Turks and part of the Americans and everyone else needs to change their mode of thinking. Tell me, please? do you realize that living in a state of constant hostility with OTHER peoples is pathological?!

It has already been passed on to our society: the nation has divided into two belligerents camps and a small group of immigrants who mentally have never become citizens of this country in the full sense of the word.

There are good and bad in every nation. One or the other comes to power. What happened on January 20 of this year is a national catastrophe: scoundrels have seized power.

They are a radical Sunni Muslim extremist regime now, we should have nothing to do with them. Western Civilization needs to stand together against those that would destroy it. That means eradicating Marxism and keeping Islam isolated and confined to the Middle East.
Vietnam was started by Eisenhower.
And the latest started by Bush.
Can you be anymore full of shit?

Eisenhower kept us out of any Vietnam conflict. He specifically said we wouldn’t be able to be effective in such a theatre. Kennedy is the one that sent in forces and weapons and of course LBJ got us in fully.

You conveniently left out BJ Clinton’s debacle in siding with Muslims in the Yugoslavia civil war.

You also seem to have left out the Hussein disposing of the Libyan government that never attacked us nor intended to, to replace it with a bunch of Sunni extremists that turned it into a complete terrorist owned shit hole.

Then of course the Hussein’s backing of ISIS and “rebel forces” in Syria, to overthrow another government that never attacked us or any of our allies. That only resulted in half a million dead and millions more refugees dumped on Europe.
This is good news. We need to get the fuck out of Turkey, and we need to kick them out of NATO.

We were allies with the Ataturks, and Obama let them get wiped out by the current regime. No fucking way should we be obligated to go to war for Turkey if they are attacked. They are now batshit crazy Islamists, like most of the rest of the Middle East. Time to kick them to the curb.

I don't think so.
The Ottoman Empire even before Ataturk was hardly islamist.
The Turks are Asian and not from the Mideast or have any relation to Arabs.
They have no relation to Mohammad, so can't really use Islam to any significant advantage.
The Ottoman Empire did not really exist until 1354, and really never had any significant connection to any religion.
They went with Islam only because that made it easier to have more control and influence over lands that were Islamic.

And no, the government of Turkey did not change since before Obama or after.
Turkey is just not part of the Mideast.

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