Biden Slips Up Again...Cognitive Problems

Anyone sees protectionist poster, full of itself in post after subsequent post, all public!

"Full of dubious posts," has even a more earthy comparative reference!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Then see the Trumped-Up base at prayers, of origins in the Imperial Roman era of Baby Abandonment--Matt 25: 14-30! No Lives Matter, in the religion of that story-teller, just like in the original Brand from Pharaoh's Egypt!)
This forum has plenty of trump haters but practically no one extolling biden

libs know he’s an embarrassment but they just dont care
Joe Biden just cant control what he says to people. That's why Democrats had him locked up in a basement for 3 months. This time it's about China. A country that everybody in America has become averted to, and rightly sees as a villain. Everybody but the Biden family that is.

Looks like Trump just got more ammunition to boost his campaign. With Biden around, who needs a campaign staff ? Just let Jabberin Joe keep on talking.

Biden has no sinister links to China. Just another bunch of crazy conspiracy theories by crazy right wingers.
Not to be overlooked, at the same time Biden, as US Vice-President, was responsible for negotiating with China, a Chinese business dumped hundreds of millions of dollars into Hunter Biden’s—Joe’s son—lap. Yet despite this shocking conflict of interest, not a word was said in protest by Barrack Obama.

Hunter Biden was given the money to invest. It did not go into his pocket as you suggest. There is no conflict of interest.
So maybe all these examples of Biden family enrichment corruption now become BIG-TIME SLIPS compounded upon MORE SLIPS, as President Trump is sure to use all of these examples of terrible conduct to his advantage, in the debates,

We can be sure that Trump will pound on Biden, with every one of these nepotisms, like a sledgehammer. (as well he should)

Go ahead and do it. Trump will lose. Ordinary voters are not crazy as you crazy right wingers are.
It's like Bill Maher said. "Is this the best we have? This guy is a buffoon". Joe Biden just isn't up to this job. He's actually not up to any public job representing Americans. MAGA, live and let live.

Maher also said demoquacks are whistling past the graveyard buying into polls
This is suppose to be the DNC's foreign policy expert. Biden has been wrong on every foreign policy decision he has made for the last 40+ years. From extorting the former Ukraine PM - which he admitted to, to opposing the life-saving travel ban, to his senior moment a week ago when during an interview he said NORTH KOREA IS CLOSER TO GETTING NUCLEAR WEAPONS (they have had them since 2006), and now openly declaring he WANTS TO SEE CHINA GROW (when his son is tied to an infamous Chinese Military technology thief), Joe Biden is a treasonous, self-enriching disaster for the United States!

While Biden's influence peddling, foreign policy nightmare road show continues across the country, Donald Trump continues to make history by negotiating another peace deal in which a 4th Middle Eastern nation accepts Israel's existence and begins normalization of relations with Israel. While Biden demonstrates he can't remember the difference between North Korea and Iran, President Trump has been nominated for a 2nd (SECOND) Nobel Peace Prize...for actually negotiating peace around the world, not for 'POTENTIAL', as was the case with Barry.

The Democrats running dementia-suffering, foreign-policy failure Joe Biden for President against President Trumps looks more and more each day like a parody, like a Saturday Night Live skit.

He did not extort anyone. He relayed the Obama policy on foreign aid to Ukraine. That they had to get rid of a corrupt prosecutor. The countries that are making deals have not been anti-Israel. Anyone can nominate anyone for a Nobel Peace Prize.

Trump is the one who is sick. He is crazy, a liar, a racist and only cares about himself.
Biden has no sinister links to China. Just another bunch of crazy conspiracy theories by crazy right wingers.
Information-deprived liberal victims of liberal OMISSION media. Sad. This is just one among many things you know nothing about.

Joe and Hunter Biden's secret Chinese business dealings exposed in a new documentary. It's a deep dive into the shady dealings Hunter was involved in while his father was VP and steering U.S.-China policy.

That brings us back to 2013 when Joe Biden arrived in Beijing with a full agenda.

Hunter Biden was also on-board. He joined us fall through the next morning for a meeting with the U.S.-China Business Council. And then Joe Biden was off to a meeting with Vice President Lee. Just where Hunter Biden spent the rest of his time on the trip remains largely a mystery.

One of the biggest bombshells involves one of Hunter's partners trying to steal U.S. secrets, and Hunter himself bypassing laws that benefited the Chinese military.

See the documentary >> "Riding the Dragon: Uncovering the Biden's Chinese Secrets," by Peter Schweizer.

This is based on corporate records, financial documents, legal briefings and court papers. This is not conjecture. This is what is substantiated.

PETER SCHWEIZER, AUTHOR: the Bidens made a lot of money, courtesy of the Chinese government. We're not talking about Chinese businesses -- the Chinese government. This happened while Joe Biden was the point person on Obama administration policy towards China.

But this is not just rank and file corruption that we've gotten used to. This is not the Chinese takeout version of typical corruption because in addition to the Biden's making money, what happened is, Hunter Biden entered into a business partnership.

He was on the Board of Directors of a Chinese investment firm called BHR that was funded by the Chinese government, and what did they do? They started acquiring companies that were beneficial to the Chinese military.

They were an anchor investor in something called China General Nuclear, which ended up being charged by our F.B.I. for stealing nuclear secrets in the United States. They ended up buying part of an American dual-use technology company, meaning it produces technology that has civilian and military application. They ended up buying that for the benefit of the Chinese military.

So this is not a corruption case of let's say victimless crime where it's just some politician's kid getting rich. This has very real national security implications, and the Bidens were prepared and willing to make money, even if it damaged our military posture vis-a-vis the Chinese who are our chief rivals on the global stage.

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Go ahead and do it. Trump will lose. Ordinary voters are not crazy as you crazy right wingers are.
Ordinary voters don't approve of a vice-president using the power of his office to get sweet deals for his family members. There's a word for it. It's called CORRUPTION.

Yes, Trump will do it, all right. No doubt. I'll be watching. It's about time somebody got to call Biden on it, in front of a national audience. Can't wait.
He did not extort anyone. He relayed the Obama policy on foreign aid to Ukraine. That they had to get rid of a corrupt prosecutor. The countries that are making deals have not been anti-Israel. Anyone can nominate anyone for a Nobel Peace Prize.

Trump is the one who is sick. He is crazy, a liar, a racist and only cares about himself.
Show one political lie that Trump has ever told.

Show one what that Trump has ever been "racist".

If what Biden said about aid to Ukraine and the prosecutor he didn't like was "Obama policy on foreign aid to Ukraine", then that policy was extortion.
It's like Bill Maher said. "Is this the best we have? This guy is a buffoon". Joe Biden just isn't up to this job. He's actually not up to any public job representing Americans. MAGA, live and let live.
You say that about Biden and I agree, but to say MAGA in reference to Trump movement lol.....wake up, trump is the dumbest of the lot.
Also not to be overlooked, were numerous international deals, all in conflict of interest, that got made benefitting members of Joe Biden's family.

Examples of beneficiaries of Joey's corruption are >>

James Biden, Frank Biden, Howard Krein (Joe's son-in law), Hunter Biden, and Valerie Biden Owens.

Here's How Joe Biden's Family Got Rich While He Was Vice-President
Agreed....trump is worse. Heck trump is doing what other dictators do, hire his family members and promote his businesses.
OP not in English Language! Link Is this:
Biden Slips Up—Reveals Sinister Link To China In Stunning Interview
BY SONS OF 1776 SEPTEMBER 11, 2020

There is nothing more cognitive than supporting Free Trade, and even the Disaster of the Trumped-Up tarriffs. Any cognitive problems are not show, but policy matters are shown--opposed by the organization in the link.

Policy is welcome, since it is cerebral, and not about recent "Morning Business!"

Protectionist Poster allows no English language in his posts, anywhere!
Protectionist Poster allows no English language in his posts, anywhere!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!'
(Then see the Trumped-Up base at prayers, of origins in the Imperial Roman era of Baby Abandonment--Matt 25: 14-30! No Lives Matter, in the religion of that story-teller, just like in the original Brand from Pharaoh's Egypt!)
The problem is there isn't free trade with China. The trade defict is over 300 billion dollars.
Agreed....trump is worse. Heck trump is doing what other dictators do, hire his family members and promote his businesses.
FALSE! To say somebody is worse than Biden, regarding family involvement is ridiculous. Trump has 2 members of his family who are working in his administration, whom he can trust.

Biden, in contrast, went to other countries and used his VP power, to extract favors$$$$$ from them, all benefitting his family members, who got rich in the process. Big difference. Biden's corruption record is enormous.
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The problem is there isn't free trade with China. The trade defict is over 300 billion dollars.
Of course. For decades, China was blocking our exports to them with high tariffs, while 4 previous, irresponsible US presidents gave China unrestricted access to our very large and very valuable MARKET. Why they did such a foolish thing, maybe we'll never know, but we all know that China has flooded our stores (aka the economy) with inferior stuff "Made in China", and Trump is the first president in 30 years to try to put a stop to it.

Trouble is, it's very difficult to stop a practice that has 30 years of momentum, and is already solidified in place. And it's especially hard to stop it when you have China-loving Democrat politicians who support all this outrageous outsourcing, and doing everything they can to impede everything that Trump is doing.

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