Biden starts buying low priced oil for Strategic Reserve - bravo!

Brandon is a moron. He’s paying more for oil now than before he sold off any of it.

Who the fuck applauds such imbecility?
Do the exercise I just laid out. It will clear it up. You are overthinking it.

I want you to take out some coins and follow the transaction with cents.

  1. Take 55 cents out of your pocket and put it on the table.
  2. Now give your friend 55 cents and have your friend give you a cup of vegetable oil.
  3. Then have your friend give you 96 cents and give them the cup of oil.
  4. Then give your friend 76 cents, keep the 20 cents on the table and take the cup of oil back.
  5. You now magically have the same cup of oil and 20 cents. Basically you paid 35 cents for that oil as you put the 20 back in your pocket

You made up exercise does not mean a thing. You are adding in steps that did not happen with the selling of our oil.

1. You pay 55 cent for a cup of oil.
2. Sell you cup of oil for 96 cents. You now have 41 cents.
3. Buy a cup of oil for 76 cents. You now have a cup of oil and are down 35 cents from where you were in step 1. Had you just kept the oil in step 1 you would have been ahead of where you are now.
1. You pay 55 cent for a cup of oil.
Agreed. So you borrowed 55 cents I guess so you are -55 (negative 55)

2. Sell you cup of oil for 96 cents. You now have 41 cents.
You now have 96 cents more. Now you are positive 41 from negative 55

3. Buy a cup of oil for 76 cents. You now have a cup of oil and are down 35 cents from where you were in step 1. Had you just kept the oil in step 1 you would have been ahead of where you are now.
Now you are negative 35 and before you were negative 55. You are 20 cents better off. You owe 20 cents less to whoever you borrowed from. That is where you are messing up.
Now you are negative 35 and before you were negative 55. You are 20 cents better off. You owe 20 cents less to whoever you borrowed from. That is where you are messing up.

Yes, you are 20 cents better off but you do not have a cup of oil any longer. If you take that 20 cents and spend 76 cents for a cup of oil you have lost money compared to had you not sold the oil to start with.
Yes, you are 20 cents better off but you do not have a cup of oil any longer. If you take that 20 cents and spend 76 cents for a cup of oil you have lost money compared to had you not sold the oil to start with.
You have a cup of oil AND you owe 20 cents less for it.
No one was destroying any wildlife reserve. Except for maybe wind turbines.

Six New Papers Reveal A Hushed-Up ‘Green’ Reality: Wind Turbines Destroy Habitats​

Biden doesn't give a shit about Alaska anyway...

Biden May Be About to Sign Off on a Huge Alaska Oil Drilling Project​

Guess Trump was right all along.

The Keystone pipeline is a plus for the environment​

More northslope oil drilling, in the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska located 100 - 150 miles west of the Arctic National Wildlife preserve, containing 896 Million barrels of undiscovered oil and 53 Trillion cubic feet of undiscovered Natural gas? Great!!

You mean, somebody in the Biden administration figured out how we can have our petroleum and and natural gas, but keep the Arctic National Wildlife preserve too? Sounds fantastic! What a coup for the Biden administration, figuring a win/win to have both.

I guess your article proves beyond the shadow of doubt, Biden will not and never was going to kill the petroleum industry in this country, especially coupled with the increases in drilling and production we have already seen and in every stat from the petroleum industry sites. I told you idiots he was not going to end the fossil fuel industry in this country. I tried to tell you idiots on this board that, many times, but some were just too dumb, not to believe everything that comes out of a politician's mouth on the campaign trail. It is as if many of you on the trumper right were just too friggin stupid to realize how much money is made from that industry, and that it was never going to happen or even be attempted.
That's just goofy.
What part do you disagree with? Stats are available, unless you are one of those far right wing (not business oriented) so no longer believe in production numbers from industry.
More northslope oil drilling, in the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska located 100 - 150 miles west of the Arctic National Wildlife preserve, containing 896 Million barrels of undiscovered oil and 53 Trillion cubic feet of undiscovered Natural gas? Great!!

You mean, somebody in the Biden administration figured out how we can have our petroleum and and natural gas, but keep the Arctic National Wildlife preserve too? Sounds fantastic! What a coup for the Biden administration, figuring a win/win to have both.

I guess your article proves beyond the shadow of doubt, Biden will not and never was going to kill the petroleum industry in this country, especially coupled with the increases in drilling and production we have already seen and in every stat from the petroleum industry sites. I told you idiots he was not going to end the fossil fuel industry in this country. I tried to tell you idiots on this board that, many times, but some were just too dumb, not to believe everything that comes out of a politician's mouth on the campaign trail. It is as if many of you on the trumper right were just too friggin stupid to realize how much money is made from that industry, and that it was never going to happen or even be attempted.
No, the Biden administration has been given a pass because of political posturing toward 'climate change' you simpering fool.
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No, the Biden administration has been given a pass because of political posturing toward 'climate change' you simpering fool. There was never any negative environmental impact proven for oil pipelines. It's all 'what if' fake environmental garbage.
Does that mean we got to quit pump, drilling, and go back to paying more for gas again, to make him look bad, or do we get to keep all the gains made in the last two years? Looks like if you want the fossil fuel industry killed, you gonna have to find a way to kill it yourself. About the pipeline, I am sure you are correct, in that there is no environmental danger at all.
Does that mean we got to quit pump, drilling, and go back to paying more for gas again, to make him look bad, or do we get to keep all the gains made in the last two years? Looks like if you want the fossil fuel industry killed, you gonna have to find a way to kill it yourself. About the pipeline, I am sure you are correct, in that there is no environmental danger at all.
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You're crazy. Let's see your 'stats' asshole.
Worldwide? How did he affect prices world wide? Can’t wait for this explanation.
As you know, the price and market is WORLDWIDE. That's also why the release of a few million barrels of oil from the STRATEGIC OIL RESERVE makes such a minuscule difference our gas prices.

IF you're as clever as you want others to believe, you too understand that to be the case. However, that would jepordize your esteemed roll asiii thread TROLL! :D
As you know, the price and market is WORLDWIDE. That's also why the release of a few million barrels of oil from the STRATEGIC OIL RESERVE makes such a minuscule difference our gas prices.

IF you're as clever as you want others to believe, you too understand that to be the case. However, that would jepordize your esteemed roll asiii thread TROLL! :D
We’ll never know the impact of releasing 180M barrels I will grant you that. However we do know the impact of selling at the high and buying back when low.
He is a steward of our Federal lands. The Alaska wildlife preserve had not had time to be destroyed by the petroleum industry and Joe, preserved the largest rainforest in North America, and we are still the largest producer on the planet, last I heard. Cheer up.

What is one of the prime reasons for the United States to purchase Alaska from Russia?
Does that mean we got to quit pump, drilling, and go back to paying more for gas again, to make him look bad, or do we get to keep all the gains made in the last two years? Looks like if you want the fossil fuel industry killed, you gonna have to find a way to kill it yourself. About the pipeline, I am sure you are correct, in that there is no environmental danger at all.
View attachment 739971
Please share with us how many barrels of oil are transported annually through pipelines.
We’ll never know the impact of releasing 180M barrels I will grant you that. However we do know the impact of selling at the high and buying back when low.
Kindly share with us the legislated purpose of the Strategic Petroleum Reserve.

I do realize that you are being facetious and laughing your butt off watching some folks taking you seriously.

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