Biden takes revenge on Red states

Are you saying that withholding the funds the states needed to combat the pandemic, and forcing them into bidding against one another for scare supplies didn't cost lives? Not even for the health care workers who died due to PPE shortages??

The states were provided with all of the "life saving medicines" they needed but they chose not to use them or to encourage their citizens to get them. The people getting sick in these states rejected the $30 ounce of prevention and are all demanding the $6000 cure instead.

Until you make use of the first round of life saving medicines you were sent, you have no right to demand all of the drugs of last resort to cover your own folly.
You enforced the science of transgendered people costing bookoo dollars as being much more important then a nuclear family of a man and woman with children. i type this because it is not a rainbow of just joyous ways of living but is necessary to keep the species going cheaply. You are spoiled ph uks who live off everyone else claiming equality. Your mantra was a a person who was peaceful in a fight or genuine rights to live with others, but after attaining those same things, are now dragons of civilizational destruction. And you are to stupid to realize it.
You abject morons are grinding our healthcare systems into mush with your bullshit. Rationing is the only way to ensure it’s available everywhere.
/——-/ Ahhhhh, finally, a libtard who admits they want healthcare rationing. Just like Obamacare.
Cherry picking

The global consensus is that MASKS WORK
Vaccines are even better
/——-/ More science denying by Dementia Joe.

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 7:09 PM PT – Friday, September 17, 2021​

A Food and Drug Administration (FDA) advisory committee halted the Biden administration’s push to administer booster shots for Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine. On Friday, an advisory panel to the FDA voted not to fully approve the booster shots for the Pfizer vaccine.

… the FDA has the final say as to whether to approve the booster and critics have said the advisory board’s decision shows Biden’s push to add a jab to Americans is out of tune with top health experts.”
/——-/ More science denying by Dementia Joe.

OAN Newsroom​

UPDATED 7:09 PM PT – Friday, September 17, 2021​

A Food and Drug Administration (FDA) advisory committee halted the Biden administration’s push to administer booster shots for Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine. On Friday, an advisory panel to the FDA voted not to fully approve the booster shots for the Pfizer vaccine.

… the FDA has the final say as to whether to approve the booster and critics have said the advisory board’s decision shows Biden’s push to add a jab to Americans is out of tune with top health experts.”
They seem to be saying the first round of vaccines work just fine
Has this been said?

Biden sees a shortage so Biden and the Democrats restrict who can have medical treatment.

Trump, the republican businessman would meet with the executives, other businessman to help manufacture more medicine.

Democrats can not see the solution because they only look within government for the answer.

Republican Trump is a businessman first hence he knows how to solve the problem.
STATEMENT: "Republican Trump is a businessman first hence he knows how to solve the problem."

RESPONSE: Yep, Bankruptcy.
Your OP [Biden takes revenge on Red states] is misleading and thus dishonest. President Biden must take a course to end this pandemic and all of its variants to protect all of We the People. In fact his efforts include making sure the minorities have equal rights, equal opportunities and equal voting rights. Some of you don't believe the rights of citizens can be usurped.
So, in his efforts to insure minorities are protected, he cuts covid treatment supplies to the states with the largest black populations in the country. He exempted illegal aliens from his vaxx mandate. Yeah, that's pure fucking genius right Good luck explaining that during the election.
So, in his efforts to insure minorities are protected, he cuts covid treatment supplies to the states with the largest black populations in the country. He exempted illegal aliens from his vaxx mandate. Yeah, that's pure fucking genius right Good luck explaining that during the election.

Those states have more than enough vaccine doses available
If they choose to let people get sick and then give them a sparsely available treatment instead……Let them wait behind those who are vaccinated
Those states have more than enough vaccine doses available
If they choose to let people get sick and then give them a sparsely available treatment instead……Let them wait behind those who are vaccinated
Why not apply the same standard to blue states?
He's acting like a dictator. Stalin would be proud of he and his cultists.

This will hit blacks especially hard, since the largest black communities are in the South. Good luck getting the black vote after Biden kills a bunch of them.
Poor racist maga fuckup. This hits the unvaccinated bubbas and hurts southern governors who own stock in the companies that make the $3K doses of the anti-bodies. #deathsantis
The numbers were exactly the same. The numbers were corrected months ago.

There was never any evidence that anyone got covid or died as a result of the governor's directive. None whatsoever. But at that point everyone was so frightened that this fact got lost in the fear and paranoia ginned up by FOX News and the right wing outrage machine.

They took dead aim at Cuomo because he was having such success fighting the virus in New York, so they used any story they could to sully his reputation, and Cuomo is sending covid into nursing homes was perfect for the outrage machine.

Just like the rest of Trump's lies - like the birther lie, and Crooked Hillary lie, and they spied on me lie, and the stolen election lie, Cuomo didn't kill anyone.
Cuomo's biggest "success" was his killing of thousands of senior citizens via his personal FAILURE to utilize the EMPTY temporary covid hospitals and the EMPTY Navy ship provided specifically for use in New York. The stupid, arrogant bastard sent them back to nursing homes that were unprepared to deal with covid patients.
So, in his efforts to insure minorities are protected, he cuts covid treatment supplies to the states with the largest black populations in the country. He exempted illegal aliens from his vaxx mandate. Yeah, that's pure fucking genius right Good luck explaining that during the election.
New York and Florida have about the same percentage of black population.
STATEMENT: "Republican Trump is a businessman first hence he knows how to solve the problem."

RESPONSE: Yep, Bankruptcy.
If you had ever owned a business, Rye...then you'd know that bankruptcy is often the best solution to a business that isn't making money. If you have a number of businesses that make money and one that doesn' doesn't mean you've failed when you declare bankruptcy on the one business that isn't turning a profit. It's simply the smart thing to do.

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