Biden Takes Turn For The Worse As Illness Tightens Its Grip


Tungsten/Glass Member
Apr 29, 2017
On The Way Home To Earth
Reports are coming in now from insiders all over at the White House that Joe is sinking fast under the death grip of the murderous Trumpite virus. Priests have been brought in to administer last rights if it becomes necessary while all those in the Biden family circle his political death bed in solemn prayer. It is reported now through leaked reports that Joe has been seen stumbling about, shaking, stuttering, trembling and repeatedly falling over as he loses control of his bowels as the dreaded illness of Trumpism takes hold of his life.

Oh wait--- that is just Joe's normal state! :smoke:

Turns out that the family is circling his bed dreading a now certain decision of which might be the worse:
  1. To bow out now ending his 60 year long political career in a move of certain political death that would be an open admission of defeat to Trump.
  2. Or to stay in the race purely out of ego only to face certain defeat in November while dragging down his entire party with him losing the Congress as well.
The clock ticks away hour by hour as the world awaits whether Joe will go out with a BANG or with a fizzle. 🕰️

Yehbut, mostly everything you claim is a lie, so there's that. :dunno:

"Most" everything? Meantime, I find it curious that while millions supposedly died of the dreaded Covid, that during it all, both Obumma and Pelosi were both seen and photographed having large parties and fundraising events with everyone standing, dancing and sitting close together eating and NO ONE was wearing a mask. They only wear the mask for staged media events. Meantime, Trump had Covid in 2020 right after the 1st debate and now Biden, much older, has it, yet NEITHER one of them, got sick at all.
  • Trump looked and acted quite normal with Covid and they had him in a hospital a few days as a precaution.
  • Biden, in the deadly years of Covid, is just a bit under the weather but doing fine resting at his beachfront home.
What happened to the deadly chinese scourge that made life for me next to impossible and forced the 2020 election into a wild mail-in election to save going to the polls despite a visit to the supermarket which everyone still did, a much riskier event???

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