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Biden tells Kimmel gas prices oil companies' fault:

Joe Biden vowed to "end fossil fuels" and set about doing just that his first day on the job. Captured on video there's no denying it. Stupidly cramming his climate change BS forward with no thought to the damage his policies would do.

Now that every American is experiencing the PAIN and gearing up to bitch slap Biden and Democrats into next week this November, Biden is trying to deflect the blame for his own disastrous policies. Pathetic.

Why is that a bad thing? Clearly, our dependence on petroleum makes it easy for every thug from Putin the Osama to have an effect on our economy. When we aren't enriching our enemies, we are slowly destroying the environment.

Frankly, if you are experiencing "pain" because you bought a gas-guzzling SUV, that's kind of on you, isn't it?
Why is that a bad thing? Clearly, our dependence on petroleum makes it easy for every thug from Putin the Osama to have an effect on our economy. When we aren't enriching our enemies, we are slowly destroying the environment.

Frankly, if you are experiencing "pain" because you bought a gas-guzzling SUV, that's kind of on you, isn't it?
Says the Dems who started a thread on why the poor and working class can't get ahead, wow just wow. It's a giant Dem climate change TAX on those who can least afford it.
Frankly, if you are experiencing "pain" because you bought a gas-guzzling SUV, that's kind of on you, isn't it?
I'm sure that's a comfort to the little guys who must drive a truck, van or SUV for their small business or to ferry their families around. ^^^ this prissy stuck up attitude is why people hate the left, FU leftists.
Except the left didn't make it happen, the oil companies did by manipulating the market.

You keep bending over and spreading them for big oil and blame the Democrats... it would be amusing if it weren't so sad.

Do you know what will change the behavior of the oil companies? If we all converted to electric and fuel efficient cars. That would do it.

Better start ramping up the infrastructure to enable us all to use electric vehicles. Instead of long lines at gas stations, you're going to see long lines at charging stations, as well as a huge problems with the power grids across this country.

As for the current pump prices, as long as your side of the aisle continues this war on fossil fuels, we are going to see high prices, as oil companies seek to maximize their profits in the time they have left to operate.
What a crazy notion… hold the companies responsible for the production and distribution of a product accountable for that product!!!!! What a wild idea

Naw let’s just be brain dead partisan drones and blame the president! ;-)

IT's printing TRILLION OF DOLLARS that caused Bidenflation
Rising prices are going to crush the Democrats come election day and politicians never do something they know is going to drive them out of power.

It's been pointed out here that oil production is up so I'm curious exactly how it is they are doing this. (they have supported the actions (as have the Republicans) that have led to this but that is a different argument).
Oil production is up? According to who?
When the left tells you 7 years ago THEY WANT HIGH GAS PRICES.

And then they make it happen….YOU CULT FUCKS BLAME TRUMP AND PUTIN?


Look at how the cult ignores this.

Its like if they ignore it, then it doesnt exist.

To think that Biden is the sole cause of oil prices doubling is comical. It shows just how clueless Americans really are.
You are damn right. Biden is not the sole cause, but he is the MAJOR FACTOR. He is the MJ of the Chicago bulls championships, Tom of the patriots' super bowls and the buzzing devices of the Houston Astros' World Series title. He fxxks up the relationship between the US and Saudi, plans to kill off the US oil and gas, and dilutes the US dollar value. Then, he is as weak as 90 years old Hugh Hefner's dxxk.
You are damn right. Biden is not the sole cause, but he is the MAJOR FACTOR. He is the MJ of the Chicago bulls championships, Tom of the patriots' super bowls and the buzzing devices of the Houston Astros' World Series title. He fxxks up the relationship between the US and Saudi, plans to kill off the US oil and gas, and dilutes the US dollar value. Then, he is as weak as 90 years old Hugh Hefner's dxxk.
Interesting so you think this is mostly caused by Biden. Do you think other major countries in this world are doing just fine or experiencing similar issues?
Printing money was absolutely part of the cause for inflation… it was also done by Trump. Perhaps Trumbidenflation is the appropriate term?
That is the right way and there is the wrong way. As my prof said we need inflation but it should be around 1~3% and no more than 4%.
Actually, I did live through the oil shocks of 1974 and 1979. Gas lines, people having to put locks on their gas caps so people wouldn't siphon it out... shit like that.

And do you know when the Gas companies started cleaning up their act? When we started talking about alternative energy, nationalizing the oil companies and imposing windfall taxes.
No that wasn't the cause of gas prices lowering!
Geez...Where is your proof because here is MINE!
The gas crisis of the 1970s was prompted by two events, a war between Israel and surrounding Arab countries and the Iranian Revolution, both of which resulted in serious cuts in the supplies of oil from the Middle East. During the Arab-Israeli War, the Saudis tightened the oil spigot to particularly protest the United States’ supply of military equipment to Israel. Likewise, American support for the overthrown Shah of Iran led to retaliation by the new Iranian government in the form of reduced oil sales.

The 1970s was also a time when U.S. oil production was declining.
So the combination of reduced oil imports from the Middle East and lower domestic oil production meant the available supplies of gasoline – which, of course, is derived from oil – fell substantially in the country. In short, there just wasn’t gasoline to fuel the amount of driving people wanted to do.

NOW guess what the solution was???
Less rules and regulations!!!
Ultimately the second policy response won out. Price controls on oil and other energy sources were lifted and the regional allocations dismantled.
Fortunately this policy shift corresponded to the end of the oil embargoes from the Middle East, so supplies of oil also increased. Gas prices at the pump – adjusted for inflation – fell by 60 percent from 1980 to 2000.

Now for you economically ignorant people.... SUPPLY is created by DEMAND!!!

U.S. drillers knew they could make good profits if they could only find more oil.
(Just a side notes: Here is Biden's response to finding more oil:
Hmmm... let's see... if I were an oil company worker and I heard/seen this:
we should put them in jail” when talking about fossil fuel executives.
And then he tells them I want you to look into my eyes, I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels

And then Biden raises the prices of exploring for oil on Federal lands by 50% something that was done in 1920s.
The royalty rate for new leases will increase to 18.75% from 12.5%.
That's a 50% jump and marks the first increase to royalties for the federal government since they were imposed in the 1920s.
Please explain how someone who is "OBSESSED" with lowering gas prices...
RAISES prices on royalty rates on federal lands,
threatens oil workers with jail and
guarantees to put them out of work?
These are the FACTS not guesses.
They hit the jackpot when new access techniques, like horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing, allowed them to reach new pools of oil.

In 2015, U.S. oil production was just a few barrels short of establishing an all-time new output record. The increased supply caused gas prices to tumble to – at their low – under $2 a gallon.
Interesting so you think this is mostly caused by Biden. Do you think other major countries in this world are doing just fine or experiencing similar issues?
What are the other major countries (FR, GR ....) doing in common? THEY ARE KILLING OFF THEIR OWN OIL AND GAS. Do you know EU is willing to buy Russian oil with RUB?
Unless you are living off-grid, high gas prices will make you feel the pain of high oil prices. WHO IS CTL THE OIL PRICES? Fxxking OPEC. Do you think OPEC is a friend of western countries? The only one who is at the US corner is Saudi. Then, Biden wants to bring their prince in for justice.
In the end, you can believe whatever you want to believe. :rolleyes:
Interesting so you think this is mostly caused by Biden. Do you think other major countries in this world are doing just fine or experiencing similar issues?

Now for you economically ignorant people.... SUPPLY is created by DEMAND!!!

U.S. drillers knew they could make good profits if they could only find more oil.
(Just a side notes: Here is Biden's response to finding more oil:
Hmmm... let's see... if I were an oil company worker and I heard/seen this:
we should put them in jail” when talking about fossil fuel executives.
FACTS regarding Biden's war against fossil fuels!
And then he tells them
I want you to look into my eyes, I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels

And then Biden raises the prices of exploring for oil on Federal lands by 50% something that was done in
Please explain how someone who is "OBSESSED" with lowering gas prices...
*** RAISES prices on royalty rates on federal lands,
*** threatens oil workers with jail and
*** guarantees to put them out of work?
These are the FACTS not guesses.
Actually, I did live through the oil shocks of 1974 and 1979. Gas lines, people having to put locks on their gas caps so people wouldn't siphon it out... shit like that.

And do you know when the Gas companies started cleaning up their act? When we started talking about alternative energy, nationalizing the oil companies and imposing windfall taxes.
No la~~~ those years were before Ronald Reagan moved into WH. Ronald Reagan made friends with Saudi (it is a long story) to solve the USSR and Oil prices. Now, Biden undo what Ronald did, and US is back to the '70s :thewave:
When the left tells you 7 years ago THEY WANT HIGH GAS PRICES.

And then they make it happen….YOU CULT FUCKS BLAME TRUMP AND PUTIN?


Agree with you 100%
Remember when Obama said he favored gas prices to go up???
But that’s not what Obama said. Rather, when asked in 2008 about then-$4 per gallon gasoline prices, and whether that could be a good thing to encourage people toward alternative energy, Obama responded that he “would have preferred a gradual adjustment” because “the fact that this is such a shock to American pocketbooks is not a good thing.
So explain how "preferring gradual adjustment " is not favoring gas prices increasing???
Now the MSM always forgiving Obama excused Obama's selection of the following:
To the best of our knowledge, the president never said he wanted the cost of gasoline to rise. However, he did select Steven Chu to lead the Energy Department, and Chu clearly supported the idea of purposely raising prices — at least before he went to work for the federal government.
What are the other major countries (FR, GR ....) doing in common? THEY ARE KILLING OFF THEIR OWN OIL AND GAS. Do you know EU is willing to buy Russian oil with RUB?
Unless you are living off-grid, high gas prices will make you feel the pain of high oil prices. WHO IS CTL THE OIL PRICES? Fxxking OPEC. Do you think OPEC is a friend of western countries? The only one who is at the US corner is Saudi. Then, Biden wants to bring their prince in for justice.
In the end, you can believe whatever you want to believe. :rolleyes:
Was that a round about way of answering my question? Were you saying all the other major countries in the world are experiencing these inflation and supply issues post pandemic?

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