Biden threatens to run over reporter...the MSM "yawn" ... "Oh that's Joe" Negative Biden news:19% of the coverage of Biden’s first 60 days


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
BUT if that had been Trump... OH MY what righteous indignation! What chest beating! How disgusting!!!

Biden threatens to run over reporter… Media laughs hysterically…​

A new study shows President Joe Biden has received less negative coverage from U.S. media than any president in the last 30 years.
The study found that about 19% of the coverage of Biden’s first 60 days days has been negative over the first 60 days of his administration, which ranked best among presidents of the last three decades.
  • Former Presidents Bill Clinton (28%),
  • George W. Bush (28%),
  • Barack Obama (20%), and
  • Donald Trump (62%) all saw more negative coverage than Biden
Any doubt as to the veracity of the following... 90% of donations by the same people that are NOT writing any negative news and are laughing WITH Biden!
Any doubt why intelligent people doubt the MSM?

Now folks I want some retort! Some substantiated retort to the above FACTS which I've provided LINKS!!
If you can't offer nothing except your own personal opinion... don't because I won't believe you nor will most intelligent people!
The biased MSM can not be believed as this study shows!

Fewer Americans Than Ever Before Trust The Mainstream Media​

Fifty-six percent of Americans, for example, said they agreed with the following statement:
"Journalists and reporters are purposely trying to mislead people by saying things they know are false or gross exaggerations."

FACTS folks!!!
Now folks I want some retort! Some substantiated retort to the above FACTS which I've provided LINKS!!
If you can't offer nothing except your own personal opinion... don't because I won't believe you nor will most intelligent people!
The biased MSM can not be believed as this study shows!

Fewer Americans Than Ever Before Trust The Mainstream Media​

Fifty-six percent of Americans, for example, said they agreed with the following statement:
"Journalists and reporters are purposely trying to mislead people by saying things they know are false or gross exaggerations."

FACTS folks!!!
Fact is worthless LYING scum like you ALWAYS leave something out, like Biden saying he was "only teasing."
Now its okay for a president to joke about killing someone, because DEM that's why. One set of rules for a Republican president and a completely different set of rules for a Dem president, got it. :eusa_hand:
Now its okay for a president to joke about killing someone, because DEM that's why. One set of rules for a Republican president and a completely different set of rules for a Dem president, got it. :eusa_hand:

It’s not one set of rules for Republicans and one side and a different set of rules for Democrats.

One party’s president came out and attacked the press and lied to the people every single day he was in office.

The other party’s president comes out and tells the people the truth, and enacts programs which actually help the working people and not just the billionaires.

Of course the truthful president who helps people is getting better press coverage than the lying asshole who who destroyed the country.

That’s not rocket science.
Well as I’ve heard the press is the enemy of the people so what’s your problem?
Now its okay for a president to joke about killing someone, because DEM that's why. One set of rules for a Republican president and a completely different set of rules for a Dem president, got it. :eusa_hand:

It’s not one set of rules for Republicans and one side and a different set of rules for Democrats.

One party’s president came out and attacked the press and lied to the people every single day he was in office.

The other party’s president comes out and tells the people the truth, and enacts programs which actually help the working people and not just the billionaires.

Of course the truthful president who helps people is getting better press coverage than the lying asshole who who destroyed the country.

That’s not rocket science.
1. Yes there is a double-standard when the MSM was 95% negative on Trump and only 19% negative on Xiden
2. Trump only attacked "fake news", not the press, and he held regular press conferences taking ALL questions competently, unlike senile Joe who only reads the teleprompter
3. Xiden's policies are a disaster, just watch what happens to inflation if/when the printed money hits the streets
4. What "truthful president"? You're just an uninformed partisan hack
Now its okay for a president to joke about killing someone, because DEM that's why. One set of rules for a Republican president and a completely different set of rules for a Dem president, got it. :eusa_hand:

It’s not one set of rules for Republicans and one side and a different set of rules for Democrats.

One party’s president came out and attacked the press and lied to the people every single day he was in office.

The other party’s president comes out and tells the people the truth, and enacts programs which actually help the working people and not just the billionaires.

Of course the truthful president who helps people is getting better press coverage than the lying asshole who who destroyed the country.

That’s not rocket science.
All you said was YOUR personal, subjective opinion. NO FACTS. NO LINKS consequently I DON"T believe a word you wrote.
NOW for FACTS which YOU evidently ignore and definitely can't refute!
Please explain the "NON-bias" position of the MSM in light they gave 96% to Hillary she lost, they spent the next 4 years
leaving out positive values of Trump activities and blowing out of proportion the few negatives...all because of MONEY!
Prove differently with YOUR facts.
Finally here is an expert's opinion, someone I would believe has more knowledge than me and for sure MORE than you!
I’ve been studying the news media and elections for more than 35 years. Trust me — there’s never been anything like it,” said Rich Noyes, research director for the conservative press watchdog.
Check my facts which I'm sure YOU won't because a) you are too lazy, b) people like you ignore the truth c) and basically you are just plain dumb... which I have sympathy for you.

A person can get away with saying a lot of stuff if they're not regarded as delusional, thus allowing others not to question whether to take them literally.
A person can get away with saying a lot of stuff if they're not regarded as delusional, thus allowing others not to question whether to take them literally.
Simple way of proving a "person's stuff" is simply provide a link. I don't believe ANY personal comments.
Fact is worthless LYING scum like you ALWAYS leave something out, like Biden saying he was "only teasing."
Like the imbeciles on the left did with Trump's "very fine people on both sides" thing?

"You’re changing history. You’re changing culture. And you had people — and I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists — because they should be condemned totally. But you had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and white nationalists."
Now folks I want some retort! Some substantiated retort to the above FACTS which I've provided LINKS!!
If you can't offer nothing except your own personal opinion... don't because I won't believe you nor will most intelligent people!
The biased MSM can not be believed as this study shows!

Fewer Americans Than Ever Before Trust The Mainstream Media​

Fifty-six percent of Americans, for example, said they agreed with the following statement:
"Journalists and reporters are purposely trying to mislead people by saying things they know are false or gross exaggerations."

FACTS folks!!!
Fact is worthless LYING scum like you ALWAYS leave something out, like Biden saying he was "only teasing."

Go kill yourself, asshole!

I was only teasing...
Fact is worthless LYING scum like you ALWAYS leave something out, like Biden saying he was "only teasing."
Like the imbeciles on the left did with Trump's "very fine people on both sides" thing?

"You’re changing history. You’re changing culture. And you had people — and I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists — because they should be condemned totally. But you had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and white nationalists."
Your point regarding "Like the imbeciles on the left did with Trump's "very fine people on both sides" thing?"
as presented in a bias fashion is further exemplified by this:
I just did a search on Google for "Trump anti-immigrant"...results: 46,900 results... Today!
But "Trump anti-illegal immigrants" results 3.
Now the point is that
1) Trump is married to a legal immigrant.
2) Trump's grandmother was a legal immigrant.
3) Millions of people like me are either relatives of "legal" immigrants or ARE "legal" immigrants and we are definitely
NOT anti-immigrant!
But the MSM total anti-Trump position as the above points out repeated "Trump anti-immigrant"!
Greatest misuse of the MSM by their informing the general public Trump and millions like me with relatives that
ARE legal immigrants are anti-immigrant. Really angers us because once again the MSM FAKES the news!
Fact is worthless LYING scum like you ALWAYS leave something out, like Biden saying he was "only teasing."
Like the imbeciles on the left did with Trump's "very fine people on both sides" thing?

"You’re changing history. You’re changing culture. And you had people — and I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists — because they should be condemned totally. But you had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and white nationalists."
Your point regarding "Like the imbeciles on the left did with Trump's "very fine people on both sides" thing?"
as presented in a bias fashion is further exemplified by this:
I just did a search on Google for "Trump anti-immigrant"...results: 46,900 results... Today!
But "Trump anti-illegal immigrants" results 3.
Now the point is that
1) Trump is married to a legal immigrant.
2) Trump's grandmother was a legal immigrant.
3) Millions of people like me are either relatives of "legal" immigrants or ARE "legal" immigrants and we are definitely
NOT anti-immigrant!
But the MSM total anti-Trump position as the above points out repeated "Trump anti-immigrant"!
Greatest misuse of the MSM by their informing the general public Trump and millions like me with relatives that
ARE legal immigrants are anti-immigrant. Really angers us because once again the MSM FAKES the news!

3,300 people can't be wrong.
Fact is worthless LYING scum like you ALWAYS leave something out, like Biden saying he was "only teasing."
Like the imbeciles on the left did with Trump's "very fine people on both sides" thing?

"You’re changing history. You’re changing culture. And you had people — and I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists — because they should be condemned totally. But you had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and white nationalists."
Your point regarding "Like the imbeciles on the left did with Trump's "very fine people on both sides" thing?"
as presented in a bias fashion is further exemplified by this:
I just did a search on Google for "Trump anti-immigrant"...results: 46,900 results... Today!
But "Trump anti-illegal immigrants" results 3.
Now the point is that
1) Trump is married to a legal immigrant.
2) Trump's grandmother was a legal immigrant.
3) Millions of people like me are either relatives of "legal" immigrants or ARE "legal" immigrants and we are definitely
NOT anti-immigrant!
But the MSM total anti-Trump position as the above points out repeated "Trump anti-immigrant"!
Greatest misuse of the MSM by their informing the general public Trump and millions like me with relatives that
ARE legal immigrants are anti-immigrant. Really angers us because once again the MSM FAKES the news!
View attachment 495708
3,300 people can't be wrong.
Again... context at play and you fell for it!
There are NOT 3,330 results on HEALTHMYTHS IS A DUMBFUCK!
Here is what YOU should have shown instead of just partial information!

Screen Shot 2021-05-31 at 12.59.55 PM.png
Screen Shot 2021-05-31 at 1.02.05 PM.png
Now its okay for a president to joke about killing someone, because DEM that's why. One set of rules for a Republican president and a completely different set of rules for a Dem president, got it. :eusa_hand:

It’s not one set of rules for Republicans and one side and a different set of rules for Democrats.

One party’s president came out and attacked the press and lied to the people every single day he was in office.

The other party’s president comes out and tells the people the truth, and enacts programs which actually help the working people and not just the billionaires.

Of course the truthful president who helps people is getting better press coverage than the lying asshole who who destroyed the country.

That’s not rocket science.
1. Yes there is a double-standard when the MSM was 95% negative on Trump and only 19% negative on Xiden
2. Trump only attacked "fake news", not the press, and he held regular press conferences taking ALL questions competently, unlike senile Joe who only reads the teleprompter
3. Xiden's policies are a disaster, just watch what happens to inflation if/when the printed money hits the streets
4. What "truthful president"? You're just an uninformed partisan hack

Trump attacked reporters who questioned him:

these violent traits are very wonder the world is in chaos...folks are just so uncertain if he’s gonna blow up a nation

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